Neither. Ya spread'em, ya deal with whatcha got.
2006-07-24 01:34:20
answer #1
answered by deviousbeautifulangel 3
I believe everyone should have a say that is involved. The mother, the father, the doctor. There are several medical reasons why a woman or couple should be able to have an abortion, but following the abortion she should have her tubes tied or anything else to prevent future pregnancies. There are several ethical reasons a woman or couple should be able to have an abortion. Rape, incest, and also, their ability to give the child a good life. I am neither pro-life or pro-choice. I am pro-the pursuit of happiness. Some abortions should happen simply because the mother is not fit to carry the child full term, such as bad habits that will affect the child physically. Also, a child should not be saved just so it can spend it's life never knowing a home and floating through our adoption and foster systems. I would rather a child be killed before it has any sense than to have those senses brutally damaged and never know happiness.
I also agree that the root of abortion debate should be targeted to sex and sexed, but, I don't believe that educating our children more will prevent them from engaging in sexual activites. It is natural for them to pursue their instincts, which are reproduction. Remembering my sex ed classes, I can't recall the teacher's really explaining the reproduction process in enough depth to have it sink into our minds. Also, they didn't explain more options of birth control other than pills and condoms. With so many other options available, I do believe that children should be better educated.
2006-07-24 03:52:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Personally...I think it should be illegal...however, that is not likely...even pre Roe v. Wade it was legal in all 50 states (usually only if the mother's life was at stake....but some states had more lax standards)
So since abortion is going to be legal whether we like it or not-the discussion cannot be about whether it can can and will...
So your question is...who should have the only say? It shouldn't be just one person's decision. Just like any other 'medical' procedure-abortion needs to be regulated, restricted, humane and safe...many practices right now are not. So right there, the government has a say because it's a medical prodecure.
People on either side of the issue recognize that life begins at conception (for the most part)...but that's not the issue...the issue is when is that human life afforded equal protection under the law? And right now, the law says that it has no rights until it is born...hence the justification for late-term/partial birth abortions.
But this 'medical' procedure is not a nose job or boob job or something like that...we are talking about another living person being ripped from the mother's womb in a horrid manner. And this is a life that someone ELSE helped make. Does he not have a right to say if his child is born or not? Perhaps not the final say...but he needs to be held accountable for his actions as shouldn't solely rest on the young woman.
You know what I find really ironic about some of the responses you recieved's the people who accused YOU of not really caring to hear other people's views are that are the ones who refuse to think outside the box. They are just going to repeat the same liberal dogma that has been chanted to them time and time again and not even consider some of the repercussions of abortion on our society.
And then of course, there is, btr_lil_grrl, hasn't got a clue what she's talking about....quote "Are you content in paying for all of these unwanted children in the long run (welfare, social services, criminal justice)" Uhhh....making abortion on demand legal has not made the drain on social services and taxes any better...things have only been getting worse since the 70's! That is such a childish argument. Of course, there is no direct correlation between the rise of abortion on demand and poverty, violence and the like....but the social ills that abortion advocates claimed would be better have gotten worse. It's just a political gimmick that the sheeple have bought into.
2006-07-24 05:34:36
answer #3
answered by redfernkitty 3
Ok then, let's say we outlaw abortion then. So women won't then take matters into their own hands? Throwing themselves down stairs, using a coathanger, seeing some unlicensed back-alley "doctor", giving birth to a child they don't have the means or desire to raise? Oh wait, all of this DOES happen when there is no choice in the matter!! The concept of life beginning is a subjective topic to begin with. You, however, have already made up your mind on the issue and don't really CARE to hear other people's opinions.
Have you ever once had to deal with an unplanned pregnancy? With a woman who isn't insured, who works all the time and can bearly support herself? Or dealt with a drunk or drug addict who couldn't fathom the damage she has already done to the cells fastly multiplying in her womb? Are you content in paying for all of these unwanted children in the long run (welfare, social services, criminal justice), or do you complain about your taxes as they are?!
Can you get off your high horse just long enough to see that abortion is not really anyone's first choice, but that population control has long been a part of humanity.
2006-07-24 02:01:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's a true dilema, but no one ever points to the obvious cause of this debate, which has nothing to do with abortion or the right to choice. It's all about the repurcussions of sex. On too many occasions, abortion becomes the "cure" for a bad decision, usually an uninformed decision as well. Rather than deal ONLY with the abortion issue, we should be looking at the sex education issue as well, since the majority of younger girls getting abortions these days are 1) teenaged girls getting pregnant when they should be studying for exams. 2) not-so teenaged women getting pregnant, usually by accident...and the list goes on, but in too many of these cases, simple awareness of WHAT sex is, and WHAT methods of contraception exist would get rid of at least some the epidemic of abortions that *seem* to plague this country.
And back in the old days of abortions, plenty of women bled to death following the coat hanger methods, and even if they didn't die, their reproductive organs were left so incredibly mangled that they were rendered incapable of bearing future generations of children.
Reasonable people are the only ones who should have some say, and of those reasonable people, women should, unanimously.
2006-07-24 01:54:46
answer #5
answered by chipchinka 3
Suffer ??? What suffering is going on ? Women get pregant and have kids everyday. Granted, it's not the most pleasing of situations, but it's hardly the suffering it's made out to be.
Second, the decision should not be totally up to the woman. But unfortunately that's the way it is. If she doesn't want the kid, a man can't force her. If she wants to have a child, the man's life is affected also. Some women are aware of this and don't even bother telling the guy that their pregnant.
Whatever the case, killin' babies is wrong, but bringing a kid into a bad situation is wrong also. Adoption is a great alternative, so just deal w/ the "suffering" for 9 months get them to a good home.
2006-07-24 01:51:32
answer #6
answered by Ain't Not Cool 3
Ah the diliema. . .
Abortion is wrong anyways. Lots of people are pro-choice, and lots are pro-life.
I however, take each situation seperately.
What if the woman was raped?
What if this child was produced by product of incest?
What if giving birth endangers the mothers life?
All of these are perfect situations to abort, but:
What if it was an accident?
What if the mother is a teenager?
Do they have the right to end the life of another person because of a stupid mistake they made? Some say yes, I say no.
I think the only time ANYONE should have to make this decision is when there is an unusual circumstance involving it, whether it be the man, woman or doctor.
2006-07-24 01:36:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Let me get this straight.....a woman does not suffer if she has an abortion? No matter what is decided, a woman goes through a lot if she considers abortion. There are very few women who would make such a decision lightly. A woman should be the one to have the vote. I'm sure there'll be others who disagree. But abortion is always a polarizing issue.
2006-07-24 01:35:39
answer #8
answered by clarity 7
I believe that abortion is wrong, because it is taking a human life. So my opinion is that nobody should have the right to make the decision to abort a child.
However our society has convinced and manipulated many into believing abortion is a socially acceptable option, because it is easy to debate what stage of pregnancy is the beginning of human life.
Even though I believe abortion is morally wrong, there are still confused, desperate, lost, and abandoned women out there that feel that termination is the best option.
So in order to serve the needs of women who choose to terminate their pregnancies, facilities should still be legal, accessible, safe and clean to prevent "back alley" abortions which would pose a greater health problem.
Unfortunately, the people affected by the consequences of abortion, must live with the guilt, and shame of their actions.
2006-07-24 02:00:26
answer #9
answered by anosey1 4
What most women don't understand is that to have an abortion is such a violent attack on their own bodies that it produces everlasting damage to their physical bodies -- forget the emotional aspect of it. It is absolutely amazing to me that it is still legal because it is a legitimate danger to women's health.
The big argument that abortions are "safe" because they are legal is ridiculous. I mean, any surgical procedure carries with it certain risks; having your tooth pulled can produce a heart attack (think Wilt Chamberlain), what do you think sticking something inside your body, forcing it open and then sucking half of your insides out is going to do?! There are women who will die from this "safe" procedure TODAY.
Doctors have to force your cervix open, which damages it and greatly reduces your chances of pregancy in the future. Two out of every ten women will never be able to get pregnant again.
Scar tissue forms in the uterus which greatly impedes a woman's ability to carry a pregnancy to full term - a much greater chance of Tubal pregnancies and miscarriages. My own sister in law had an abortion when she was 19. When she married my brother and tried to have children, she had 7 miscarriages before her daughter was born, and two more afterwards.
Then she learned that babies are fully formed at eight weeks, with all their fingers and toes, heartbeat, brain waves, etc., and that all of their internal organs are fully functional at 11 weeks, and all they have to do now is grow. She nearly had a nervous breakdown. It's been 15 years and she cries and cries and cries.
So totally not worth it. I'm glad I met my sister in law before I had to make that decision. Now it's an easy decision to make: NEVER.
2006-07-24 02:09:15
answer #10
answered by Rebecca 7
Tough call. I just hate it that a women can get an abortion and I have to live with that, but on the flip side, if I want an abortion and she doesn;t than I am stuck with 18 years of payments.
In the end, I agree that the women should
2006-07-24 01:36:45
answer #11
answered by billyandgaby 7