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Since most americans (this used to include me) only read american news papers and watch american news, I wondered if anyone knew what was going on before the Isreali soldiers were taken. I know...it changes my view of this conflict. What is your view and have you done enough background research? If so, support your opinion with facts.

2006-07-22 21:18:54 · 21 answers · asked by lilly 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

21 answers

In a nutshell, no they don't realize. The American media tends to be quite pro-Israel, and it takes some work to get the whole story. Most people are too lazy to bother with research, so they take what they hear as the complete truth. Being half Arab, I have been interested in the events in that part of the Middle East since I was old enough to understand what is going on, which was about age 12 for me, which means 26 years of paying attention and doing research.

That's a long time for me to document with concrete links, so I won't even try to tie links to all my memories. Instead, I include below some interesting links I found in just a few minutes of searching. If people bothered to look this stuff up, they might feel differently about what is going on.

As for my opinion? Israel is waging a campaign of terror on civilians, and has been for quite some time. They make many claims that they are only trying to defend themselves, that they only react to extreme violence on the part of Arabs, that they are taking the moral high road, and on and on. And they have many people, including the president of my country, completely fooled. They claim to want peace, but it looks to me like it's just lip service. Of course, when you hold all the power in your own area, and are backed by the most powerful country in the world, you can say anything you want and get away with it.

It used to really bother me when people called me a racist, or an anti-semite, because I am neither. I have come to realize that the truth of the matter is that many people are willfully blind to the issues at hand. If they are too dumb to find out the facts, that's their problem. At least I know what's going on.

Here are some links:

Interesting compilation of UN Resolutions on Israeli treatment of Arabs:

UN Human Rights Commission document on torture:

A Copied Interview from an outside source:

Some Israelis are upset about it too:

And American Media is starting to pay attention:

2006-07-23 00:34:51 · answer #1 · answered by Bronwen 7 · 4 2

I don't suppose the Americans do know. They don't get told even the simplest things about anywhere else. The only important country in the world is AMERICA. When I lived in Canada the Americans didn't even know about the ice storms in Canada (that were much worse there than in America) And some Americans came in the height of summer with their skis looking for the snow!! Americans suffer from an inferiority complex as big as the Empire State Building. That is why they are always puffing themselves up and concentrating exclusively on themselves. Australians have the same problem, but they get to know more, because of the British influence.

2006-07-22 21:31:26 · answer #2 · answered by survivor 5 · 0 0

Hmmm ok facts, Palestine, Islam, Jihad, etc... all want this country wiped off the map. The only reason they can claim is that they do not like Jewish people or their religion or even acknowledge the Jewish faith. However, Islam, Muslim, Christianity, and Jewish religion all start out with the same first 5 books of the bible, Torah, etc... So, I truly believe it does not matter the reason for the fighting. It is all based on simple religious disagreement of who/where/when a prophet came from and the ideas of how that said prophet will/can change the world....
Or to put in simple terms------> a bunch of people think they have the one correct religion and believe they have the right to enforce those beliefs on other people; hence, there is conflict. I don't care what you have read or saw. In the most simplistic terms it comes down to one or the other religion believing they have the "holy right" to control what people here and think in regard to "their" religion.

2006-07-22 21:40:54 · answer #3 · answered by lisa n florida 3 · 0 0

Do you know when this all started? The Israelis have been attacked off and on by the Palestinians since 1947.....but for more recent times.....Israel has given back the Gaza Strip....the West Bank....well, 90% of each.....They have done so many things to try and keep the peace.....Both Hezbollah and Hamas have constant bomb Israel....and never actually targeting the military.....In this case.....Hamas started killing civilians again....and the Israelis were retaliating...then it calmed, and then the soldier was kidnapped, and not returned. Now, Hezbollah, so an opening in the defense of the Israelis, and started firing missile into town and killing civilians.....so the IDF begins to attack them.....Even the Egyptians and Saudis are telling the Palestinians and Lebanese to stop

2006-07-22 21:36:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well i doubt they do at all ...most are only taught the simplest things at school and the American version of things that buy heavily into the image successive governments need to project to keep the masses in line ...i think real truth and real democracy aren't for America anymore ...sad sad sad ...i doubt they could take it really .

THE dumbing down of America!
Some thirty million adults in the U.S. do not have the skills to perform even the most basic tasks such as adding numbers on a bank slip, identifying a place on a map, or reading directions for taking a medication. Eleven million Americans are totally illiterate in English.
Only twenty-nine percent of Americans have basic reading and computing skills. One out of every twenty Americans lacks the ability to understand what is going on in the world or to develop an informed opinion for voting.


2006-07-23 00:53:12 · answer #5 · answered by Bearable 5 · 0 0

Parts of Palestine used to be called Judea before the Romans changed the name to Siriana Palestine. The Romans wanted to wipe out the Jews also. The Jews and the Arabs have been fighting for centuries.

And it is good to read many different sources on both sides of an issue.

2006-07-22 21:22:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What i know is that Jews are trying to hide the truth, yesterday they were trying to bomb Al Jazeera & Al Arabiyah casts for covering the successfull bombings of Hezbollah in Israel, they are controlling media and innocents in Palestine and Lebanon are the victims.

They try to appeare as if they are the innocents, and they started the whole story saying Hezbollah took two israeli soldiers, Hezbollah are terrorists, israelies should be ashamed of defending israel, another thing the wold doesn't know that israel didn't exist before 1945, and it was also by force, and by entering each house in Palestine rape and kill innocents. to us israel does not exist and will never exist, today Bush is helping israel. WHY? isn't that unfair? Americans do not know that Bush and his Gov. are controlled by Jews ..

2006-07-22 21:29:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am lebanese and i will tell u what happened b4 hizbullah kidnapped 2 israeli soldiers,and it dont need facts or proves because even israel admit with this but in a different way sure.

israel came to lebanon in 1982
they occupied lebanon untill year 2000, after that they left under hizbullah attacks they didt respect the UN decision no. 1425 for 28 years , and in year 2000 they left under the attacks and after a lot of israeli soldiers were killed in south of lebanon, so when they left in year 2000, they didt gave us back our prisoners at their jails, and kept a piece of land Sheb aa , with them . then at year 2002 hizbullah kidnapped 3 israeli soldiers and told the un he will leave them and he wont hurt them but israel have to give us back our lebanese people in israel, so in year 2002 israel and hizbullah exchanged prisoners without a war, but israel did the same thing they kept with them 4 lebanese people who have been in israel jails for 30 years, so since year 2002 hizbullah kept saying we will kidnapp israeli soldiers if u dont give us our lebanese people, sure israel they didt.
now hizbllah did what he promised to get all our lebanese ppl back to their home.

And i am sure if u were lebanese or living here and u see how israeli are making masaccares every day and killing childrens daily u would understand more what israeli are made of.

they destroyed the whole country and killed more then 200 children and women untill now only for 2 soldiers,and palestinians and lebanese got more then 10,000 prisoner at israel jails, is that fair ? is that justice ? is this the american freedom that bush is saying he will bring to our countries?

i am so sure that most of the americans dont know what is really going on,but if u want to know,if u care where are they money of the taxes u r paying are going, dont watch the american or israeli media,because they r part of the bush-jews , team.

the money u r paying, is killing thousands of people, they r not killing hizbullah or hamas which they are resistance and they r not terrorist as they r telling u , because i am sure if your country or ur nation is killed , u ll be the american or european hizbullah or hamas.

2006-07-22 21:38:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For the last 56 years the Palestinian Refugees are living in a United Nation Refugee Camps waiting for UN to implement the UN Security Council resolutions.
God bless you

For the last 56 years Israel conducts collective punishment and state terror against the Palestinian Refugees.

2006-07-22 22:16:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1400 years of history to choose from means any opinion can be right if u pick and choose as far as facts are concerned if u think Ottoman is something to rest your feet on then i would be wasting my time ( note that the Palestinians are young the Jews are old)

2006-07-22 21:22:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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