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i have been having knee problems lately. i work out a lot and it started at the beginning of the summer while playing basketball. it just recently started hurting again except a lot more. there was never a sudden injury, it just started hurting. it is painful on the inner side of my right knee. i can sometimes feel it "grinding" and it pops whenever i use it. i have been icing it 2 times a day this week but i can not tell any difference. i have no history of knee pain ever. i am only 15 so take that into consideration for what you think it might be. my guess is that i may have torn cartilage, because of the grinding. It is also painful to the touch on the inner side right between the kneecap and thebone, in that dip. when i walk my knee will sometimes "lock up" and my knee will jerk. right now not doing anything, sitting here typing this it hurts. if anyone has an idea of what i should do please tell me, or what the doctor might say. thanks

2006-07-22 11:14:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health General Health Care Injuries

7 answers

I injured my knee several years ago. I had the exact same symptoms.
I went to the doctor and had an xray done, it showed nothing unusual.
after a couple more months of pain I went back to same doctor and he ordered an M.R.I. The results where that I had a torn Meniscus. I had arthroscopic surgery (painless) and the end result was that my knee
healed back completely normal!

see a doctor! best of luck to you.

2006-07-22 11:29:24 · answer #1 · answered by Richard S. Perry 2 · 0 0

You should see an orthopedist. It sounds like the same problem I have. My knee cap doesn't sit level as it should and it doesn't follow the grove. I was given exercises by a physical therapist to strengthen the quadriceps. I also wear a knee brace that helps a lot, the brand is Cho-Pat and you can get it at footsmart.com, it doesn't put any pressure on the knee cap, which makes the grinding worse.

2006-07-22 18:30:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sorry about your sufferings. There is nothing serious except for a muscle catch out of your playing basket ball. Take equal quantity of turmeric, fenugreek (Methi) and dried ginger powder. Mix them well and store in a cleaned jar. Take one tea spoon powder mixed in a glass of warm water on empty stomach before breakfast daily until you feel better. Secondly, if you are constipated, correct your bowel movements and reduce weight, if obese. Stop playing basket ball because you need to rest at home. Avoid icing your knee and tie up your knee with crepe bandage. Finally, apply little pressure on the second joint of your middle finger from the nail using your thumb and index finger of other hand. You will observe severe and crucifying pain on that particular joint. This joint resembles knee in Sujok Therapy. Keep applying pressure intermittently on the prescribed joint in rotating motion for 15 minutes twice a day and within few days you will feel better. Apply pain relieving cream/gel also. Give hot water fomentation added with cooking salt and lemon juice to the affected area twice a day. Take one Rumalaya Forte tablet (By Himalaya Health Care) twice a day. Take one Spirulina/500g tablet daily for your ailment. Also, take Diclofenac Sodium/50mg plus Paracetamon/500mg tablet each thrice a day to get relief from severe pain. Knee pains are very complicated symptoms and should not be left unattended. If you trust my words, please write to me on close2health@yahoo.com. Also, seek your doctor’s advice for your disorder. Take care and be in good health.

2006-07-22 18:30:48 · answer #3 · answered by Kunwar Singh 4 · 0 0

talking from personal experience you might have some problems with a cartilage. you really need to see a doctor especially if you are into sports. one piece of advice don't rush into surgery! you need to have special tests not simple check-ups or x-rays.... the perfect one is called RMN - a nuclear magnetic resonance data processing program. a friend of mine was told she had to have surgery but after having this done the doctors realized it was no need, she only had minor lesions that heal over time.

2006-07-22 18:35:52 · answer #4 · answered by evil_fctr 1 · 0 0

You'll want to see a doctor who knows about sports-related injuries. He MIGHT prescribe something for you and give you a few exercises to counter what's happening to your knee. But for me to guess more than that would be presumptuous.

Good luck!

2006-07-22 19:09:46 · answer #5 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

Regarless of what anyone says here you need to see a doctor. Ice and otc meds are great but they won't solve the problem (if there is one). See a doctor ASAP.

2006-07-22 18:19:01 · answer #6 · answered by AC 3 · 0 0

read the testimonials on these 2 links and get back to me. I will
tell you what to get. teammannatech.com and glycoresorce.com

Also read my page.

2006-07-25 18:53:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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