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Ok, imagine this...
If someone came into your house; raped and killed your entire family, including your small children; took away all of your money; destroyed your house; imprisoned and tortured you; killed most, if not all of your neighbors; took away all access to electricity, drinking water, telephone (and internet); planted radioactive substances throughout your neighborhood; destroyed your workplace and any possible job or way to make money; stole everything you own, and all of the resources in your area (including your neighborhood's primary source of income); and left you and your neighbors with nothing except simple bomb-making materials...what would you do? Greet the person with flowers and candy? Or would you want to kill them, even if it cost you your life?

This is what creates terrorism. Take everything away from someone, and they will have nothing but hatred for you, and a desire to do whatever they can to pay you back for your injustice.

Simple! Duh! Questions?

2006-07-22 10:52:08 · 12 answers · asked by corwynwulfhund 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

please try to read the question before answering so as not to appear ignorant.

2006-07-22 10:57:47 · update #1

please understand that SH was placed in power by President Nixon, was sold the weapons he used against his people by Donald Rumsfeld acting on behalf of his company and the US with approval from Reagan.

These actions reflect what our country and Israel (with our support) have been doing throughout the ME for over 60 years. The Lebanese and Palestinans are the people that atrocities have been committed against and are the ones retaliating in the only way they can with the lack of resources at their disposal. Israel has expanded the territory they were given after WWII by over 50%, and always by force...which is why the Palestinians and Lebanese have retaliated.

2006-07-22 11:10:09 · update #2

By the way...Liberation does not include the destruction and failure to rebuild infrastructure, theft of resources (literally billions of barrels of oil have been stolen and unreported), theft of money slated to rebuild ($9billion in cash went missing after the trucks carrying it met with reps of US corporations, who the money was given to without receipts), and murder of over 100,000 civilians (Pentagon's own #'s...most reports show this number to be at least double). We did not liberate them...we simply traded one tyrant for another!

2006-07-22 11:13:58 · update #3

9/11 was not the work of Al Quaida..Muhammed Atta was Saudi, not Afghani. Also, the "terrorists" that had attended flight school were all kicked out because they could not take off or fly a plane IN A SIMULATOR!!! Ask any fighter pilot how easy a 5G turn with perfect precision in a 767 is...they will say that only the very best pilots in the world could pull that in a fully loaded plane.

2006-07-22 11:18:12 · update #4

You used the word unbelievers in place of the correct word infidel (those that persecute believers) in most of those cases. Also, don't forget that Christians and Jews are considered believers according to the Qu'Ran. Unbelievers refers to people that do not believe in God at all.

2006-07-22 11:20:29 · update #5

Also, I am not justifying, simply explaining why. Turning the other cheek...if it is to apply to them, it must also apply to us!

2006-07-22 11:22:14 · update #6

These strong arm tactics have been used by tyrants around the world...such as The US (video documentation), Saudi Arabia (our allies), The Sudan (our allies), The Congo (our allies), and many others...it is wrong whether they do it or we do it...but doing that to punish someone that did that (but not to him personally) is even more wrong!

2006-07-22 11:26:51 · update #7

Liberals have always tried to stop these actions...but have been held back by Republicans

2006-07-22 11:28:01 · update #8

12 answers

Your question is pretty profound and yet simple. It does indeed say why and how terrorists are created. Terrorism isn't created in a vacuum. Although the repuglicunts keep saying that.."they hate us.." yes damn right they do and for good reason. You have gone in and destroyed their lives and they are therefore justified in hating you, JUST LIKE THE FOUNDING FATHERS WERE JUSTIFIED IN HATING THE BRITISH.
Somebody's terrorist, somebody else's freedom fighter.

For a very current example: Hezbollah was created as a RESISTANCE MOVEMENT AGAINST ISRAELI OCCUPATION. I hope the capital letters really hurt the eyes of the repugs and thereby make an imprint on their brain (if there is one). There were no Hezbollah before 1982-85. They sprung up to fight the Israeli aggressors back.

However, just to be historically accurate, Muslim rulers have done the same to other nations in their heyday as well. They have gone in and killed, plundered and razed. So while I don't like the violence of war I also feel that perhaps it is karma.

2006-07-22 16:06:27 · answer #1 · answered by The_Dark_Knight 4 · 2 0

Your "simple concept" is not a fact and misconstrues much of what has taken place to the region of the word to which you refer.

Much of your "concept" more accurately depicts conditions under Saddam Hussein and other Middle East strong arm dictators. Why is it that during that time there was no liberal outrage or outspoken contempt for the "terrorism" that those conditions created? Is terrorism just a matter of perception? Is modern liberalism no longer interested in law, order and justice? Where is the liberal outcry at the UN when masses of human beings are massacred and terrorized? Why is it that the two governments with the intestinal fortitude to stand up and hold another government accountable are vilified by the left?

Terrorism is more likely created by a fanatical element choosing to attempt to force their ideology upon the governing bodies in disagreement with them. Surely, a certain amount of injustices done in the guise of terrorism are out of pure hatred and have little to do with your "simple concept."

In the end, terrorism is killing innocent people and the "simple concept" you fail to understand is that nothing changes unless someone attempts to cause change. Stop hating the governments that take a stand against ideologies that prefer to terrorize and dictate to peoples who should be free and living in peace. Even the conservatives you despise wish no less for everyone.

Sigh. Now you wish to say 9/11 was not a plot by Al Qaeda? Did you forget that the foremost leader of Al Qaeda is also a Saudi? Despite what your best fighter pilots say, actual evidence witnessed on CNN proves their and your opinions false.

2006-07-22 11:21:23 · answer #2 · answered by DaShagMeister 1 · 0 1

Do you really think it's as simple as that? With all due respect, your scenario is just as overly simplistic as the "they're just evildoers" explanation.

Some terrorists, to be sure, are people who have been wronged by the U.S. But I'm sure just as many, if not more, have different reasons. Some are simply religious extremists, people with mental problems, the easily misled, people out to make money, former Baathist officers, people who hate Jews or Christians, people who believe in the superiority of their race, or something else.

Even some of the people who FEEL they have been wronged by the U.S. have rather faulty reasoning. Having U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia is not cause for killing innocent Americans.

Look at OBL, or 9/11 hijacker Muhammed Atta. When did any of the things you described happen to them?

2006-07-22 11:12:48 · answer #3 · answered by timm1776 5 · 0 0

Every person is capable of being a complete asshole. Each one of us will go through some **** in our lives (trust me, I lost everything). But, just because something bad happens to you and you want sooo much to take that pain away it won't simply go away because you inflict pain on someone else. You remember the bible don't you? Something about turning the other cheek...that **** is true, because only you can release your pain and not by hurting someone else. Remember Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, peaceful folks who made a difference...this method can still work. Hatred is never an answer, and this will be the greatest battle you face - resisting the hate.

2006-07-22 11:11:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Gee, you just described the atrocities that happened in Iraq when Saddam Hussein came to power and before the US and Allied forces freed the Iraqi PEOPLE, (I'm not talking about his army and those that alined themselves with him.

ALSO, you are refering to the actions that just took place while ISRAEL is PROTECTING it's people from the terrorism (think, suicide bombers of Hamas and Hezbollah) that have been striking that area for years.

Too bad the Good Lebanese people voted in some of these terrorist into their government. Also too bad that Hezbollah brought all this on these innocent people. But you must understand that terrorist don't care who they hurt, including their own. They are FANATICAL LUNITICS, and the only way to fight them is to destroy all of them that you can.

Who started this war? HEZBOLLAH and Israel has had enough.
and Frankly, so has the good people of this earth.

2006-07-22 11:04:18 · answer #5 · answered by Dog Mama 4 · 0 1

It depends on whether or not the person is willing to take that revenge; some would-some wouldn't. No questions...I feel that all this does NOT justify revenge, but forgiveness and prayer. But perhaps that's just me. Those responsible should be punished; simple as that.

No one will ever know the reason behind logic such as that...

2006-07-22 10:57:52 · answer #6 · answered by madame_operaghost 2 · 0 1

we females We continually want dessert. We continually want you to order dessert. What we under no circumstances want is that you may invite us if we want dessert. it is redundant also less than no condition, besides enlistment interior the military, do we stumble on shipment pants an perfect determination and finally however it might want to be cool that you kept all that element and funds by using going to Supercuts, we'd want to no longer contact you for 2 weeks.

2016-11-25 02:10:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Now imagine THIS! Waiting for your friend to come home from visiting her new granddaughter in Boston. Now, Imagine standing in your livingroom watching your friends plane flying right into the Twin Towers!

You need to know your enemy before you place your western liberal ideas onto why they do what they do. Because they are neither from the west nor are they liberal!

2006-07-22 11:12:45 · answer #8 · answered by ma_zila 5 · 0 1

Well...because...their ability to understand anything basic would be too much like right!
AND...remember...the key phrase in your question is "simple concept".
"Simple concept" means "thoughts or ideas that go over the head of your average Republican like water rushing over a waterfall...like air moving over the wing of an jet plane".

2006-07-22 12:24:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your first paragraph describes the actions of the terrorist. No one even did that to them.

2006-07-22 11:11:33 · answer #10 · answered by STEVEN F 7 · 0 1

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