If you have received a check with non-sufficient funds, first of all, you should not take it, let alone bring it to your financial institution to process it. If you are unaware of the check being NSF and have made a deposit or cashed it, the check will be returned to you after it's been verified, the equivalent mount presented on the check will be drawn from your account, with a possible additional charge. Depending on the amount of the check, your financial institution can put a hold on the check to give itself enough time to verify the funds as to protect themselves. So if you are not sure any of the financial status of the person who writes you the check, make him pay you in cash.
2006-07-23 06:59:08
answer #1
answered by Elfie 2
In most states you will go to jail for that... That's a stupid thing to do....
2006-07-23 13:54:33
answer #2
answered by kalamity 3