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Israel has left all lebaneas land down to the last inch 6 years ago. since then Lebanon has failed to deploy it's army on the international border as they were ordered by the UN.
The relations between the two countries for the past 6 years have been of relative quiet (relative to the mid east...). the hizbollah is constantly attacking a post in the Golan hights that is considered by the UN not as lebanon teratory but syrian or israeli (for now at least). these unprovoked attacks has led to the death of 3 israely soldieres 6 years ago and the kidnapping of their bodies. other then that, the hizbollah attacked some military outposts in israel and shot anti-aircraft fire, aiming deliberatly too low and hitting israeli towns (killing a young man).
all that time israel has retaliated only by air-bombing hizballah outpost in retaliation. this time, it seems israel has lost it's patience and is willing to go on a massive attack in order to push hizbhallah from the border. what would you do?

2006-07-22 09:52:49 · 15 answers · asked by Inigo Montoya 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, said that the Israeli response was exadurated. what do you think would have been a measured response to such an attack?

2006-07-22 11:19:22 · update #1

15 answers

Yes this attack is justified. Palestinians had a chance to have a state and denied it. The islamic facist just want death and destruction to the infidels. Liberals and conservatives need to unite as americans to defeat this threat in the world.

"Taking over the entire southern portion of Lebanon just because Hezbollah took two people hostage is clearly not justified."

Yeah so basically what you are saying two lives don't matter. Let me ask you this-- if your brother or daughter or son was in the army and someone kidnapped him/her would you want your nation to sit there and say "oh well it was only one person. Why should we attack??"

How long will you give into terroisim to the point you need to attack?

"If you think dropping bombs on women and children is justified then israel is right"

Keep drinking that anti-semetic kool aid of yours. The islamic radicals HIDE behind women and children. They send CHILDREN and WOMEN into isreael with suicide vest (they have been doing that for years). HOW CAN YOU POSSIBILY think that Israelis are targetting women and children especially when they warned them to GET OUT.

"These groups attack Israel because Israel's citizens have a personality defect. They think they are God's chosen people and anything they do is justified. It is a sickening attitude and has led to their persecution in the past. So to answer your question, I feel that Israel has no right to occupy ANY land in that region OR aggressively attack others with U.S. weaponry. Or any weaponry for that matter. They cannot peacefully co-exist (they can't "play nice") with other groups in the region and therefore they should find a home that is isolated. A place far far away where they can glorify themselves and their God all day long. Every day."

What are you talking about? How are they not peaceuflly co-existing?? They offered palestinians a state and they flat-out denied it. Their "neighbors" fund terroist groups that lodge rockets into northern isreal. Then anti-semetic people like you blame the jews.

And what does jews thinking they are the chosen ones of God have to do with anything? Islamics think the same. Christians think the same. This statement of yours just exposed your anti-semetism.

Do anything that is justifided?? Your attitude really is disturbing me now. According to you USA should've done nothing durring World War 2. Because according to you, we shouldn't stand up for wht is right.

You really do disgust me.

2006-07-22 09:56:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes. They should have done it sooner.

Was it allright to try to destroy Israel? Israel tried in every way possible to live peacefully with its neighbors. They are surrounded on all sides with countries that harbor terrorists. From the day Israel was established, the attacks began. The Israelis even bulldozed their own settlements and gave the land to the Arabs, but nothing short of the annihilation of Israel would satisfy them. The suicide bombers got on Israeli school buses and went into the market places. Missiles were aimed at resorts and cities and hundreds more were poised on the border. Israel even built a wall but it didn't keep the terrorists out. When 2 soldiers were kidnapped, Israel had enough. The did what the US should be doing; they went after the terrorist's headquarters and training grounds. These are the same terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 and have attacked Britain, India and other countries. Israel is the only ally of the US in the Middle East and the only democracy in the region. They have a right to defend themselves.

2006-07-22 09:56:17 · answer #2 · answered by notyou311 7 · 1 0

Israel is within its right to retaliate against Hezbollah for terrorist attacks. However its operations in Lebanon are excessive and
disproportionate. There is no symmetry or restraint at all, Israel is instead operating on the principal of collective punishment. Instead of surgically and strategically striking at at Hezbollah, Israel is levelling whole neighborhoods and towns. Over 300 civilians have been killed in Lebanon, compared to 18 in Israel. The actual targets struck by Israel have been largely civilian: dozens of bridges and part of Beirut’s airport destroyed, power stations and radio towers short-circuited, ports and routes of entry destroyed. The latest reports say that between half a million and 700,000 people have been displaced and this could create a humanitarian crisis if the violence continues with no abatement to allow in aid organizations.

Israel thinks the kidnapping of 2 soldiers a few weeks ago justifies this kind of invasion??

2006-07-22 10:23:15 · answer #3 · answered by sara 1 · 0 0

Under International Law, the pursuit of enemies into another country is justified. Thus, Israel is just right in running after the Hezbollah guerillas in Lebanon. That is the reason why the United Nations is not condemning Israel since the reason is valid. Nevertheless, the UN should intervene in order to solve the Middle East crisis.

2006-07-22 09:58:35 · answer #4 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

I think Israel has a right to protect there citizens. The terrorists are shooting rockets into the cities, and don't care who they kill. At least Israel is trying to get the terrorists, and not any citizens, but things don't always go the way you plan. The terrorists have been bombing cities for a long time, and don't care who they slaughter. Look at the land Israel gave away in the west bank, just a few years ago, to try and bring peace. They have bent over backwards, to try and bring peace, but the terrorists don't want peace, all they want, is to kill all the jews..I hope this will finally bring peace to Israel, after they defeat the terrorists..

2006-07-22 10:07:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The answer is yes! It is so justified. Lebanon was told by the UN to get Hezbollah out, but they didn't. The UN never backs up what they say, so now it is the UN's fault that Israel has to go and clean up their mistake. The UN should have taken care of this years ago. It's like Saddam, how many times did the UN tell him to come clean about the weapons of mass destruction? Not once did the UN stand up and say, or else. Here we go again. The UN says... but countries don't... and we have to go in and clean up their mess, since they the UN never back up what they say!!

2006-07-22 10:04:10 · answer #6 · answered by maniaajo 3 · 1 0

These groups attack Israel because Israel's citizens have a personality defect. They think they are God's chosen people and anything they do is justified. It is a sickening attitude and has led to their persecution in the past. So to answer your question, I feel that Israel has no right to occupy ANY land in that region OR aggressively attack others with U.S. weaponry. Or any weaponry for that matter. They cannot peacefully co-exist (they can't "play nice") with other groups in the region and therefore they should find a home that is isolated. A place far far away where they can glorify themselves and their God all day long. Every day.

2006-07-22 10:01:10 · answer #7 · answered by cannonball 1 · 0 1

Israel has shown great restraint. as of2 hours ago, there were more than 100 hisbollah rockets shot into towns and villages in Israel today alone, Israeli citizens have the right to be able to walk outside even if it means going into Lebanon to kill the hesbolah militants

2006-07-22 09:59:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The culture in the Middle East in general seems very violent to me. I'm not sure that any diplomacy by the US and other Western nations will work at this point in bringing peace to the Middle East.

I personally would like for them to go ahead and fight their wars and have the US stay out of it. That includes not providing weapons to Israel.

2006-07-22 09:58:15 · answer #9 · answered by seattlecutiepie 5 · 0 0

Finkelstein is an fool? the academic an fool, i think Mark Heller a senior researcher on the Institute for nationwide safe practices analyze at Tel Aviv college is an fool to boot? Or all those who disagrees with Israel or the U.S, all idiots. someone might want to be an expert in this field to utterly push aside the artwork of those people.

2016-10-15 02:15:08 · answer #10 · answered by chardip 4 · 0 0

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