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It just seems whenever Israel is defending itself or trying to combat these islamic-facist the United Nations or whoever tries to stop them. The Israelis have every right to be in their land. If you disagree with that then you are pretty hypocritical considering you are right now on the native american's lands.

BY the way, Israel offered palestinians a state years ago but they turned it down. Making clear that thier mission is to exterminate the jews and not live peacefully.

Are the israelis killing innocent people? Yeah, but that is war. in ww2 americans accidently killed innocent people. Same with Iraqi war right now.

I believe this hate may come from anti-semetism and conspiracy theorist who read the protocols of the elders of zion and belive the jews own the world.

The US always backs Israel because we don't want to back terroist-funding nations such as Iran and Syria which openly hate us and are stuck in the stone age as they worship their moon god allah.


2006-07-22 08:37:04 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

"ISRAEL is the leading terrorist nation on earth ask the world and we are second . AMERICA has no understanding of the world .IT no longer wants or needs us for anything .It looks and see's how we treat our people at home and if thats the best we can offer then they say screwwwww us .they can do that on there own and better ."

How is Israel the terroist leading nation on the earth? They could've wiped out LEbanon and Palestinians but they were too humane. Are the Israelis the ones suicide bombing New York City, Madrid, India, London, etc..??

Stop with your propaganda.

2006-07-22 08:45:15 · update #1

"AMERICA has no understanding of the world "

Actually we have the best understanding of the world. We aren't blinded by our hate for the jews and we don't try to please the islamic facist like the europeans do (Who by the way invite them into Europe).

2006-07-22 08:45:54 · update #2

"Because Israeli's are stubborn fools with a victimisation complex who overeact to everything, yes im generalising but after several months in Israel during various conflicts im inclined to go with it as a pretty good rule of thumb"

Okay lets pretend that your wife or brother or friend was a US soldier kidnapped by Hezbollah and taken into lebanon. Then I bet you would care about your nation doing something.

But following your own philosphy, Israel shouldn't do anything about two soldiers since its just two soldiers. Then a month later they may take 5 soldiers, then 6. Where do you draw the line? When do you refuse to give into terroism? This is no time for US to only be 80% allies to Israel.

2006-07-22 08:47:33 · update #3

"Also, don’t give me any of that garbage about “God” giving the land to the Jews, because that’s all based on some mythological religious views."

Yeah I am an atheist.

2006-07-22 08:48:12 · update #4

According to U.S. peace negotiator Dennis Ross, Israel offered to create a Palestinian state that was contiguous, and not a series of cantons. Even in the case of the Gaza Strip, which must be physically separate from the West Bank unless Israel were to be cut into non-contiguous pieces, a solution was devised whereby an overland highway would connect the two parts of the Palestinian state without any Israeli checkpoints or interference.
The proposal also addressed the refugee issue, guaranteeing them the right of return to the Palestinian state and reparations from a $30 billion international fund that would be collected to compensate them.
Israel also agreed to give the Palestinians access to water desalinated in its territory.

2006-07-22 08:50:20 · update #5

"I can't even finish reading the contents of your crap question,so my little piece of advice to you is piss off and don't defend the heartless,ignorant Zionists without doing some research on history and religions."

Yeah and your not anti-semetic? you are reading propaganda sites like Rense about the jews taking over the world. You are blinded by your own hatred.

2006-07-22 08:51:44 · update #6

"And stop making accusations of other peoples religion. Muslims do not worship moon gods. Become a Professor in Islamic teaching and then talk against it. Because right now you're just a babbling buffoon."

Allah comes from an old sumerian moon god. This is a fact. Just as Jesus comes from the word Zeus and his story came from Mithra.

And how am I just blabbing? It is people like you who are preaching this hatred for the jews and supporting Islamic facism.

2006-07-22 08:53:50 · update #7

"Before he was in Hezbollah he was just a regular guy and in 1996 Israeli troops killed his eldest son for no reason. All because he was walking across the street."

I hear dumb propaganda stories like this all the time. Just like the insurgent in Iraq who said coalition killed his brother. BS. His brother was a terroist. And this guy's son was just walking around durring Israeli occupation??

This is lies made by the Hezbollah leader to get other anti-semetic Islamic facist on their own side.

And why would ISrael be the "mother" of these terroist groups that are murderering the Israelis?

2006-07-22 08:57:09 · update #8

"How did Isreal get the "right" to their land??? Israel AS A STATE did not exist until 1948."

It had the fight to the land when Great Britian gave it to them may be???

"America is only a target of terrorism because of the US'S blind support of Israel."

I love this theory. Lets imagine this is world war two. If we support our allies then the nazis will hate us. Does that mean we should give in and say "lets not stand up for what is right because it may hurt us"

USA's job and whole purpose of existance is to stand up for what is right. Why would we cowardly Not support Isreal?

"Native Americans had no concept of owning land."

Tell that to the Aztecs and tribes that killed each other for it. It is human extinct to have land has territory. Even animals think like that.

2006-07-22 08:59:47 · update #9

egoist, I do believe Israel should step it up a notch and not care what the UN has to say. US should also get involved in this world war. It is america's job to stand up for what is right and in this case Israel should be defended.

2006-07-22 09:47:40 · update #10

22 answers

There has been a campaign of demonizing Israel since the late 1960s. People will believe ANYTHING you say about Jews.

"They drink blood" or "they target Arab kids"... The crazier you make the libel the more people believe it.

And that gives them a "reason" to hate Jews.

(See the above posts for examples)

Today's hatred for Israel is an outlet for the deep seeded anti-Semitism in the Western and Islamic worlds.

Anti-Semitism Causes and Excuses:

2006-07-23 14:58:32 · answer #1 · answered by mo mosh 6 · 2 1

First, Israel is not defending it's attacking. Want more Details you can take a look here http://www.fromisraeltolebanon.info/ .
Second, It's not their land, if you know anything about history you will know that this place was named Palestine till England gave it to Jewish in 1948 and this was the first time to be a thing called Israel.
Third, the one which is defending themselves are the Palestinians as the are the people under attack all time.
Forth, If you live here you'll find that Israel is a big liar, says i want peace and kill innocents, and when a father with murdered son or wife, a son with a killed father or brother is Trying to fight back, he is called by the whole world as a terrorist. Do you know why? because the whole world sees what Israel say, as it controls media all over the world. I think if someone believes in half what i said, which is nothing compared to the reality of Israel, he must be against Israel.

2006-07-23 07:59:24 · answer #2 · answered by mohamed rakha 2 · 0 1

>>>The only clear reason why Israel is in that miss is the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land . if Israel implement the UN 242 resolution in full there will be an end to the on going wars in the Middle East.<<<

You're sorely mistaken or misinformed. This issue isn't between Palestine and Israel. It's between Jews and Muslims and it dates back to Abraham and his two children Ismail and Isaac. Each believe they have a convenant with God promising them the land that now makes up Israel and Palestine.

To this day, muslims believe they are entitled to the whole of Israel/Palestine. The consider it a holy land, and believe they were promised this land by God. The Jews believe the same thing, as the Christians do. Giving a little to one side or another is not going to solve this problem. They have been enemies for all of time, and land concessions aren't going to solve that. What they need is something else to put their energy into. Poor people are malcontent and melodramatic. The poor need money and power. They can't have this under tyrannical, oppressive regimes such as Saddam Hussein's and the extremist Muslim states like Iran and Syria. They need economic and social freedom for the people to have any power. Until then, they will remain easy to manipulate, even to convince they are better off killing themselves in the name of God than living the horrible life they have. This is the root of Islamic extremism.

Until we understand the root of the problem, it can't be solved. We have no fathoming as to the religious faith of both these people, their history, and their deep seated hatred for each other.

2006-07-22 08:55:39 · answer #3 · answered by soontobeit 2 · 0 0

I am against the Israeli government, not the Israeli or Jewish people.

Many Jews who actually follow their religion are anti-Zionists.

How will the pro-Zionists Jews respect the Muslims around them, when they don't even respect their own religion.

Obviously you've only been looking at pro-Israeli information.

And stop making accusations of other peoples religion. Muslims do not worship moon gods. Become a Professor in Islamic teaching and then talk against it. Because right now you're just a babbling buffoon.

And where do you think Hezbollah and others come from. They weren't just made 10 days ago.

It was like 1000 years in the making of all this. And Israel is the mother of all these groups which are against them.

I bet you didn't know that Hassan Nasrallah the leader of Hezbollah is the father of a dead son. Before he was in Hezbollah he was just a regular guy and in 1996 Israeli troops killed his eldest son for no reason. All because he was walking across the street.

That is just one of the hundred thousands of reasons why their are so many groups against the Israeli government.

2006-07-22 08:49:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only clear reason why Israel is in that miss is the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land . if Israel implement the UN 242 resolution in full there will be an end to the on going wars in the Middle East. Israel up to this day will not tell the world and the Palestinian that it will withdraws from all the land mentioned in UN Resolution. Israel want to keep land that was never part of Israel and this is why Israel will never have a lasting peace with native Palestinian people .
End occupation

2006-07-22 08:40:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The reason why so many people are against Israel (in this current crisis) is the fact that they are using excessive force against the Lebanese.

Now the media as usual don't seem to be presenting the whole picture. Or at least people don't want to see it. To answer this question I went to some sources to find the whole detailed history of how this crisis began. Most news only record from the first Air strike on. And seem to forget this started with the kidnapping of two soldiers and the firing of rockets towards the northern areas of Israel.

The question that people should be asking themselves is what would you do if you had your grip on some one and out of mercy or wish for peace you let that man go and as soon as you turn your back that man kills your family and friends and kidnaps some of them? This is what happened with Israel and Lebanon; they withdrew a year ago to settle their country and try to live in peace. Hezbollah attacked with rockets 10 days ago and kidnapped two soldiers, Israel answer was to attack once again. Now, what’s would have been your answer?

2006-07-22 09:10:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Israel offered Palestine a state?!? HA!!!!

I assume that you are referring to the Oslo accords? The land that Israel offered the Palestinians looked like Swiss cheese. Israel would have kept all of the prime natural resources areas in the region and Palestinians would have had to pass through Israel, hence having to go through harassing checkpoints, just to get from point A to point B within their own nation.

Israel is oppressing the Palestinians plain and simple. I don’t condone the way in which many Palestinians are fighting back, but I definitely condemn oppression.

Also, don’t give me any of that garbage about “God” giving the land to the Jews, because that’s all based on some mythological religious views.

2006-07-22 08:46:34 · answer #7 · answered by M1NUS 2 · 0 0

You are falling into the false idea that simply since someone disagree with the a current action of a state, that someone must be against that state.

My belief is that Israel has the capabilities to bring peace to the region. All they have to do is stop claiming more and more and draw back as much as possible. Then draw a line there.

The defending borders they are currently doing is how I would treat something not human. There are better paths.

The US has occupied someone else's land, and then we have paid a massive price for doing so. To our shame we tried to ignore the price we must pay fairly often. Thankfully we are mostly past that now.

Israel is trying to occupy someone elses land without paying the cost. They haven't yet learn to pay the cost and live peacefully.

I'm not against Israel. They have been there for some time now. But I am against many of their actions that seem cowardly to me. Peace is always the longer, harder path.

2006-07-23 17:03:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People aren't against Israel per se. Most people, even in the Middle East believe that Israel should keep their land...as long as they don't keep trying to take more land that doesn't belong to them, and attacking their neighbors. The Israeli gov't has taken and currently holds almost double the original land given to them after WWII. The situation in Israel is similar to here. There are a bunch of Fascists that took over the country, but the majority of Israelites do not agree with what their gov't is doing.

2006-07-22 09:56:52 · answer #9 · answered by corwynwulfhund 3 · 0 0


The Jewish-American Lobbyist group is one of the most powerful in Washington therefore Israel recieves a special pass on many of it's actions. It is becoming very upsetting to the average American who gets no such access to their political leaders, and the anger is building.

How did Isreal get the "right" to their land??? Israel AS A STATE did not exist until 1948.

America is only a target of terrorism because of the US'S blind support of Israel.

Native Americans had no concept of owning land.

Take those FACTS as you see fit and draw your own opinion.

2006-07-22 08:56:40 · answer #10 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 0

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