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are the ones that get slammed the hardest? The truth is exactly what everyone is afraid to say in this society. The truth is that homosexuality will NEVER be accepted in mainstream society, the word is still spoken in whispers when speaking about one. America is and always will be a racist country, every person that you meet is racist to some degree, we all stereotype and we are all afraid to speak what is really on our minds. The American people do not run America, one thing does, and that is money. Money is what made O.J. Simpson go free. There are many more truths... So go ahead, slam me!

2006-07-22 08:32:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

14 answers

Many times the truth hurts. We have become too sensitive as a society. People have trouble accepting constructive criticism. People in general don't like to be wrong, or make mistakes. It is a personal pride issue. Our society puts too much emphasis on absolute prefection. We fear failure. Failure is not always a bad thing, as long as we learn from it. Persistance can overcome failure.
As far as homosexuality is concerned, how can it be right? All living things have a male, and female in order to propigate thier own species. How we, as "intelligent" humans can ignore this fact is beyond me. How can we possibly accept homosexuality as "normal, accepted behavior"? Homosexuality is pure and simply deviant behavior in the grand scheme of nature itself. Have we lost all forms of common sense? I'm sure ther are many who will disagree with me. To those who do, I ask, look in the mirror,.... if your father had sex with another man instead of a woman, would you exist, or if your mother had sex with another woman, would you exist? I don't care what you say, but the TRUTH is pure and simple. Two creatues of the same gender are not designed,or made to have sex with each other. Again, the TRUTH HURTS ! To imply America as the only racist country is nonsense. As long as there different races, there will be racisim.
Unfortunately, one race will always feel superior to another to some degree. "Human nature" I suppose. Personally, I don't subscribe to the thought that one race is superior to another. I truly believe we are all equal. Throughout history there are accounts of racisim worldwide. It has become so widespread, and longstanding, that I do not believe racisim can ever be eliminated. Very sad, but true. Lastly, money, or at least the love of money, IS dooming America. We are selling our soul to greed. All one has to see is the exporting of good-paying jobs to third-world countries in the name of sustaining profit margins. Apparently even the investment "geniuses" do not have the foresight to understand that this can not continue indefinitely. They only care about how much profit they can make NOW, ... while totally ignoring the future impact. The sad truth is that they don't care. They will have thier money. There is no sense of responsibility to future generations. Wake up people! Use your common sense. Stop trying to distort the TRUTH, and the FACTS, just so you can feel good about yourself. Ah....REALITY,...what a concept!

2006-07-22 09:59:53 · answer #1 · answered by Bobby 2 · 1 3

First off there is no real truth that exists honestly. Everything written is an opinion or observation of a fact. Looking at a society there are so many variables that you honestly can not make a statement that is always true due to the evolution of people. But some of your points are valid observations of society at the moment. Most of society is close minded and most people see their way as the correct way, when in fact there is no true correct way, just different paths people take.
It seems that you are stating many stereotypes that in general are true, but should not be used honestly. People who think on stereotypes are close minded fools (no Im not calling you one), who can not get it in their head that every single person on this planet thinks and acts differently.
It is always good to hear people who speak their own mind as opposed to people sounding like they were brainwashed and have no individuality. Overall, I say that there is no real truth due to the many variables of people and life.

2006-07-22 15:44:20 · answer #2 · answered by CS09 2 · 0 0


You are right on.

For example, as terribly mixed up as this sounds, if you are good, honest and moral, in today's society you are portrayed as someone to be distrusted. I hate to say this, but the human termites and rats are hard at work. I've been on Yahoo Answers for about 1 week and there is a battle going on with great polarization. The truth is meaningless on this site.

First you need to agree on basics. If you cannot say that 2+2=4, you can not have commerce, and you will remain primitive. In reality, there are cheats that will say the 2+2=1, but so what. 2+2=4.

How about philosophy, what is truth?

We need 2+2 groundrules, otherwise, all this talking is in naught. It is pure gibberish.

2006-07-22 15:52:55 · answer #3 · answered by Cogito Sum 4 · 0 0

You were accurate to some degree about everything you said except for the part where you used the word "NEVER." As it is this word that will be ultimately smashed along with the rest of the negativity. Give faith a chance and I'm not referring to it in the religious sense. You be a beacon for change and I will do my best as well.

2006-07-22 15:41:45 · answer #4 · answered by DHAZ 3 · 0 0

I think you are wrong. It's called progress... 75 years ago, women were told to be seen and not heard, but it isn't that way anymore, is it? It might take time, but slowly homosexuality is becoming more acceptable. Even more so than 10 years ago.

As for racism...it will likely exist is one form or another as long as people are different.

2006-07-22 15:37:44 · answer #5 · answered by seattlecutiepie 5 · 0 0

Nothing to slam. I agree with your statement.

I just don't understand why you're so engulfed in homosexuality.
Are you secretly gay inside, and can't deal with it ...so you consistently bash them to make yourself feel better?

I used to think like you do about gays and lesbians. I was totally grossed out by the very thought.

Then I grew up and realized I was only concentrating on the sexual acts, and I had a horribly DIRTY mind.

2006-07-22 15:43:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not going to "slam" you because your entitled to your OPINION.
The truth is relative.What you consider the truth is what I consider Pessimism.
In my Truth,we eventually rise above bigotry and hatred and become a world where we live with each others differences.

2006-07-22 17:15:17 · answer #7 · answered by timelord1962 7 · 0 0

i dunno about the o.j simpson thing, but i do think ur rite about ppl being sterotypes to stome degree. im not gonna lie i judge ppl too. even tho i respect everyone and there beliefs. alot of ppl will always b closed minded! u cant help that. thats another thing in america that will never change.

2006-07-22 15:48:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have found out recently, that when i speak from my heart; people tend to burn me to the ground. But when i don't tell the full or complete truth people seem to be happier.

2006-07-22 15:40:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The reason is that stupid people always talk the loudest. Don't worry, the ones you don't hear screaming may actually agree with you.

2006-07-22 15:36:43 · answer #10 · answered by marklin1972 2 · 0 0

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