There is a possibility that you are pregnant. With my first child I was like a straw, every time I drank I urinated (literally), in your first trimester you are tired a lot, and then ya just gotta pee a lot. Low back pain? I dont think that would have to do with pregnancy this early. As far as discharge...I'm not a gyno so I would check that out. Basically, I would go to a doctor and get your blood tested to see if you were pregnant. Cause I didn't find out if I was pregnant with my first child until I was 12 weeks, and I had my period in reference to that. Good luck sweetheart!
2006-07-22 19:49:10
answer #1
answered by peachez082 3
I would check with your doctor but it sounds more like you may have an infection because im pregnant for the fourth time and i never had back pain or creamy discharge. usually you dont start peeing alot until you are around 6 to 7 onths along. I would say that these are not symptoms of pregnancy but get a test. good luck, if you want it, i hope you are
2006-07-23 01:52:50
answer #2
answered by fishingcharity 1
Gurl you need to think about this. Your young and have a whole life a head of you, not saying you should kill a god givin thing. I think you need to talk to your parents and ask them to take you to the doctors. I know that your goin to be scared to confront them about but you have to sooner or later. Better now then later. But think about all the sacrifices you will have to make and your still a child having a child, thats not cute that makes u look lik a hoe. Not trying to be mean but thats the truth.
2006-07-23 01:55:10
answer #3
answered by phattyback10 1
Not that fast. Symptoms of pregnancy won't come on that fast. Especially the peeing, that is caused by the baby pushing on your bladder and after a few days its not big enough to do that. Try the EPT test
2006-07-23 01:52:47
answer #4
answered by sbinder3111 2
need to check when u were due to have your next period, then with the frequent urination possible uti. this is way to early to tell if u r pg. but with the symptoms excluding staying hungry u have an infection the hungry is due to nutrients that ur body is craving.
2006-07-23 01:55:42
answer #5
answered by 1
Well Its nice to know that you want to be pregnant but if you don't know that you need to buy a home pregnancy test to tell you whether your pregnant or not then I don't think you need to be getting pregnant anytime soon. I mean how would we know if your pregnant or not. Even if we say that it sounds like you are pregnant it doesn't mean that you are.
2006-07-23 01:52:43
answer #6
answered by jj02 4
get a prego test from the store and use it in the morning. or go to a clinic. you will be able to find out that way. But those symptoms you are having are not the norm for prego.
2006-07-23 01:55:01
answer #7
answered by singitoutloudandclear 5
4/19/05 last period
5/2/05 conception date
that was my pregancy dates
yours match up within 3 days.
sounds good.
get a test and good luck!
2006-07-23 01:53:46
answer #8
answered by lighting goddess 5
Get a test as soon as you can. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck!
And for all you immature people responding "Eww" , grow up!
2006-07-23 01:52:19
answer #9
answered by diannidra 2
Get a legitimate test so you really know. Then, get those symptoms taken care of if you are not.
2006-07-23 01:54:52
answer #10
answered by ElOsoBravo 6