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I am a tottaly normal girl and I keep having the same kind of dream every night

2 nights ago- I had a dream i was at someones house (don't remember who and don't remember the people) I was sitting on a sofa and the cat started warming up to me but i tried to pet it and it just kept getting meaner and meaner till i had to hold it with both hands awya from me cause it just kept trying to attack me. no one else seemed to care.

Last night - I Had a dream I had a bunch of baby penguins in my room and they were all cute and fuzzy and my family like took them in cause they were in trouble. the big penguin was getting cuddly with me and then started to like get weird so i ran all though my house and it was chasing me until i locked and hid behind a door.

I am not an animal freak, I don't go about thinking of animals. Why do I keep dreaming this werid stuff? Does it mean soemthing?

any ideas

2006-07-22 11:14:55 · 14 answers · asked by Coxie Megan 4 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

14 answers

OK I went to a dream interpretation website, this is what i found:

Animals most often represent that aspect of ourselves, or parts of our personality, that are present in our ordinary life. It is generally given that the more primitive the animal then the more primitive or deeper the layer of consciousness that represents. To dream of being bitten by an animal may be a manifestation of a fear of animals. What the animal is doing in the dream is also very important, if say, a pig is dancing, then maybe that means that the side of you that likes to over indulge is very happy with that. But if the pig were crying then that might indicate an inner urge to curb and over indulge in habit.

To see a penguin in your dream, signifies that your problems are not as serious as you may think. It serves as a reminder for you to keep you cool and remain level-headed. Alternatively, a penguin seen in your dream suggests that you are being weighed down by your emotions or by a negative situation. You need to find some balance and inner harmony.

If I had to guess myself it sounds like based on what you said that you were betrayed by someone that you trusted and now you are feeling like you cannot trust that person or those people again. But I'm no Sigmund Freud.

Hope that helps :-)

2006-07-22 11:22:53 · answer #1 · answered by dmc81076 4 · 5 0

Cats generally are a symbol of Femininity/Being Feminine in dreams. Are you having trouble with another female? Are you being nice to your friend or mother, but are being "bullied" or pushed away? Dreams require real thinking about, and most interpretations are only a guidline. Really think about how you are having trouble with the cat, and how the cat symbolizes females. Don't just go "hm nope doesn't sound like it oh well" Really think hard about it, what else could it mean? Did it happen a while ago, or keep your eyes open for the future! Maybe this will happen in a few days or months.

Please feel free to email me if you have anything you want interpreted, I have many many books on this topic.

2006-07-22 18:22:27 · answer #2 · answered by Aki 4 · 0 0

Let me analyze this dream.

Cats = social animals who like freedom
Penguins = Uncommon cute animals, not pets

Your dream seems to be about animals. However, the animals are just symbols for your conscience. You are being attacked by CAT means that you are trying to control your freedom and somehow you are not getting it in real life. Your project this cat as if this is your "freedom" However, there are things that you cannot control. Being attacked be a cat is a way to say that you are not socially active and you may be rejected or you do not want to get involved with social activities. You may have tried, but you just can't do it.

Same goes with baby penguins. They also signify your social behavior. You were being chased could mean you are not socially fit. You projected those two social animals in your dream to reflect what you really need in real life. You may not like animals, but subconsciously those animals symbolize social life.

I could be wrong, but this is how I see from your dream

2006-07-22 18:22:58 · answer #3 · answered by YourDreamDoc 7 · 0 0

Well, there are several things it could mean, and IMHO dream dictionaries are highly subjective, since different objects have different meanings to different people. I believe that a dream is comprised of:

1. Your subconscious mind (thoughts and emotions you may not let surface).
2. Your conscious mind (what is happening to you in the dream turns out to be happening to you in real life when you wake up, albeit possibly in a different way).
3. Other spiritual influences (such as angels, demons, ghosts, fairies, gnomes, and animated teddy bears)

Keep us updated on what your future dreams are, as well. Right now I would not want to guess, after perhaps 4 or 5 the meaning should become much clearer.

2006-07-22 21:36:09 · answer #4 · answered by Nathan 3 · 0 0

Both dreams sound like your worried about getting involved with other people who come from other cultures. That there were other people in the first dream who did nothing indicates your rebellious nature because you would be better off being involved with them, not the attractive pets. The second dream is a clearer warning, do not yourself offer help beyond your families act of kindnesses. Being forewarned is being forearmed, ignore the pets of friends and make sure you have a lockable door inside your home.

2006-07-22 18:36:52 · answer #5 · answered by Marcus R. 6 · 0 0

I am a dream interpreter the cats in you dream means treachery and deceit among those you trust and enemies who will go to any extreme to blacken your reputation since they attacked you, but since you got them out of your sight means, you will over come your enemies. Try not to visit any one that you feel that does not like you. I would avoid any parties or get together with friends for a week. The penguins in dream are telling you that your problems at home are not as serious as you believe, and if you keep your cool, they will melt away.

2006-07-22 18:34:43 · answer #6 · answered by Ms Pollyanna 6 · 0 0

You are probably an early teenager with hormones going wild, so don't eat too soon before you go to sleep, get loads of exercise every day, don't worry or even think what the dream might mean, also a long slow gentle loving masturbation before you sleep will help use up the extra energy you obviously have. Sweet dreams.

2006-07-22 18:23:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have had the exact same kind of dreams. This is what it meant to me....I dreamt of small insignificant creatures (cats, butterflies, etc) and situations (like watching TV, etc). The longer I was in my dream state the more frightening those objects or situations became. I came to the conclusion that every time I had a dream I had made a choice recently that I didn't pay enough attention to. It could be anything but your spirit is trying to tell you that you need to pay more attention to smaller things or they will become too much too handle.

2006-07-22 22:15:10 · answer #8 · answered by zerospacegurl 3 · 0 0

You know, I have weird dreams practically every night. Some of them are good, some of them are hair-raising, and every now and then I wake up screaming. I think if they all had meaning, I'd probably be either dead or insane by now. Try not to worry about it. Also:

-- don't eat in the last hour or two before bed
-- don't read at least 15 minutes before bed
-- don't watch horror movies within a few hours before bed

If you still have problems, make a good strong chamomile tea right before bed, that'll knock you right out.

2006-07-22 19:38:24 · answer #9 · answered by rabid_scientist 5 · 0 0

In the romanian culture, dreaming with a cat jumping over you means death or misfortune all your life. If a black cat jumps over your corpse before the priest says his words, that meens you'll become a vampire. If a cat is chasing you that means a person will annoy you, who is obsessed with you and he/she's following you. Penguins are signs of a wealthy part in your life. If they are took away from you that mean that you'll lose a big amount of money.

2006-07-22 18:30:08 · answer #10 · answered by ancutzabatalar 3 · 0 0

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