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Oh, well... let the expert answer this one. I worked in a drug testing laboratory as a lab tech. A "genius" decided that Drano would clean him out so that we could not detect his THC addiction. In short, he did just what you said.

Here is what happened:
He began with gagging. (The strong base was neutralizing his stomach acid with amazing speed.) He then began vomiting blood... not that fluid liquid blood, but chunky near black blood with chunks of his stomach inside. (The stomach lining quickly breaks down and the stomach goes into spontaneous contractions to prevent irreversible damage to the intestines.) Now, his eyes were blood-shot and leaking blood. (This is due to the force at which he was vomiting. He hemorraged his eyes.) He then began an uncontrollable nose bleed. (Unfortunately, in this case, the nose and mouth are actually connected.) The EMT's pushed me out of the way at this point. Therefore, no more first hand story. (Oh, he lived.)

OK, here is what you will see/feel. Your stomach will begin to dissolve and you will vomit without control. This will go on for several minutes. Blood will come out of your mouth, nose, and eyes. You will also spend a few weeks in the hospital if you survive the initial encounter.

Permanent Damage (if you survived):
1. Ulcer medication for the rest of your life (if the damage is not allowed to continue for long).
2. IV fluids and nutrients for the rest of your life (if the damage is allowed to continue for long).
3. Surgical shortening of the small intestine (if it gets into the small intestine).
4. Inability to smell for the rest of your life.
5. Blindness if the back splash gets into your eyes.
6. Blindness due to the hemorraging.

In the case of the example, numbers 1, 3, and 4 happened.

2006-07-22 14:28:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 17 0

This Site Might Help You.

Does anyone know what effect drinking a bottle of Draino would have?

2015-08-19 07:18:13 · answer #2 · answered by ? 1 · 0 2

I drank draino to end my life but I survived. It was only a cup. This is what I remember. I was choking and gagging on the draino because I couldn't breathe right. My mom caught me and called the hospital so I was taken there pretty fast. By the time the paramedics had come, my throat felt as though it was on fire and I was pale.

In the ambulance they made me drink water and they had gotten an IV started for me. My head and stomach were starting to flare up by the time I got to the hospital. When I finally settled into the hospital, my stomach felt as though it was being carved out, my head felt like it was getting eaten alive and my throat felt like it was being scratched apart.

I was put on an IV and a water bag and was on observation for three days. I was also given this white liquid for my throat and I felt better in by the second night.

2016-08-13 17:11:54 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 1

I drank Drano when I was 4 years old. It was back in the early 1970 s before childproof caps and when crystal Drano was much more powerful than it is today. Don t ask me why I did it again I was 4 years old. Luckily my uncle was close by and knew what to do. He grabbed me and started washing my mouth out with water. He suffered severe burns to his fingers as he was trying to scoop it all out. I was lucky again because it was only in my mouth and I didn t swallow it. I went through several surgeries to get my mouth back to somewhat normal. The Drano ruined my tongue, gums and teeth. I am now having problems with a saliva gland that keeps swelling up because the scar tissue is preventing saliva from entering my mouth. I would hope nobody has to go through what I went/am going through. I know I am lucky it didn t go down my throat and I got the help when it happened. I often wonder how my life would be if I hadn t come in contact with that can.

2016-10-16 07:07:07 · answer #4 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

I knew of a guy who accidentally took a good swallow of the stuff (a family member stored some extra in a soda bottle, and the boy mistook it for real soda... never, never store chemicals in pop bottles!), and I believe it's effect was to burn up part or most of his esophagus, and he had to have extensive surgery.

A whole bottle would kill you almost definitely, and it would probably dissolve parts of your stomach and maybe more internal organs. Just a guess, but it's basically chemical burn from the nature of the PH. It would be excruciatingly painful.

2006-07-22 12:31:21 · answer #5 · answered by solitusfactum 3 · 2 0

I've met a person who had done exactly that in a suicidal fit. He had his esophagus burnt out through the caustic action of the lye and part of his stomach.
He was 'rescued' in time.
The esophagus and part of the stomach were removed, and the esophagus was replaced by a portion of the small intestine.
The vocal and respiratory tract probrably won't go unscathed, though that's a different pipe, there is a common threshhold and a chance of inhalation.
Also, one might expect a degree of facial disfigurement as this nasty elixer refuses to go down easy.

My advise.
Don't do it.


2006-07-22 12:28:53 · answer #6 · answered by SageTumbleWeed 2 · 1 0

I believe the bible speaks of this. When you drink Drano, you sprout wings out your back. Not huge eagle wings, but tiny little butterfly wings. Then! Your face takes on a alligator-ish crocodile form and your ears become that of a german shepherds. As you fly using your little butterfly wings, you just cant help but fly nearer and nearer the sun. When you get higher than 1000 feet, the heat from the sun causes the drano's chemical reaction to speed up till a critical point is reached and then your entire guts explodes out your anal sphincter and rains down confetti and thats how they used to start the Macy's day parade. True story.

2016-09-09 08:21:38 · answer #7 · answered by kreamowheat101 2 · 1 1

Drinking Drano

2016-10-07 02:46:19 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

1st vomiting, then your esophagus will start to close so you''ll have to gt like a feeding tube to eat with, then you will have to have several surgery's to so the docs can stretch your throat. Don't drink Drano it could mess up your life. And check things before you drink it. But if for some reason you do drink it Charlotte Levine Children's Hospital is highly recommended from me.

2016-07-11 19:16:46 · answer #9 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

Drinking Draino would be fatal.

2006-07-22 12:24:00 · answer #10 · answered by tiravellian 3 · 1 0

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