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Why can't people admit that Marijuana is addictive???? IT'S A DRUG and if you have been doing it it's obiously because you like and and want to...you don't get nothing out of it but a skip from reality for a while...so yes I believe it's a drug....I know that the onlly reason it's illegal is because the government wouldn't make money otherwise but still it is a drug....am I the only one who feels this way???

2006-07-22 20:31:32 · 19 answers · asked by Cool Chick 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

19 answers

I dont think it is addictive---I think it is a gateway drug that leads to more addicitng drugs like coke and crack and heroin and whatever and or foolish behavior--getting in trouble....so HUGS NOT DRUGS

I would like too add I just hate people who try to jusitfy thier weed smoking by saying the only thing wrong is it is against the law---WAKE UP----
People who smoke pot act stupid and retarded and stink ..ECK

BLAH BLAH BLAH I am so sick of people talking about cigs and alcohol being drugs too---i know they are but they are legalThats what my dad would always mumble when he had a METH addiction....Its just a cop out to make the drug not seem so bad.

WEED is a gateway drug---Ive seen it so many times --First they usually smoke a laced joint.....Or pop a pill because they like how it feels
My brother started smoking weed and now he is popping vicodin and other stuff....PLUS MANY OTHER PEOPLE I KNEW
Yeah0---Because it helps Them "relax" and "get away for awhile"

People need to learn to face their problems and not run away from them...By doing ILLEGAL drugs

Thats why i stopped hangin gout with anyone who does drugs....
Just not my crowd anymore and the peer pressure isnt there......
And think about this...
If you hang around negative/down people who have to use drugs to take a break from thier problems then you will also
be down as a result from the people and after the Ganga wears off....you will be more down

If you surround yourself with positve people then you will feel more positive and not need to smoke weed to drown out your troubles..

I could go on about this subject for hours....

2006-07-22 20:36:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Your question has two parts. First of all, it is a drug just like alcohol, cocaine and nicotine is a drug. They all have some chemical interaction with the body. Second, marijuana provides good feelings to most people who smoke, eat it. Anything that feels good can be addicting in terms of if you are using it and it's: 1) getting you in social, family, legal trouble (and you don't change), 2) taking priority over other things (and you don't change), 3) you need it to get through the day (without it you can't function), 4) you have withdrawals when you stop using, and 5) it's causing you health problems (breathing problems/cancer/low physical health....and you refuse to stop). Third is the legal part. Alcohol and tobacco each kill more people than any other drug and also AIDs. The federal government has trouble making those illegal. Alcohol prohibition failed and tobacco has powerful lobbies (people that cajole, barter, give money in the right places, offer compromises) to keep tobacco selling although there are more laws now restricting where it can be smoked. So, yes marijuana doesn't have very powerful lobbying yet.

In my humble experience, marijuana can be socially addicting as in, "come on just one joint, then you can go", "you can study later", that makes you reprioritize things that you should'nt as in getting a job, or going to college and studing after high school (or even in HS for that matter). It's so widespread it's not a guarantee that you'll get into legal trouble, but it's possible. Then it gives you good practice at lying because you get sneaky to smoke it. If you use it to deal with things then you'r not dealing with those things. Anything can be used to "skip from reality". If those things take priority you might not ever get how to deal with things as they get more intense later in life.

2006-07-23 03:52:44 · answer #2 · answered by PapaJon 4 · 0 0

It is a psychoactive drug, meaning it has mind-altering properties. So are anti-depressants and people can get addicted to all sorts of drugs. Based on what I've read, it's not physically addictive, but oftentimes the people who smoke it have a host of other problems that make them psychologically dependent on the stuff.
As to the legality.. well, it should be illegal to drive while high, same as with alcohol, but it should be allowed to be used in medicine. People who have had amputations, for example, are given drugs that are otherwise illegal.
The government doesn't make any money on drugs, but what is and isn't illegal has less to do with what's healthy for the population, but more with the politics. The history channel put out an interesting film on the history of drugs in the US and heavy drugs (heroin, etc.) were not always illegal. Check out the history channel's website for the film, if you're really interested. It's worth watching.

2006-07-23 03:53:06 · answer #3 · answered by scubalady01 5 · 0 0

I don't think it's any more addictive than alcohol, and I get really tired of people calling it a "gateway" drug. If that's true, then what are cigarettes and alcohol if not "gateway" drugs. I know a lot of people who have used those two FAR before ever trying weed. I myself, I've been smoking weed for the last few years and I've never smoked a cigarette, but I DID try alcohol first, and as far as weed being a "gateway" drug into other things, well, I've never done any other illegal drug, just weed.
And you are right, it is a skip from reality for awhile and I do do it because I like the feeling, but with anything, if you didn't like it, you wouldn't do it. So, if you do anything that you like for an extended period of time can become addicting. Cigarettes can be addicting, alcohol can be addicting, sex can be addicting, gambling can be addicting. All of these things become addictions, because it's something people like to do. If you didn't like it, you wouldn't become addicted to it. These are all (except maybe with the exception of cigarettes and alcohol) psychological addictions though. I believe marijuana is more psychologically addictive than it is physically addictive. However, it's been shown that marijuana binds to fat cells so it stays in your system longer than other illegal drugs that are water soluble, like cocaine and methamphetamines. Heroin is physically addictive as are any type of painkilling medication, which is why heroin addiction is so common and is so hard for people to break, because it's not only psychologically addictive, but also phyiscally addictive.
Marijuana though, has been shown to be only psychologically addictive, which could be compared to any other psychologically addictive behavior like gambling or sex addiction.
I don't know really WHY weed is illegal, because it's been around forever, and people know people do it, people know it's pretty common, so I don't know what the big deal is really. I think it should be legalized and then tax the hell out of it, and use that money for educational purposes like they do with the lottery.

2006-07-23 03:48:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So is Yahoo Answers I don't see anyone advocating government interference.

If you have never tried it you make just be speculating about its effects and allure.

How do you know that the only reason it's illegal is because the government wouldn't make money?
I think they would make more money by decriminalizing, regulating and taxing it then the amount of money they spend the "War On Drugs".

Read the history about how marijuana became illegal.
Look up the first drug czar Harry Anslinger and his role in the criminalization of marijuana. Read about medical marijuana and its effects on people with a variety of illnesses and conditions.
Montel Williams stated on his show that he smokes marijuana to help his Multiple Sclerosis. He does not strike me as being a "loser" and there are a host (no pun intended) of other people who use it for a variety of reasons.

I say to each his own. But if you engage in illegal activity be prepared to be prosecuted and or persecuted.

2006-07-23 03:34:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree it is a drug...but can be used like morphine too.
Another reason it is illegal (though may not be as bad as other hardcore drugs out there) simply it can sometimes, depending on the person, make the person be under the influence just like drinking and driving. Some people tend to get violent while some are mellow. It should stay illegal...some pot are stronger or "better" than others.
I am for the medical use of it, BUT some people will abuse it.
It also kills your brain cells and pot-smokers are a turn-off, at least for me.
It doesn't surprise me at all that potheads want this drug to be legalized.

2006-07-23 03:42:26 · answer #6 · answered by carolina 3 · 0 0

Cool Chick,

Yes. It is a Drug.

Some places like Amsterdam its legal and some places you get a life sentence for carrying it.

Yes it is addictive. It causes Neuro transmitters which are little branches in the brain to fuse to a certain feeling towards it and make you want more and more.

With Pot (as its also called) the more you used the more you get used to it. When you realise you need more or cant stop for half a year then they are signs that you are addicited.

Kinda scary watching Documentarys about it and how once thoes transmitters can re wire the brain and they cant be reversed... Scientists say it WAY easier to cure a heroin smoker than it is to cure a Pot smoker....

Pot usually also opens the path to heavier drugs.

2006-07-23 03:47:14 · answer #7 · answered by Miss X 1 · 0 0

It is addictive, but... what the hell?

"I know that the onlly reason it's illegal is because the government wouldn't make money otherwise"

I dont get it. You think our govt makes money by funding all these anti drug programs, having the police file the paperwork for busting people, and all the time and effort spent by the coast guard intercepting shipments? I dont think so.

If anything, legalizing marajuana would MAKE money for the government, because regulation would mean that they could TAX it. Like holland/the netherlands. They make boatloads of cash in taxes on marajuana sales.

I dont know who ever told you that we wouldnt make money otherwise, but im more concerned that you couldnt figure out that it was totally bogus on your own.

What happened to common sense? -sigh-

2006-07-23 03:39:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not physically addictive like cocaine or nicotine. It is psycologically addictive though, being as it is something that makes you feel good. Honestly, compared to alcohol, marijuana would be the lesser of two evils. The fact that it is illegal was something that happened in the late '30s after much politics. I'm thinking there were alterior motives for that since hemp is cheaper to grow and more useful in general, but that's another issue. And no, I don't smoke it myself.

2006-07-23 03:39:15 · answer #9 · answered by dreamcatweaver 4 · 0 0

Marijuana is"not" an additive drug. But the plant leaves produce THC when it goes through a certain process. "THC" isn't addictive either.

It is one's body chemistry & the "euphoric-type" feelings, along with other side effects that we human's enjoy therefore wishing to continue using this so-called "illegal drug".

As far as the "gov't" NOT making money from marijuana...hahhaha LOL
They should just tax the hell outta marijiana like everything other "freedom" we got & be done with it!!!

2006-07-23 03:43:19 · answer #10 · answered by mizzmoody2003 1 · 0 0

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