People today are really brainwashed by medai and the government. They believe everything they hear and many people like to assosiate the plant with people who are worthless and lazy. So no true...I know many hard working decent people of all ages 15-60 who are avid smokers. Here is a great article...
1. Drugs are everywhere. Despite a $40 billion a year "war on drugs" and political speeches about a "drug-free society," our society is swimming in drugs. Cigarettes, sugar, alcohol, marijuana, Prozac, Ritalin, Viagra, steroids and caffeine. The vast majority of Americans use drugs on a regular basis. People always have and always will.
2. Different people have different relationships with different drugs. My wife is someone who can enjoy an occasional cigarette and only smokes when she drinks. I am an addict who cannot control my cigarette problem. If I have one cigarette, I will end up smoking a pack a day. Some people have serious problems with alcohol and can't enjoy even a single drink. I can handle alcohol and enjoy a drink or two some nights, leave it alone on others, and I rarely have negative experiences with it. Different strokes for different folks.
3. People use drugs for joy and for pain. Many people enjoy using mind- and body-altering substances. How many of us enjoy having some drinks and going out dancing? How many of us enjoy a little smoke after a nice dinner with friends? Many people bond with others or find inspiration alone while high on drugs.
On the flip side, many people self-medicate to try to ease the pain in their lives. How many have us have had too much to drink to drown our sorrows over a breakup or some other painful event? How many of us smoke cigarettes to deal with anxiety or stress?
4. Drug abuse does not discriminate, but our drug policies do. Rush Limbaugh, Noelle Bush and Patrick Kennedy remind us that drug addiction does not discriminate. Unfortunately, our drug policies do. Ninety-three percent of the people incarcerated under New York's draconian Rockefeller drug laws are black or Latino, despite equal drug use among blacks and whites. Treatment for the privileged, jail for the poor.
5. Relapse happens. Anyone who has tried to quit cigarettes knows that relapse happens. I have unsuccessfully tried to quit cigarettes 15 times. While we know that drug treatment is more humane and more effective than prison, it is not a silver bullet. Many people will quit, relapse and need support to quit again.
6. Smoking five cigarettes is better than smoking 20. Using marijuana is better than using heroin. Many well-intentioned people think drugs are terrible and abstinence is always the answer. I believe that progress can be made, even if someone continues to use drugs. My 70-year-old landlord is a pack-a-day smoker. After some serious health problems, he is now down to smoking two cigarettes a day. This is progress. Some people who have struggled with heroin have been able to quit heroin, but still use marijuana. Our criminal justice system and many in the abstinence-only treatment world would view this as a failure and send the marijuana smoker to jail. I say congrats on giving up heroin. Keep it up.
7. Drug abuse is bad, but the drug war is worse. Locking someone up in a cage for using marijuana or some other drug when no harm has been done to anyone else is cruel and inhumane. People who prohibit clean syringes to reduce the spread of HIV have blood on their hands. Denying financial aid to students who have a drug offense is counterproductive. Many of our country's laws are more harmful than the substances they are trying to combat.
8. Prohibition doesn't work. Prohibition is responsible for most of the violence associated with drugs. We tried to prohibit alcohol in the 1920s. It did not get rid of alcohol, but it did create a black market for hooch, and empowered and enriched violent gangsters like Al Capone. Marijuana and cocaine are not responsible for the drug war shootouts. What is responsible is the fact that both are worth more than gold because they are illegal. It is the underground trade of these drugs that causes people to kill each other over the right to sell them. No one is shooting anyone else over a Budweiser anymore.
9. Drugs and the drug war touch most families. Almost every family in America has to deal with drug addiction or the war on drugs. Millions of people have a loved one behind bars on drug charges. Many millions more have struggled themselves or have a loved one who has dealt with addiction to illegal or legal drugs. By declaring a "war on drugs" we have declared a war on ourselves.
10. We have to learn how to live with drugs, because they aren't going anywhere. The drug war has been waged over the last 30 years. Currently we have 500,000 people behind bars on drug charges. We spend $40 billion a year, and despite the decades of war, incarceration rates and money spent, drugs are as plentiful as ever and easily accessible. We have to accept that drugs have been around for thousands of years and will be here for thousands more. We need to educate people about the possible harm from drug use, offer compassion and treatment to people who have problems and leave in peace the people who are causing harm to no one.
*Bonus point: The public is ahead of the politicians. The majority of Americans supports treatment instead of incarceration. Californian voters passed Proposition 36 in 2000. Since its passage, more than 60,000 people have received treatment instead of jail for their nonviolent drug offenses. Eleven states have approved medical marijuana for sick and dying patients. It is the timid politicians who are resistant to change. We need to continue to demonstrate to our leaders that we want an end to the war on our families. If the people lead, the leaders will follow.
Tony Newman is communications director for the Drug Policy Alliance
You will also find that marijuana has been dated back to 7000B.C. It is a plant that was put here on this earth. The prohibition didn't come about until about 1921 or so.....
You'll also see that the history of marijuana's criminalization is filled with:
* Racism
* Fear
* Protection of Corporate Profits
* Yellow Journalism
* Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
* Personal Career Advancement and Greed
Here is the rest of the article
A brief history of the criminalization of cannabis
2006-07-23 05:52:49
answer #1
answered by scarletbegonias9 3
There are dozens of drugs that are less harmful than alcohol, cigars, etc, etc. Everyone of them that has no current practical use are very illegal to possess. The ones that do have a practical use would get you thrown in jail if tryed making it yourself, including the prescription drugs based on marijuana.
If we were to simply make everyone of them legal to own and make by the adverage person, we would remove all regulation on about half of prescription drugs. That would lead to a very unfortunate amount of deaths. The idea that a drug should be made legal simply because alcohol is more dangerous is a sorry argument and shouldn't be made the basis for legalization.
If you are going to make marijuana legal, then you need a better argument than: it is a medicine with moderate medical value or alcohol is more dangerous.
2006-07-23 09:14:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
because the government cant or couldnt controll it, they made it illeagal, thus everyone, well almost everyone hates it. yes, it may impair you judgement, but only when you are on it, and even then it doesnt impair it THAT much. and most claims about it (losing money, being a gateway drug, etc) are damn near false. and pot is really inexpensive. some people dont like it because it is a drug. but so are alcohol and cig.s. and they in fact kill and damage the body more that pot. i have never heard of anybody dieing from smoking too much pot... or getting in a fight. i know people who are 50 and have been smoking since they were 15, they're fine. so i guess the main reason is that it illegal and people are too stubborn to research and try it for themselves. yep...
2006-07-23 06:00:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's illegal, and impairs your judgement. Plus, if you work for the U.S Government and you smoke marijuana or affiliated with someone who is a marijuana smoker, you can lose your job permanently and won't be hired into the government anymore. I know the rules, I work for the Federal Government. Don't smoke it and stay away from those who smoke it. They're losers. In the long run, you'll be happy you followed my advice :) And marijuana smoking can lead to hard-core drugs. You don't want to get into the habit. You don't need illegal drugs to have a good time.
2006-07-23 05:49:41
answer #4
answered by sunny 3
Because unlike the beer and hard spirit industry, pot does not have a commercial backing that gives the government a tax base to draw on and the backing of advertising.
Prior to 1937 hemp products were a huge money maker for farmers Hearst Publishing owned giant timber lands and DuPont invented synthetic fibers... and the payoffs to congress got all hemp outlawed.
Fact: one acre of hemp can be used to make the same amount of paper as over 4 acre as of trees. Hemp seed oil makes far better paints than synthetic - these are more weather resistant than artificial ones and cheaper to produce.
There are a LOT of reasons to decriminalize marijuana - I don't care if people smoke it - I've never been in a fight with anyone who toked up, but had to confront MANY an out of control drunk! I'm more interested in products that can be made from it, such as cloth and paper that is 40% LESS costly to make and produce less pollution in their manufacture.
Simple history folks - in the 1920's hemp production in the US was the FIRST crop to EVER make more than a billion taxable dollars - and that was in the 20's! Today it could replace hundreds of synthetic processes, reducing the amount of pollution in manufacture, and CREATE thousands of new jobs domestically. Even the people put out of work by the change over could easily be re-hired and re-trained with a NET increase in the number of jobs.
The smoking part is tiny really - but medically it causes less damage than drinking and if taxed like booze would create more revenue for the government.
Its fear mongering and ignorance of actual medical fact that causes the knee jerk reaction. I personally think that smoking pot and drinking (or anything done to excess) is stupid, but if people are going to do it, then tax the hell out of it, make it something that can be monitored and controlled (inspect the stuff under the various health acts like beer brewers are under) and make MORE income from the NON smoke-able by-products!
2006-07-23 06:05:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If Alcohol and Tobacco are legal, marijuana should be too. Marijuana is 100 times less dangerous than either one. Look at Amsterdam, marijuana is legal and they have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
I hate when people who have never tried marijuana try to tell me how dangerous it is. That is like someone trying to tell a fish that he's going to drown if he doesn't come up for air; I think the fish knows more on the subject.
People need to lighten up, just because you don't like something, don't try to force everyone to feel the same way. I don't care if you don't smoke marijuana, why do you care if I do?
2006-07-23 06:15:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it's this simple. if people don't enjoy something themselves, then they really have no problem with it being illegal. maybe only 1% of the population of the earth is advanced enough to look past their own personal needs and the needs of immediate family members and try to make SOMEONE ELSE'S life good.
it's a shame too, because the fact that marijuana is illegal not only puts innocent people and jail and forces them to go to rehab when they get caught and stuff like that,,,, but it also CREATES GENUINE CRIMINALS.
south america has real problems, lots of murder and constant terrorism from the guerrillas. also,, here in america there are gangs and drug dealers who are really crummy and evil people. all these people make their money from selling tons of drugs. and the dea wastes tons of tax dollars to try to catch them. if they would simply legalize the drug though, then all of these scum bags would go out of business. their cash flow would stop and they'd soon run out of money for buying drugs and stuff.
also,, the fact that marijuana is so cheap to grow means that farmers would be thrilled to get $2 for a pack of marijuana cigarettes. if the government then put taxes on the marijuana,,, say like $48 on each pack, then they'd make a TON of taxes, rather than waste the taxes. and people would have no problem shelling out $50 for a pack of 20 joints. that's $2.50 a joint,, quite a bargain.
so it's a win/win/win situation. it's been speculated though, that perhaps the main reason marijuana is illegal is because members of the government actually want there to be drug dealers., that way they can tax them to keep their mouths shut. meanwhile, all of this corruption is getting innocent people killed everyday (mostly in s. america, but some here in the u.s. too) and is filling up our jails with people who did absolutely nothing wrong other than get high which should be their right. -- like i said though, this last paragraph is just speculation. the real reason might just be that people are close minded, selfish, and too stupid to see that they're actually being counter-productive.
2006-07-23 06:06:00
answer #7
answered by tobykeogh 3
because the government has been pumping out rediculous anti marijuana propaganda since the 30s. Some of their motivations include: an excuse to put people in jail (the prison industry is one of the most lucrative industries), keeping people off untaxed drugs, and on taxed drugs (tobacco, alcahol, caffeine, etc.),suppressing certain ancient mystery school knowledge of the drug, and it's applications as far as spiritual/mental enlightenment, the list goes on and on. there's a really good documentary called "Grass" that's narrated by woody harrelson that explains the war on marijuana very well, you should check it out if you haven't seen it, very informative.
2006-07-23 05:53:02
answer #8
answered by howard the dolphin 1
Because it is illegal, and the government puts out propaganda against it to prove they are justified in making it illegal. And OF COURSE the government would never make something illegal unless it was bad for you, would they?
Of course not! Forget about all the people who need it to control pain and such; the glaucoma, the migraines, the nausea of cancer chemotherapy. They don't know what they are talking about. The government knows what's good for you.
1984 was some time ago, you know.
2006-07-23 05:54:19
answer #9
answered by auntb93again 7
because back in the 40s and 50s the American government couldn't find a way to make a profit off of it, so thay made it illegal. not all pot heads are stupid or lazy. and to go on to harder drugs u have to have an addictive personality to begin with. mother nature made this for us to use, just like coffee, tobacco,and air.
2006-07-23 05:59:05
answer #10
answered by bonny b 4
Why should you care? Look at the anti-weed smokers you got to answer. They are soooo stuck on "it's illegal" or this or that. Smoke on! Don't even worry bout their opinions and get yo but ova here and roll that **** up! I already got some dro so keep that mid-grade BS you got at the crib! Hurry up fool. I hear 5-0 coming..damn flush that ****!! Hurry up!!!
LOL & Be Good...
2006-07-23 06:02:56
answer #11
answered by feva 3