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10 answers

You have asked a societal question and I am going to give you an answer unlike jlgray777. I truly believed in the fact if someone was given a chance in society they would improve with their surroundings. I totally remodeled a house and rented it to a low income family. I thought now they are in a nice house they will appreciate the effort that was put in it. I had heard these people were trashy, and not black by the way, was begged by the organization not to rent this house to them. But having learned that through societal laws of culture and subculture people change to their immediate surroundings and I was out to prove this concept was correct. Oh was I in for the shock of my life. These people totally ruined the house. Dog and cat feces was everywhere, Holes in the walls and doors off by the hinges. Now don't tell me it is because of slavery or anything else. It is by choice. They have as much opportunity to get an education as the next and move out. Everyone wants to keep pointing fingers and fails to see it is called racism. The whites think they are better than the blacks and the blacks think they are better than the whites, thus racial tensions. WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL. We all have the same opportunities. We all think we are better than the Latinos. We are to live in peace with our brothers and sisters. If everyone would drop the attitude the problem of slavery would be no more.

2006-07-22 11:16:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes, and those who think otherwise are just plain stupid.

Whites are affected because their ancestors/predecessors have taught down through the generations that they are the superior race, have a right to everything in the world and should treat blacks and anyone different than themselves as primitive beings. White people today have to overcome the natural and inherent predisposition of racist thinking. Some people just automatically discriminate solely based on skin color even when an individual has proved them wrong. Many have over come this, but there are a good number still stuck in the past.

Blacks are affected because they were stripped of everything that made them human. They were lower than a dog. For generations, blacks had to struggle to gain a sense of humanity. Today, some blacks hold on to negative images of themselves because in a strange way, it gives them a sense of identity. Blacks have been searching for an identity. Some have chose to identify with the oppressor (passing), while some have chosen to continue the role of the slave.

Like people scarred by childhood trauma, some in society need counseling to work out issues that have them stuck in an unhealthy state of being. Racism and hate is not good for anyone.

2006-07-23 05:08:52 · answer #2 · answered by truly 6 · 0 0

Absolutely. You never get something for nothing. Whites who enslaved blacks for "free" labor, created a culture of racial bias and shame that they suffered from too, during slavery and to this very day.
Africans who largely promoted this problem by catching and selling "slaves" can also share in the blame and the shame.Their ideas about slavery were much different from what white slavers had in mind. They were, reportedly, more humane and many "slaves" were often adopted into society of the conquering tribe or nation after so many years of servitude.
As for African Americans, we had to survive having everything stolen from us in the process of slavery: out identity, culture, language, values and religions, not to mention our dignity and liberty as human beings.
The effect was and still is devasting. We often betray one another, struggle with family relationships, disrespect ourselves to make a dollar, and the government/economy still favors just about every other ethnicity over ours in terms of employment, education, fair housing, medical and mental health treatment. The only equal treatment we seem to get is the right to join the army and go die in a war. Even that is not equal, because it is largely the only truly open "job option" for young African Americans who are undereducated in the system.

American racial discrimination, however, was a behavioral design orchestrated by slavers who "owned" both enslaved blacks and indentured white servants.[The language is important here. Nobody has ever been a slave, because all mankind is born FREE, but many have been ENSLAVED in the history of time!]
The ideas was if these "underclassed" people united, they would outnumber the property owners; the rich. It would have been like peasant uprisings in jolly old England! So, they used skin color to create a distraction from the lack of human rights BOTH groups of servants were suffering. It was a terribly successful strategy that only those with antiquated minds will continue to embrace beyond childhood enculturation; if they ever leave the boundaries of their upbringing/locality.
"We shall overcome" will happen when EVERYONE recognizes the far reaching affects of this sordid episode in world history. The "We" part means everybody, black and white. Not likely to happen, so the next best thing is to build a sense of community where you can and embrace yourself and your fellow man as much as possible.
I take people on a case by case basis. Many abolitionists were white and some gave their lives in the cause to end slavery. A true service to this country. Many people that also gave their lives in service to this country as protesters in the civil rights movement were also white. Therefore, a person can be green with purple dots, but if they respect me, I respect them.
Live and let live.

2006-07-22 11:42:36 · answer #3 · answered by Chris 5 · 0 0

Yes. A lot of people believe that slavery that far back has nothing to do with present times. This isn't true. It is not that many generations back and deeply affects society today. For example a family that came to America as slaves has a lot more economic disadvantage even now then a family who came to America with money. And racism is still going strong in America.

2006-07-22 10:58:14 · answer #4 · answered by jlgray777 3 · 0 0

Yes for both sides and their is really no answer to make everyone happy. I'm a black man and I don't think that white people of today have to repay anything back. Slavery was wrong so let's forgive each other and make sure it doesn't happen again

2006-07-22 10:58:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It created the "blaming game". Now, minorities of color in the US can assign blame to others while escaping personal responsibility for their behaviour. Many blacks in slavery were pleased to leave Africa and work in a new world. Dissatisfied and ungrateful blacks gave the word slavery a bad name.

2006-07-22 11:13:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yeah in that both sides use it as an excuse for why things r the way they r now. it also created a status quo that we are too slow in shifting away from. there are still stereotypes and prejudices in getting people where they can be.

2006-07-22 11:03:07 · answer #7 · answered by miss_coco 3 · 0 0

It shouldn't have. That was SO long ago. It's in the past, and people need to get on with the present.

2006-07-22 10:56:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, it was only a couple hundred years ago so you know they haven't gotten over the trauma of being the slowest people in the jungles.

2006-07-22 11:25:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-07-22 11:02:48 · answer #10 · answered by Lilmisssassy 4 · 0 0

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