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whereas when you grow older 20's and are in a good financial situation and are now ready,there isnt somone even in the horizon whose interested.all you get is people who want flings(one night stands).man!its dry out there.anybody with sane answers?

2006-07-23 01:45:06 · 4 answers · asked by xzwnemono1stop 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

i'd like to add,i have never been on one night stands.am a straight,faithful chick.however i get this offers or no offer at all,which i obviously reject as i want a serious relationship.most people say i look naive,honest,focused and chilled out.

2006-07-23 01:55:00 · update #1

4 answers

Consider yourself lucky! Most people who get married young regret it. You have accomplished things that you wanted to do and that is fantastic. Believe me, the right man will come around when you least expect it. Just dont settle, be very picky and be happy that you're not divorced with 2 kids and a crappy job right now.

2006-07-23 01:58:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because young men are stupid. They make tons of mistakes they don't understand or dig themselves out from under until they are in their 30s' and 40s'... by which time young women who could give them a good family won't look twice. The truth is a girl in her late twenties to mid 30s should be looking for a guy at least in the 40 to 60 range. A guy your age is likely not ready for marriage.

Now before you go ewwww.... there are a lot of places in the world where this is common as are happy marriages. I'm not saying all happy but more so. If a place had a 5-10% divorce rate wouldn't you think they might know something about marriage someplace with a 50% divorce rate doesn't. Those women and men are happier by far than the average family in the US and family is generally of greater value. I have lived in several and am permanently moved to one now. And quite happily married to one of the best (and most independent) women I have ever known... and she is 35 to my 54. I have many friends here in similar situations. I honestly think its the attitude women give other women in the states about this that causes the fuss there. You don't see it in other places and they don't really care. If your vanity can't get past a mans looks/youth and go to his heart and experience you'll likely have trouble being happy with anyone. If you are careful and change your target age i'll bet you'll find its not so dry out there.

By the way... I was married when I was younger for a short while. I got my head out of my butt because I didn't want myself or someone I cared about to hurt that much again. I waited till I was 50 to do it again and glad I did:)

2006-07-23 02:02:38 · answer #2 · answered by Zi 2 · 0 0

B/c that's the image you put out there. You are obviously a "fun-loving" person and therefore, that's all that flocks to you. Be more serious minded......don't fall into bed with the next person that comes your way...get to know them first.

2006-07-23 01:50:23 · answer #3 · answered by honey_bear_21_1999 4 · 0 0

marry me ......

2006-07-23 02:13:27 · answer #4 · answered by ibrushallday 3 · 1 0

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