Planet positions Jul.Day 2444133.771415 TDT, pT 50.3 sec
Planet Longitude house Speed Latitude Declination
A Sun f 23°46’41" 58’32" 0° 0’ 0" S 2°28’15" N
B Moon e 8°58’12" 11°51’46" 2°36’34" S 15°29’46" N
C Mercury f 27°16’32" 1°48’18" 1°20’ 2" N 2°18’27" N
D Venus f 29°57’21" 1°14’37" 1°19’27" N 1°13’56" N
E Mars d 25°23’26" 36’40" 0°50’48" N 21°53’36" N
F Jupiter e 27°32’35" 12’25" 0°45’28" N 13° 2’16" N
G Saturn f 18° 5’33" 7’30" 1°49’ 5" N 6°22’52" N
O Uranus h 18° 5’17" 2’32" 0°17’51" N 16°55’58" S
I Neptune i 17°48’32" 34" 1°23’24" N 21°29’47" S
J Pluto g 18° 8’10" 2’12" 16°38’25" N 8°17’ 6" N
K Mean Node f 7°29’43" - 3’10" 0° 0’ 0" N 8°45’28" N
L True Node f 8°28’33"D 1’20" 0° 0’ 0
Please click here to see detailed table.;btyp=w2gw;cid=npjfile0sigwd-u1153708379&nhor=1
Thanks you very much
6 answers
asked by
Jai J
Entertainment & Music
➔ Horoscopes
So I am going to die soon? Did it say any time frame? Please help
05:18:25 ·
update #1