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12 of the most meaty-assed, & meaty-legged girls, stand in a line side by side in the tightest, briefest shorts that would 'fit' them, but which must go at least half way up their backsides.
All are then instructed to bend over & touch their toes and hold that position.

Your job is to go along and smack each one on the backside, get a grip on her meatiest cheek, hold it tight, pull her towards you, and kiss the other cheek while you've got a strong grip on the whole situation.
Your next job, then, is to score a "hole-in-one" with her while you have her.
Your aim, here, is to insert a new golf ball inside her vagina by arousing this girl's fire sufficiently to do so - working her clitoris and vaginal juices.
You do this with each girl.

The Winner is she whom you pick, either:
A. As your sexiest find; OR
B. The girl timed as the fastest to receive your hole-in-one!

Don't worry; each girl is given a set of forcips in case she has trouble expelling the golf ball.

2006-07-24 02:13:32 · 3 answers · asked by dr c 4 in Sports Fantasy Sports

3 answers


2006-07-24 02:45:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

You need to reconize how to treat a woman. We don't like to be disrespected. Get a ******* life.

2006-07-24 06:54:55 · answer #2 · answered by Midnight Moolight 2 · 0 0

If Edna finds you, she is going to report you.

2006-07-24 02:18:15 · answer #3 · answered by sportsfan89b 5 · 1 0

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