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And also full of shyt since they can't think for themselves and need that good old indoctrination to protect them from the real world.

Just like the guy holding a cross to ward off dracula. ;-)

Could I please have some serious answers instead of a bunch of assinine comments from kids that are not only stupid, but whose speeling is worse than mine!

2006-07-22 13:10:04 · 20 answers · asked by Moses 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

One or two half assed answers, the rest of you are f**k

2006-07-22 13:38:33 · update #1

1-no vent
2. If y9ou don't know the questio y9ou prove my point
3. My namer is Moses because that's what my Uncle called me when I was 5 years old
4. I said I would like comments from adults, not self serving, snot nosed kids and teenagers who think theyu are smarter than everyone else / I have a 17 year old son who is smatrter than all of us, I don;t need you!
Youre scribe
Allan W Janssen

2006-07-22 13:49:15 · update #2

20 answers


If your I.Q. is over 150, and you have $3,125.00(plus handling), you MIGHT be eligible for a trial membership in the A.I.S.B., where all the answers will be made known to you. If you think you qualify, put the money in a cigar box and bury it in your backyard. One of our Underground Agents will contact you shortly.
If you do this: TELL NO ONE! Accidents have a strange way of happening to people who talk too much about the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria.


2006-07-23 17:18:52 · answer #1 · answered by Evil Id. 2 · 4 1

I find it funny that some people are so set in their ways that they will not listen to another's opinion. I don't care for people that always use scripture to back up their opinion, in most cases they misinterpret it anyway. Why do we have to back up our belief with some kind of proof, a belief isn't a fact it is a belief. However, if someone was to ask me why my religion does something, their is no problem with defending yourself and your beliefs. People that follow faith blindly because they were taught that way are truly idiots; on the other hand, when they chose to follow that faith after really thinking about it, they are anything but. You may think I am stupid and can't think for myself, in reality you are right. No one these days can say that their ideas are completely original, everything we think has come from another source. The real idiots in this world are the ones that don't realize that and can't see how ignorant they really are. By the way I am 18 and a very faithful Catholic. I hope you have a wonderful day.

2006-07-24 19:12:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just what do you want me to say....that I agree with you?!?!?
I can't tell what to say about the bible thumpers but since I'm here and getting 2 pointless points with the potential of getting 10 more silly yahoo Pt's. if you pick me as best answer and if that happens then a point every time some punk or cool person reading this gives it a thumbs up just so they can get a point too....
point by point up to 50 .....Auh!(she whispered) WOoHoo!!
like Ripley's believe it or not! a best answer can net you as many as 60 bonus points....Oh. wow...!...
If you pick me as best I may or may no pick you back...
I still am getting the hang of how to find more entertaining and thought provoking questions and clicking on the profiles of ppl who answers I like and then going to their Q's And A's...its strange surfing on this site.... I also surf as: surfnsfree

ain't that grand. Actually getting picked as best answer is kinda cool in a pointless pointy pat on the back way....
I was picked the best answer for how to make Jello shots and I've Never ever made them myself...but I have made Jello.
I got 10 Pt's and It was just 2 days ago so I don't know how many
more I will get.I think I've gotten a few thumbs up on it as my points today are a bit higher than when I left yesterday.

pick me as best I'm half a century old so I ain't no punk

2006-07-22 17:12:15 · answer #3 · answered by iowamystic 3 · 0 0

I understand what you're trying to ask, I think.

Yes ANYONE that believes in the bible is just another sheep in the fold. It was created to that there might be some order in the society back then. One could say it was the lands 1st rule book.

But if you look at history of other cultures and knowing that Christ travels took him to many ancient lands it was easy to find a system of rules, guides, or laws. Which I think he was a plagiarist. He took other lands ideals and made them his own.

Christ didn't say anything that had not been said hundreds of years before in other lands.

Just as you pointed out that holding a cross will ward off a vampire. Its a cultural issue. Vampires were a Slavic folklore. Christianized.

As to the kids trying to act smart. It will be of no use to try to help them unless they except that they have been brainwashed in to acting good so to speak. Kids will only believe in god or Christ because they were told to or where scared into believing. You cant fault them for that. The bible was created for those who could nt find Faith in themselves. And had to find an excuse to have faith. Blind faith that is.

2006-07-22 16:12:43 · answer #4 · answered by llll_bouncer_llll 2 · 0 0

I'm sorry you feel that way. When I use scriptures I'm not trying to use them to ward off something, though I do understand where you come from. I also am not trying to browbeat someone, though I know it can come accross that way. I try not to cite what the scripture says word for word because I feel it would be better to give the person a chance to either look it up or not. I don't want to be insulting to you.

I can think for myself. I quote from things other than the bible as well. I know that you would probably think that still isn't thinking for myself, but I would ask how a person can believe anything if they don't take in information and anylize what they take in. If you then want to transfer the information to someone else but want them to make up their own minds, so that they can think for themselves...how else do you do so other than show them were you got it for yourself?

I respect your position very much. I will still use scriptures if I see fit to do so, but I wanted to give you kudos and perhaps explain my own position.


2006-07-22 13:29:14 · answer #5 · answered by killerb144 2 · 0 0

no more crap. i use the scriptures to justify a position which i agree might be perceived as idiotic - even old fashioned - by some people, including you but a couple of years a had a back operation.oh the agony, i could not practice sex as spontaneously as before the accident.
After seeing out local rabbi about this problem, we finally had the answer we needed AND it comes from the scriptures.


2006-07-22 14:42:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think for myself. I made the choice on my own to follow Christ. I do not have to pour out scriptures to prove my point. everyone is entitled to his or her belief. I also made the choice to educate myself in many other beliefs. I have studied Wicca and know from experience that it works but God created the energy that is harnessed to make it work. I have used the two together by harnessing energy to strengthen my prayers. I don't think that makes me an idiot. I have learned great lessons in my studies and am proud to say that it all derived from what God created.

2006-07-23 17:56:37 · answer #7 · answered by SouthernBelle 4 · 0 0

Who's the idiot here? If I can't use scripture to back up things I believe that are stated in scripture you shouldn't use Julius Caesar's work's to explain what Rome's politics were like.
People who refuse to use works of literature to back up what they have to say are the idiots. Just try discussing Shakespearean England with referencing Shakespeare or one of his contemporaries even once, then you'll know how stupid your question is.

2006-07-22 19:20:28 · answer #8 · answered by Z, unnecessary letter 5 · 0 0

Well the other "cop outs " are:
because my mother told me,
because my teacher told me,
because my country told me,
because my friends think this way so to be included in their group I have to think this way also,
or because the majority of people think this way so it must be right.
People justify their position on ANY issue with whatever they believe and they believe what they are told to believe by other people, including you. When that belief system is destroyed by a series of incidents that show the beliefs to be false, it is very traumatic and opens your eyes to truths you never imagined before.

2006-07-22 14:36:06 · answer #9 · answered by arvecar 4 · 0 0

Well, people might be able to answer your question intelligently if you actually ASKED a question. You sound rather retarded by the way you write, so maybe you don't know HOW to ask a question. Better luck next time.

2006-07-22 13:36:59 · answer #10 · answered by The Nana of Nana's 7 · 0 0

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