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I don't think there is any meaning to life, we are we have our time on this planet we die, thats it. Can anyone change my opinion?

2006-07-22 22:15:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

10 answers

my children are the meaning of my life, not religeon

2006-07-22 22:27:29 · answer #1 · answered by emmamac14 6 · 0 3

I am a Christian and I have obviously heard of Alpha Courses, but must admit I have not actually been on one.I have heard they are good and help you to air your opinions and ask questions such as these. They may not have all the answers, though.
I think there is meaning to life and I think it is this: we are all here to make a difference, to help others, to learn, to make progress to become a better person. We are meant to become the person that God created us to be - and in this way we will find fulfilment. We can make a difference in little ways - e.g. boycotting Iams Pet food and they use cruelty to animals - and emailing them to let them know. Donating £2 a month to the Water Aid Charity. Sponsoring a child. It could even be something as small as smiling at someone. A good quote from Mother Theresa is: "It may be just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops!"
I have fairly recently lost my 20 year old son. He died four years ago of meningitis, and it was very sudden. I am still angry with God. Why did He let this happen to me? Why did he take my son away? Lots of unanswered quetions. However, I still believe in God and that He is good. I think it was meant to happen - but I don't know exactly why. If I really believe In God, then I must believe that he has actually gone to a better place. It is hard, but it is something to cling on to.
It is your choice whether you choose God or not. But God loves you and can forgive you anything you have ever done. Jesus died for all the sins you may have committed and all those you may commit - we are all sinners. If you choose God you choose love and life. But it doesn't mean an an easy life. I hope you do - but I can't change your mind.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
God bless you. xxxx

2006-07-24 15:56:45 · answer #2 · answered by jayteaches 3 · 0 0

well, it is a ridiculous marketing ploy isnt it? however, i know several people who have done the course and found it both informative and very thought provoking. Perhaps you should go along and see what it is all about then you can add that experience/knowledge to what you know already and then re assess your above statement. You may still think that, you may change your mind. You may totally disagree with the church, but if your care enough to ask the question, its got to be worth going out and biting the bullet as it were and giving it a go!

2006-07-24 09:34:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we are all just slaves of our want to feel good. that's it. and we dont wanna die of course. just enjoy your days of your life, or at least try to do that. and living a meaningful life is more or less a matter of a certain feeling that comes when u do the "right" things, but do not ask me what is right or wrong, everybody has to decide this on his own. but i think for most women an answer would be having kids for example, don't get me wrong, i dont say every women should have kids, but my experience tells me that its giving them a great amount of "satisfaction" and the feeling of being needed in this world, making a difference on this planet, leaving something precious before they die, because then a little bit of themselves would live on, "making your own brand"

2006-07-23 05:36:33 · answer #4 · answered by rotacka0687 3 · 0 0

If your life is meanigless, why do you live it? What would be the point in spending your three score and ten doing, learning or seeing anything?

Do you want to leave your mark on history? Everyone wants to be famous, even if only for 5 mins. Why? Because we want to be important to others. Do you really want to go through life being ignored by those around you? Do you have a partner (or however you term them)? Why? Because you want to love as well as be loved. In doing that, you matter to someone and that gives you a sense of worth and purpose.

Everyone likes to have a cause, or at the very least be able to do something to make others lives better, even those who are selfish enough that they only want to make their own lives better through crime. Why? That's what the meaning in life is all about.

Do you have a reaction to seeing pictures from what is going on in Lebanon right now? Did 9/11 provoke a response? What about 7/7 here in the UK (I was in that exact spot 1 week before so it means a lot to me!)? What about the Rwanda masacres, or stories of the holocaust & WWII? Did you react to the passing of a close friend or family member?
How would you react to someone harming your family?

Ask yourself, why you reacted.

If people and events are meaningless, there's nothing to react to. It is neither good nor bad. If you did react, then it means you attach some meaning to events. In other words actions mean something; and they mean something to you. When did you last laugh or cry? Ask yourself why?

Why do peole write songs and express themselves, from classical through to rock? Because they want to say something and about their world, what they feel. Do you feel or are you a robot? You can only have feelings to things that have a meaning.

Do something for me, listen, and I don't just mean play, I mean sit and listen to "Everything I do I do it for you" by Bryan Adams. Think about the words. Search your heart. Then come back and tell me you don't have any feelings and you don't care what people do to you. There is your answer.

Hand on heart, tell me you never want to be someone's hero. Tell me you never want to reveive love and affection. Tell me you never want to leave your mark or appreciate what others have done for you and you'll prove life is meaningless. I'm that confident you won't; I'll bet my life on it. God did. I challenge you to prove him (and me) wrong!

2006-07-23 07:51:22 · answer #5 · answered by eucharisto_deo 2 · 0 0

The Alpha course is designed to give an insight into your spiritual needs and awareness. It is to discuss the reasons behind the questions you ask. There are no answers to what you seek but the course may make you aware of the alternatives and bring you closer to God. It also provides companionship and friendship, plus a meal as well. Well, mine does. Check it out, it may suprise you.

2006-07-23 05:21:47 · answer #6 · answered by pirateladjim 2 · 0 0

Sorry can't change your opinion as i agree with you. I think the churches dreamt up the alpha course as yet another insult to our intelligence and as an extra crutch for their needy insecure followers.

2006-07-24 05:59:01 · answer #7 · answered by andy 2 · 0 0

Anyone who thinks the meaning of life is anything more than pure entertainment is missing the point.

2006-07-23 05:24:41 · answer #8 · answered by ricothe3rd 2 · 0 0

Life exists to define your Self.

So curiously, you have actually found the meaning for you life if you are certain that for you we have our time and die.
If you are certain, that is ...

2006-07-24 17:33:10 · answer #9 · answered by joju 3 · 0 0

Well there is a meaning of life as lonf we are live.
anyway Noone can give it - is individual for each one.
Anyway - for me is CREATION in any means ! :)

2006-07-23 05:18:51 · answer #10 · answered by Sun Sonic 3 · 0 0

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