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19 answers

I think some can. Others can't.

2006-07-22 07:20:34 · answer #1 · answered by divacobian 4 · 0 1

I've got a few thought that were't addressed here. FIrst off I do want to acknowledge that they are illegal and thus problematic in that sense. But from all other aspects I think there are some positives. First off I read that many people here said why don't they be productive in their own country. Those people have never lived in a third world country where there is little or no opportunity and the only chance is if you know the few "right/connected people" We take for granted here in the U.S. that if you want to make it all you have to do is work hard, not so in poor countries. Also, just because someone from another country isn't educated doesn't mean they are not intelligent or creative. In other places outside of our country, it may simply mean that their parents weren't loaded. Also, we don't recognize the downfall in our own country as stupid people are the ones reproducing while intelligent, creative ones are having zero or one child. We need to repopulate our country with hard workers and go getters. These illegal, immigrant people who have the gumption to try and make it in a new world are such people. These are people who will do well if given the opportunity and could eventually be a positive influence on the country. Remember that is what we originally populated this country with and why it became so great. Unfortunately, like I mentioned earlier we are not reproducing the good people in the country but rather the less desireables. But I do also recognize the illegal status and the need to find a better way of dealing with this issue. At least that's my opinion.

2006-07-22 18:41:46 · answer #2 · answered by GP 2 · 0 0

No, I don't believe that at all. I think most people want to live peaceful, happy lives, and most people work toward that, no matter where they live. As well, any individual can be capable of kindness and caring regardless of their "legal" or "illegal" status. Good people make good citizens, of any country.

If your question is, do illegal immigrants help America because they are illegal, then I have to say, overall, no. Having the ready supply of cheap labor has created an artificial environment in which the American agricultural industry now exists. The cheapness of our food is overset in the long run, I believe, by the enormous cost to taxpayers, who must pay for health care, housing, education, and many other social programs whose costs may only with difficulty be tabulated, for those who are in the country illegally. That we have the resources to pay both for our food and for such programs is fortunate, but the situation is not helpful, and needs resolution.

2006-07-22 08:22:23 · answer #3 · answered by functionary01 4 · 0 0

incapable no all it takes is a test you can get at any post office in the US but the thing is they don't want to become citizens because as a legal or illegal don't have to pay US taxes. as far as helping most work for less than citizens so it hurts the labor laws that our past generations worked hard to make but hey let bring it back when companies can "write off 5 deaths in a plant or shipyard and making 2 dollars a week them were good years weren't they.

oh then we can't drink the US water and man does that sound like another country we all know

2006-07-22 08:00:40 · answer #4 · answered by SLICK77 3 · 0 0

I think immigrants, legal or illegal, are essential to the growth of this country and as part of that I believe they can be good citizens. Remember, except for the native tribes, we were all immigrants at one point.

2006-07-22 07:21:54 · answer #5 · answered by jasenlee 3 · 0 0

anybody who is deliberately breaking the law is starting at a disadvantage in terms of becoming a good helpful American

of course, the fact that a person is willing to break one or two laws, does not mean that they are willing to break others, but, it isn't a good sign

many immigrants who are in this country illegally would, if given a chance, be much better Americans than many of us who live here legally

the question is, if you have laws, legally made by our legal congress, should we enforce them or ignore them

if the laws are not right, we should change the laws, not just ignore them

2006-07-22 07:23:25 · answer #6 · answered by enginerd 6 · 0 0

By definition, the person who enters a sovereign country illegally is not a good citizen. This illegal behavior is frequently appended by social security fraud, driving without a license and/or insurance, Minimum wage violations, housing/zoning violations, tax evasion, and health code (lack of immunization) violations for children in school. Tack on burdens to the infrastructure (without significant tax participation) to schools, hospitals, roads, and social services, and I do not see how an illegal alien is acting like a good american citizen.

I'd prefer to accept, and I wholeheartedly welcome, citizenship of people who honor the laws of their new country rather than not.

2006-07-22 07:33:46 · answer #7 · answered by freebird 6 · 0 0

Not at all. The point is to come legally and not skip the line. No one likes line skippers. Just try that at the supermarket or toll booths. The reaction should be much stronger regarding those skipping the line of those waiting to honor America by coming legally. They are the ones who show conviction and the will to do the right thing.

2006-07-22 08:10:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sure. The same way that robbing a bank and then donating the money to charity will help the charity. The end mean is positive, but the act is illegal.

2006-07-22 07:22:19 · answer #9 · answered by dr. misako 2 · 0 0

Why couldn't they be good citizens in their own countries? Does the fact that many of them are poor excuse them from breaking the law?

It doesn't matter if they could be good citizens or not. They are "ILLEGAL". They should be imprisoned, and then deported.

2006-07-22 07:26:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Perhaps the question should be is there anybody in the world who immigrates to american who is capable of becoming a "good american".

2006-07-22 07:21:25 · answer #11 · answered by Kenneth H 5 · 0 0

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