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There were suppose to be these short btazen aliens who abducted Betty & Barney Hill in 1961. Anybody heard anything more on this?

2006-07-22 07:35:10 · 6 answers · asked by ZORRO 3 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

6 answers

Zeta Reticuli (ζ Ret / ζ Reticuli) is a binary star system located about 39 light years away from Earth. It is located in the constellation Reticulum, and is visible to the unaided eye under very dark skies. Because of the southerly location of the system, it is not visible north of the tropics.

Originally thought to be old galactic halo Population II subdwarfs, the two stars are now thought to be younger galactic disk stars, but still considerably older than the Sun, perhaps as much as 8 billion years old. They belong to the Zeta Herculis stellar moving group. Both stars share similar proper motions and distances confirming that they indeed form a wide binary star.

The stars are approximately 9,000 AU apart. The stars revolve around each other once in over a million years.

The stars, designated ζ1 Reticuli and ζ2 Reticuli, are both yellow dwarf (main sequence) stars remarkably similar to our Sun. No close-in giant planets have been detected around either of the components, making Earth-like terrestrial planets possible. However, the stars are only 60% as enriched with metals as the Sun. Small, terrestrial planets around less metal-rich stars are less likely according to our current knowledge, though gas giant development is not impeded by this.

ζ1 Reticuli is slightly less massive and luminous than the Sun. Spectral class of the star is G2.5 V.

ζ2 Reticuli has a very similar mass and luminosity to our Sun. The spectral type of the star is G1 V.

On September 20, 1996 an extrasolar planet was announced orbiting the star. The planet would have a short orbit (0.14 AU) and mass of about 27% that of Jupiter. However, the discovery was quickly retracted as the signal was shown to be caused by pulsations of the star.

So there is no evidence either of a planet or of life in the Zeta Reticuli system. And these days we are aware of 194 extrasolar planets, including 19 multiple-planet systems with a total of 44 planets orbiting in them, But Zeta Reticuli is not on that list, And only one such star has as many as four planets! So what follows is hokum,

UFOlogists are anthropomorphic in the way they peddle their fictions and would have us believe "that a day on Reticulum 4, the planet these aliens are from, is 90 earth hours long, which indicates that, just like the earth, their planet also rotates on it's axis as it orbits around Zeta 2 Reticuli."

2006-07-22 11:28:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 0

Well, according to all reports, the Greys are from the 3rd planet of the 2nd star, Zeta Reticulii 2. The planet, whilst an Earth-like terrestrial, is much drier and hotter than here.....no thanks to the Greys having exploited their planet to the hilt early in the history of their civilisation. They essentially wrecked it....although it was never as abundant as Earth.

But, from observations of the stars by scientist here on Earth, they originally thought they may have found a Jupiter sized planet in fairly close orbit of the star Zeta Reticulii 1. However, later observations discounted the planet and attributed the observed radial motion changes as being endemic to the star.....i.e. it's natural pulsations.

What's strange about the discounting of the planet, is that that the physical properties of the two stars don't match what the scientist said about the pulsations. Pulsations on the order of velocity changes of 45-100 metres/sec would make either star a variable star, and they're not

Zeta 1,2 Reticulii are old Population 1 Main Sequence stars that belong to the thick disk of the Galaxy. They're associated with the Zeta Herculis Moving Group of stars and are around 8 billion years old. Their abundance of "metals" (elements other than Hydrogen and Helium) are somewhat less than the Sun (around 60-80% Solar abundance). Zeta 1 is the smaller of the two stars. It's spectral type is G2-3 (Sun like) and it's about 91% of the Sun's diameter, 93% of it's mass and 79% of it's luminosity. Zeta 2 is the closest of the stars to being Sun like.....it's mass and diameter are around 99% of the Sun and it's luminosity is about the same (100-102%). It's spectral type is G1-2. Neither star shows large scale pulsations of their surfaces and are relatively quiet chromospherically compared to the Sun.....due to their age. Both stars are in a wide binary and at present are 9000AU apart (1/7 of a light year). They both lie about 39 light years away in the constellation of Reticulum (The Net). They can be seen with the naked eye, but are quite dim.....near 6 mag.

2006-07-22 11:51:11 · answer #2 · answered by ozzie35au 3 · 1 0

Curious how Ufologists speak so confidently about the third and fourth planets of a star that hasn't got any (as far as we know)!

I was interested to learn from Bruce's comments that we now know of 200 or so extra-solar planets and that there is a star with 4 known planets, This fired me to find out which it is, It proves to be 55 Cancri A with 4 companions (listed with mass compared to Jupiter)

55 Cancri A e 0.045
55 Cancri A b 0.784
55 Cancri A c 0.217
55 Cancri A d 3.92

The way planets are named is by a lower case letter following the star's name.

Thus to call the aliens' planet Reticulum 4 and have to explain separately that it orbits Reticulum 2 is just enormously clumsy. The way it would be done would to name the planet Reticulum 2 e and the star Reticulum 2 a.

All of which confirms to me that UFOlogists live on another planet! And that their attempt to sound scientific falls down on their lacking the elementary knowledge of how extra-solar planets are actually named in the scientific community!

Bah Humbug!! Who needs pseudo-science?

2006-07-25 12:29:03 · answer #3 · answered by Ruth Abbott 2 · 0 0

Not exactly but the way they are described now days makes it sound as if they were from the Zeta Reticuli system..... E-mail for more details

2006-07-22 08:00:17 · answer #4 · answered by C.Black 1 · 0 0

Life has never been proven to exist or have existed anywhere in the universe other than our little rock.

2006-07-22 07:45:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No life has not been proven there. I don't even think there is evidence of planets there.

2006-07-22 09:44:47 · answer #6 · answered by jdomanico 4 · 0 0

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