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Im 16 and trying to get pregnant last month i got my period on the 13 i had sex on the 24 of last month then i had sex on the 8th of this month my period came on the 9th i never get my period on the beggining of the month i get it on the 20 & up after my period this month i had sex on the 15 and last night but yesterday i felt really sick i had a headache and nausea what could be wrong?My bf wants me to get pregnant he'ds working rigth now b cuz he really wants a child please help we have been trying since may to get pregnant

2006-07-22 07:40:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

14 answers

wow, do you have any idea how much a baby changes your life? Don't get pregnant for your boyfriend because he wants a baby...How old is this guy that is trying to get you pregnant? When you want a baby and are ready to have one then you should talk with your parents and your family doctor.

Talk to your school counselor also before you continue trying to get pregnant,

I know you say you are sick and having symptoms but also had your period so you could be wanting this so bad that your mind is playing tricks on you. Take a pregnancy test if you are truly concerned about this b/c if you are pregnant then you have a lot of changes to make in your life and in your diet.

2006-07-22 07:53:28 · answer #1 · answered by tigreria 3 · 0 0

well going by what u wrote u did get ur period this month. u say u got ur period on the 8th of this month so u need to get ur story strait so someone can help u out. and being 16 u should wait on having kids ya know its not a fad or the cool thing to do. its hard work to take care of kids at a young age. im 21 and had my first son 19 and my second son at 20. and trust me its not easy. i know u dont have to rush into mother hood just cause ur bf wants a kid u know than u would be having a kid of all the wrong reasons and theres a chance becuase of it that u will not connect with the child and u will regret it. and u need to leave ur bf if he is just with u to have kids since u are so gullable. u could just be sick form the heat. u never know them symptons can be anything u will know if u dont get ur next period. or if 6-14 days after u have sex u getting a little bleeding or spoting cause thats than called implantation bleeding. at 16 though u should be practicing abstanince. just think what would u say to ur mom if u pregnant. and what if ur bf leaves u when u get pregnant of have the baby its very common to happen even if he guy wants kids. and that u will have to go to court to get child suport and quit school and than theres a chance u could lose ur child cause depending on how old he is and u say he has a job so that gives him a leg up. and u will probably lose ur kid and he will get custody of the kid thanhe dont have to worry about suporting u and he than has his baby and it wont be hard for him to find a good girl cause there are lot of women in this world that like a single man with kids. so u really need to think of all the pros and cons before u jump into ending ur teenaged life. cause once u have a baby u will never get to have ur teenaged life back andu wont be able to just hang with ur friends or go partying and all that stuff. so plz just think about everything before u have a baby with ur bf cause hes ur bf so he can leave u at any time u should really wait till u are married to have kids its alot better.

2006-07-22 07:56:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You don't need to get pregnant right now(you're only 16). Your bf wants you to get pregnant because he's working. What about you? Are you ready for a full-time little person relying on you for their every need?Ready for up allnight crying, diaper-changing, colic,round-the-clock feedings,laundry, diaper rash, teething pains(will come later),burping, bottles or breastfeeding,etc. Is your bf going to help you? How old is he?Have you finished your schooling? Do you work or have an education? Babies are forever. You're only going to have your youth one time. Enjoy being a teenager while you can. No, I'm not your mama, but trust me.Enjoy life, go to concerts, the beach, hanging at the mall, movies, etc.Kids are wonderful but live a little bit more before you become a mother.

2006-07-22 07:56:36 · answer #3 · answered by fdrsnail 3 · 0 0

i am 30 years old if i could go back and do it again i would not have started having kids till aleast 25 it has changed all my dreams and the way i live i pay 700 a month in child support because forever seems so easy when your young but then you realize your partner is not your forever companion no matter how long you've known them all the thing you want in life is what you should seek first so you have something real to give your child instead of well fare food stamps have a home that is yours build credit get a good source of income i would give the world hoping that you or the father don't walk in my shoes it is painful and a never ending fight to not lose my home and pay my bills

2006-07-22 07:55:28 · answer #4 · answered by cowboy5762004 1 · 0 0

This is really sad. You shouldn't be trying to get pregnant at 16. How do you know that this guy is going to stay with you if you do get pregnant. He may be saying that he wants one now but will he still feel that way when the baby comes? Has he even proposed to you? How can you make a commitment to a child if y'all can't even make a commitment to a marriage.

2006-07-22 07:44:13 · answer #5 · answered by guineasomelove 5 · 0 0

Are you from Kentucky? I know many sixteen year olds who are already married. (to clarify things I'm from Kentucky) Sixteen IS young to have a child, but I guess you don't care? Didn't you finish school? You really do need to finish school to get anywhere in life. But I guess you probably are "smart" enough, huh? Tsk Tsk TSk....

You can take a pregnancy test but if you got your period you probably aren't pregnant. If it was a LIGHT period then it Possibly was Implantation bleeding. Do you have insurance or a steady paycheck? Somethings to consider when having a baby!!!

2006-07-22 11:40:16 · answer #6 · answered by Troopers_Gurl 3 · 0 0

16 too young and needs to finish high school and get a good eductiona

Wait till you are married

Having a child and being a child yourself, you are only ruining your early years because that means no hanging out with friends, no clubbing, no nothing, all your time will be to that child.

You kids today are in such a rush to grow up, slow down!!!

2006-07-22 08:11:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you are too young to get preg your boy meaning your boyfriend should not be this demanding
you have your whole life ahead of you
i can see what is going to happen he will leave you cause u got preg and you mom and dad will step in and help
you need to get an good education and a good job first for yourself
you dont need a baby at your age

2006-07-22 07:47:07 · answer #8 · answered by celtichearty2k 2 · 0 0

16 dame are yhall plan on gettin married are you still in school why dont you wait until you get 18 just until your not a minor anymore cause now you still a baby just wait until your 18 at least.

2006-07-22 07:45:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So you are all ready for stinky diapers, 2 am feedings and staying home while your friends are out partying? Don't count on help from your b/f...he'll be at the party!!!!

2006-07-22 08:08:28 · answer #10 · answered by MC 7 · 0 0

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