Try a little corrective training. Talking to them may not be enough. You might need to be a little tougher with the training that you give them. Don't abuse them. If you are too frustrated, step back, count to ten, or do something that will give you perspective before you correct them. I could state the obvious about this situation and say use birth control but you can't undo this situation. Abortion should never be an option. There are thousands of people that would love to have a baby given to them.
2006-07-23 13:16:04
answer #1
answered by Revelator 2
I have a 5 year old, 3 yearold and one year old and now pregnant with the 4th and due and day now. it is not as terrible as you might think. It is stressful and yes hard to deal with but wow aren;t we lucky to be able to concieve. I tried all the birthc ontrols avaliable. I had surgery after the second one and they told me i couldn;t have anymore and that birth control wouldn;t do much good since the illness messed up my ovaries. Well I am proof that we can still concieve. Sooo count your blessings and thing of all that baby love you willb e getting...
2006-07-23 20:11:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You should talk to your kids about the new baby and make them aware of the new upcoming changes. Also give them responsibilities for the new baby so they don't feel jealous or left out. You should seriously consider a birth control method which works for you. All the best to you.
2006-07-23 20:17:37
answer #3
answered by zahra 2
Consider adoption as the greatest gift you might be able to give your child. As you are already thinking about it as a child you KNOW you don't want to kill him/her.
Next and most important whatever you do is to get some help for you. You are having self-defeating behaviors and getting buried by your life. You need lots of help! Ask your family doctor, Priest or Pastor that you know for a program or counselor for you, right away!
2006-07-23 20:14:39
answer #4
answered by Makemeaspark 7
If you really don't want this baby it might be best for you consider letting him/her get adopted. Some people might even pay your medical expenses to get a newborn. Next time use birth control.
2006-07-23 20:09:57
answer #5
answered by TheHumbleOne 7
Have you no concept of contraception?
I'm sorry if you find this offensive, but what is it that you are asking? You should seriously think of your other two kids and think about giving this baby up for adoption.
Good Luck. Peace.
2006-07-23 20:21:35
answer #6
answered by angieasee64 6
I would consider puttting them all in a closet while you go and sign up for a community college course in birth control.
2006-07-23 20:08:12
answer #7
answered by werk2much2000 4
there are several free and inexpensive on line classes and even free magazines on parenting and pregnancy, alot of free classes listed that are actually attended but i don't know where you live, so i suggest you use yahoo search for that, i used "free parenting classes". here are a few sights i found. good luck with you kids. arm yourself with education!!
2006-07-23 20:18:12
answer #8
answered by beaniefufer 5
Consider putting it up for adoption, but make sure that is your last resort.
2006-07-23 20:09:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Wow...discipline them and if you didn't want more children you should have used birth control.
2006-07-23 22:17:35
answer #10
answered by optimistic_dr3am3r 3