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Who is first on scene when a natural disaster hits?
Who is first to raise money when there is a famine?
Who has taken in more refugees than anyone else?
Who has risked the lives of its military to free more people?
Who offers more opportunity for wealth?
Who has advanced technology more?
Starting to get my point?

2006-07-22 07:19:08 · 26 answers · asked by Ethan M 5 in Politics & Government Politics

Lonely Vampire

We built Japan . . .duh

2006-07-22 07:37:30 · update #1

26 answers

Bwahahahahaha! Typical ignorant american fat-head.

Interesting that you would say that considering how violent the USA is .....and the amount of homeless people is absolutely ridiculous.
By the way, the Japanese are years ahead in technology than any other country.


2006-07-22 07:22:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Actually on several occasions you were not the first on scene during a natural disaster, it tends to depend on how much you like that country

No-one can be 'first' to raise money, everyone does it at the same time through the same organisations!

Your entire country was made up of refugees, that doesnt make you great!

Umm free people? Is Iraq free? How many people die for your personal view of 'freedom', some people dont like your view how do you deal with that? Hit them

Ill give you the wealth but i personally dont equate that with 'good in the world'

Just because you advanced technology in the last few decades, before that Greece was the ancient technology leader for hundreds of years, then Italy etc, you're just the latest, not the best

Im not completely anti American but you guys are not perfect and the less you realise it the worse you become. Oh but you do have some good TV shows

2006-07-22 14:35:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We can barely respond to our own natural disasters.
There is a huge famine in Namibia and Sudan where native Sudanese are basically being slaughtered by the millions.

George Bush not a few days ago vetoed what would have been a huge bill advancing the technology of stem cell research, so we're definitely lacking in the technology department.

I don't know why I'm bothering to answer your question, as it is a waste of time. Stop thinking of the US as a country that can do no wrong. We've done a lot of wrong. And people like you that are willingly blind and ignorant to what goes on in the world is the main reason the world hates us. Stop watching the O'Reilly Factor and read a newspaper. Better yet, read a FOREIGN newspaper, so you can get a different perspective for once in your life.

2006-07-22 14:29:16 · answer #3 · answered by Byhoffagus 1 · 0 0

You are falling for your own propaganda. There are lots of countries who do as much or even more good for the rest of the world. You have to look at numbers. Relative numbers that is. Here is an excerpt from wikipedia:

"The combined Official Development Assistance of OECD countries in 2004 was $78.6 billion USD. The United States is the world's largest contributor of ODA in absolute terms, $19 billion, but this figure should be compared to the combined European Union contribution that totaled only $42.9 billion. Expressed as a percentage of GNI, Norway's contributions remained in the lead at 0.87%, with the combined EU at 0.36%. The United States remains the lowest contributor in the OECD as a percentage of GNI, at 0.16%."

So this last sentence tells us that the US is actually the stingiest contributor to development aid in the whole developed world. Europe has also taken in much more refugees from troubled parts of the world an continues to do so.

When you look at absolut figures it's true that the US often comes out on top. But the reason for this is simply that the US is the one developed country with the biggest population and therefore GDP (or GNI). If you take the whole EU together you have two entities with a more comparable size of population and then the pictures looks vastly different.

No matter how often you repeat that the US is the greatest country in the world, the facts just don't support this view.

2006-07-23 11:31:10 · answer #4 · answered by sternenstauballergiker 1 · 0 0

1) the people who live there are the first ones on the scene
2)the local government of the area does this
3)who has created more refugee's with its policies
4) ask the millions of jew's and christians who already died or the indians who were slaugtered here .
5) any strong army in history has given its military workers and soldiers much of the wealth at the expense of the workers .
6) the minds of immigrants that came from all parts of the world to a once great democratic nation.
7) you do not make any points here with me .
I instead see you as part of the solution that is going to change the world forever .YOUR kind and all those like you will be seen for what you truly are and all that you hold dear will be wiped forever from the face of the earth for the survival of all manind is whats at stake and people like you must be vanquished for ever from the planet to have peace .ALL those who would prepare weapons and plan wars must once and for all be set apart from a just and peacefull society .

2006-07-22 14:34:51 · answer #5 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 0 0

USA is not the biggest donor. I rememer clearly the tsunami disaster. Germany donated a lot more than USA. And Germany is about the size of California...
About freing people-are you kidding me? You bombed Serbian hospitals, supporting Muslim terrorists in Kosovo!
What about Al-Kaida? Before 9/11 Osama was sponsored by US govmt, you sent him $$$ and weapons to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan!
Who has more advanced technology? Most of your scientists came from Europe, China and India. Veeery few are American-educated. Japan makes better technology:Just compare Sony to let's say...Dell.
Who offers more opportunity for wealth? That's the most laughable of all. WIth 12mln illegals living in very poor conditions, coming for a good life, but instead becoming slaves working for minimum wage, what wealth?
USA is comprised of the rest of the world, how can you compare them?
Yes, you made big $$$ out of WW|| since it wasn't fought on your territory, but there are others on the rise.
I find all this comparing childish. You are the best ONLY because you buy the best from the rest of the world! Money always wins.

2006-07-22 14:34:18 · answer #6 · answered by bunt 3 · 0 0

Lol, it's funny how u Yanks continue mentioning bout how much money you pour into countries from your incredible generousity, if we remember all the world dept you seem to feature in so often. How could this be a two way road? And it's ironic how you just happen to liberate a country that contains large reserves of oil. But then we all know that, it's just everyone is too polite to mention the idea that you will suck Iraq dry if given the chance. Oh the great liberators, the free people of Iraq adore you now....What was it you did again? Oh yes, you created a war!

2006-07-22 15:05:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who is first on scene when a natural disaster hits? When Katrina hit the East Coast of the US, CANADA rescue teams were there before the American ones.
Who has advanced technology more? China, Japan

Peace Keeping was invented by Canadians, which is better starting a war or trying to stop one....

2006-07-22 14:28:15 · answer #8 · answered by PLDFK 4 · 0 0

Very true, however, our foreign policy is also among the most dangerous.
You have to understand most of the worlds population is more liberal than the US. They view our power as a responsibility to do good; therefore any good we do is discounted as our obligation.

Yes we built Japan but not until we destroyed it first (granted they started it). Historically Japan was a ruthless empire that destroyed Korea and China raping women for the sole purpose of ethnic cleansing.
Didn't the PM of Japan just hint at preemptive strikes against North Korea????? Peaceful ya right....Peaceful because the US protects them.

2006-07-22 14:48:49 · answer #9 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 0 0

You patriotism is good to see and I also am proud to be American. You should be aware that you are posting this question on the UK Answers section and the UK does not care about us or our feelings for our country. Generally speaking people in the UK are offended with such talk and posting it on their answers section is inappropriately fanning the flames in my opinion. It is very sad that our closest ally with such a common heritage hates us as they do, especially since they have been an integral part in all of the conflicts they say are the reasons they hate us something about calling the kettle black, I don't remember how it goes

2006-07-22 15:48:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one. The USA is the greatest country in the world. I'm proud to call it my home. (We're immigrants, legal ones of course). Because of this country, I can have dreams that I wouldn't even dare to have in the old country. No one has sacrificed more for the freedom of total strangers than the American soldiers. Our soldiers are liberators not occupiers---the only occupiers are the ones on the shores of Normandy and they would love to leave, but they can't because they died for the freedom of others.

2006-07-22 14:26:12 · answer #11 · answered by musicqueen_yana 1 · 0 0

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