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14 answers

Don't go crazy with the partying. College is too expensive for you to do something stupid and flunk out.

Keep your studies up, and pick classes around what type of person you are. If you're not a morning person, don't choose an 8 a.m. class.

If you're planning to work, it's easiest to bunch classes together so you have a regular, free schedule. You can cram your entire class load onto Tues/Thurs, so you have M/W/F free, for example.

Sometimes, it's really cool to take a night class. They usually meet only once a week and they're filled with older, non-traditional students.

Finally, if you're in a dorm, claim your space early. Work out the groundrules with your roommate(s) so that your food or personal stuff doesn't get swiped, and so that you don't find your roomie's date in your bed on a surprise sleepover.

2006-07-22 10:27:52 · answer #1 · answered by lotsayorks 4 · 0 0

Okay here goes

1) if you can get to the campus, go and make sure you know where your classes will be. Theres nothing worse then wandering around looking for the "700 building" when you are late already

2) be early! There is something called a "waitlist"....a list of people they couldn't fit into the class just yet. But they usually tell them to come on the first day. So there are way more people in there than what will fit. Go early so you can get a seat

3) don't miss your first day. Those people who miss the first day get dropped and all those "waitlist" people will take your spot so you'll never get back in!

4) find someone who knows about the campus resources. You can talk to a councilor or something. My school had a huge study center in the library that I didn't even know existed my whole first semester!

5) Ask your professor if you may bring a tape recorder to class. Some professors don't like to be recorded, but most are okay with it. They come in really handy in lecture classes where all the professor does is talk.

6) exchange numbers with a few people in class and ask if it's okay to share notes. They might get something down that you missed.

7) if you know you need to miss a day, have a friend or contact take your tape recorder to class.

8) Buy used books. They are way cheaper and if you get a book that a good student had before, all the important stuff will already by highlighted for you.

9) Show up prepared on the first day. In high school, the teachers usually just hang out the first day. In college, they'll start lecturing first thing...so don't think that it is ok to come with no paper and stuff. Be ready to learn.

10) Keep in touch with your professor. Take advantage of their office hours and make sure they know who you are. This way, if you ever have a problem you can go to them and they are more likely to help you, because they remembered that you took the initiative to ask about your last paper. If you are just a face in a crowd of people, they will not be as likely to give you a break on anything.

11) participate in class. Same concept as #10


2006-07-22 17:31:28 · answer #2 · answered by Tiffany C 5 · 0 0

WATCH your spending, especially on fast food and clothes. Try not to waste your financial aid or scholarship money; save it for a car or a trip.

GET ONE credit card to help you build credit. It looks better on your credit report when you've had a card for a long time and you've paid it off responsibly. Pay by the due date so you don't have to deal with the dreaded interest.

GET good grades. Yeah everyone says that. But if you get them early on then you'll be able to afford a "C" or two in one of your really hard classes. Remember it only gets tougher whith each year depending on your major.

GET INVOLVED. Student activities look great on your resume. Plus they'll make college that much more memorable.

TAKE ADVANTAGE of your time in college. You'll only get busier after you graduate since you'll be working/paying bills. So use your free time wisely.

2006-07-22 18:12:57 · answer #3 · answered by Amy A 2 · 0 0

1. Be social, but don't spend all of your time with your friends
2. Make time to study.
3. GO TO ALL OF YOUR CLASSES! Even if they don't require it. Skipping is the easiest way to flunk, I promise!
4. Don't party. At least, not much and when you do, have all of your work for the weekend done before you go.
5. Remember why you are in college; to get a degree and be prepared for a career. You aren't there JUST to make friends and get drunk.

2006-07-22 17:28:32 · answer #4 · answered by choirgirl1987 2 · 0 0

Make sure you get your work done (set your priorities straight, go to class, get your work done in a timely manner), ask for help, and go to study sessions if you can.

Try and get involved in things that are interesting to you (clubs/organ.) that way you can also make friends.

If you can, get the ISBN numbers for your school books so you can order your books online instead of in the book store (you can save $100s doing this...trust me!)

Always have a small stash of food or what not to keep in your room incase you can't make it to the cafeteria or something prevents you from going (frozen dinners, juice, chips...) Also to keep your fuel going if you're studying in your room.

Go to the library (I stopped really goin my 3rd year, but trust it feels SOO good to go to the lib. and gettin ur work done!) Set aside a few hours a week

Also, review all notes once you get out of class and before your next class

If you have a roomate discuss issues that may occur in your dorm room. Such as having loud music, late night company, sharing items... [this will save a lot of hassles and fights]

You will have to be an "adult" now. Depending on your proximity to your home, you will make all of the decisions, stands on your own two feet, and live life!

Try and make atleast 2 friends on your classes incase you may need to study 2gether, get notes, etc...

Hope you take my advice. Good luck and have fun! It's college. You will be rewarded at the end...trust me!!!!!

2006-07-22 17:31:55 · answer #5 · answered by SouthCackalacky 1 · 0 0

Don't be an annoying twit trying to be someone you're not. Just be yourself. ALWAYS. If anyone doesn;'t like it, too bad for them. You'll make the kind of friends that are worth having by just being yourself. Make sure you get your school work done before partying. Remember why you;re there. Have fun!

2006-07-22 17:21:49 · answer #6 · answered by Peach Tree 3 · 0 0

Don't trust that guy that is 50 years old and still goes to college parties and says things like "I've been partying here for longer than you were born. Now come back to my house so I can show you a neat trick."

Trust me on this one!

I have to go take a shower now.

2006-07-22 17:23:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

* plan your time
* learn to take good notes - http://geocities.com/fudgethink/notes.pdf
* work on all your study skills - http://www.testtakingtips.com
* ask questions in class, but only ones that apply!
* visit your professors during office hours if there are additional questions
* study with buddies
* attend classes faithfully!!!
* make sure you plan some fun time, too
* sleep just enough
* attend sports, music, and other events to enrich your experience
* avoid drugs and alcohol
* get help from a tutor right when you think you need help - don't wait
* plan ahead and remember your ultimate goals!

Good luck!

2006-07-22 18:28:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Now, that outta getcha going in the right direction. Have a wonderful time.

2006-07-22 17:25:33 · answer #9 · answered by fishermanswife 4 · 0 0

Be sure that you set aside time for your assignments and do them first before anything else. Attend class and make sure if you need help, you ask for it.

2006-07-22 17:22:18 · answer #10 · answered by Meggo 2 · 0 0

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