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Why is it when Americans do crimes there all the press gets it there and on your tv news, but when Filipinos do crimes here nothing is mentioned about it? It's like so many Filipinos hate Americans yet so many more want and need us.I am not against TP but tell me why? We closed out bases there,gave them to you apparently as now some rent houses inside.We ruled you for over 3 years to help you reestablish. 60,000 americans died freeing your people from the Japanese. Your jeepneys came from where we just left them to you and you expanded on them. The mud slid this year our ship and aide was there for you, so when some young sailors get drunk and meet a pinay outside a bar, why must it look like there that America is to blame? it's not right what happened and no excuse for that, but it was like your press feeds on anything they can blame us for. My fiance is a Filipina.

2006-07-22 07:13:46 · 9 answers · asked by AJ 4 in Travel Asia Pacific Philippines

This question and comments were made to see how you really feel and give me a chance to get some Filipino feedback. It is however just as it appeared to me before, so many have negative views of Americans. As far as the comment staying in my box, I stepped out to learn and nothing wrong with that. The color statement we Americans don't like your dark skin in not true that I am aware of as my fiance is morena and I am white. Most Filipinos I have met are very kind and considerate but just like everyone else on this planet we are different. I do not understand though where the hostility comes from, opinions vary and maybe just maybe my lineage died there too. You can be too proud at times.Some of your comments are fact, some are not, but I know now that so many are not as they appear. Thanks

2006-07-22 15:46:29 · update #1

9 answers

I think it's just a handful of people, in the media, that make it seem like the entire country is against America - but, all the Filipinos I know love America and Americans, and want to come here. They completely have adopted our ways of life and view white people as these great beings.

And I'm Filipino, with a lot of my family still living over there (I'm in the states now).

It's funny, though - my brother was living in the US, and could have gotten his US citizenship, but, saying that he was a proud Filipino, he refused to - then he got deported back there, and now he kicks himself for that. It's a weird nationalistic psychology.

2006-07-22 07:21:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

First, I wondered what makes you think that Filipinos hate Americans? Is it because Americans are all over the Filipino channels about the the crimes they committed? It's about current news and the media over there want the nation be aware of what's happening around them. Maybe you might want to call it "trial by publicity." Filipinos don't hate Americans. What all of this have to do with the media-exposed scandal involving those navy men alledgedly accused of raping the Filipina? And for your sentiment that when Filipinos do crimes in the US, nothing is mentioned about it, I think it's upon the network discretion what news to be delivered and what is not.

Hear me out here. You said that your fiance is a Filipina. I hope she shared to you the Philippine History. You should do your homework first...

First, it is evident that the Americans NEVER really intended to help the Filipinos win our independence from Spain because they have VESTED INTERESTS like economic interests of expanding American business in the Orient. It is expressly indicated the intention of the United States to stay in the Philippines by exercising the rights of sovereignty over the Filipinos. In short words, your country would like to assume the control and disposition of the government of the Philippines that's why you taken over the entire country by force. And those bases you said you gave us, that was your naval and military interests which you wanted the Philippines as your FIRST LINE OF AMERICAN DEFENSE in Southeast Asia.

We were "colonized" by American first long before the Japanese. You "freed" us from the Spanish so you have all the power to rule us then Japanese came along and then occupied us. And then you "freed" us again from the Japanese but that didn't help us gain our INDEPENDENCE. For so many decades, Filipinos have been oppressed by other culture in our own land, no less and that included Americans. You maybe responsible for teaching us your alphabet, helped us "re-establish" our economy, built the trade and commerce industry, and gave us aide in times of mud slides and other calamities but that doesn't give you the right to sound like you gave us the favor like you were always wanted and needed. You have always conveyed that "sovereignty" has the same meanings of protection, welfare, assistance, etc. when it truth it's POLITICAL DOMINATION.

2006-07-22 08:18:24 · answer #2 · answered by RERUNS 2 · 4 0

First off A.J. before you start a novel on why filipinos supposedly hate americans, get your facts straight. America did not "rule" the philippines or the filipino people, they were tenants of the country renting space for more than 3 years. President Aquino in 1990 did not want to renew the lease contract of Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base because she believed military presence in that area was doing more bad than good eventhough America's offer to renew their lease was very lucrative. It is true, America is a great aid to the Philippines not just during the japanese occupation but also during humanitarian missions. Keep in mind, America was in a war with Japan that happened to be in the Philippines so basically, america would've fought Japan in whatever land they were trying to occupy.

Rape is rape mo matter of race or nationality, you cannot justify it. As far as it being so highly broadcasted, remember America or Americans in that matter are supposedly the best country in the world therefore, American are set at a higher standard. It has nothing to do with Filipinos hating americans but 4 men raping a girl.

Since you seem to put americans at a higher level than filipinos, let me ask you this, If Michael Jordan commited a crime at the same time but different incident, Joe Blow from Arkansas committed the same crime, who do you think would be on the news more????

2006-07-22 22:54:39 · answer #3 · answered by randyvous75 3 · 2 1

Filipinos don't hate Americans. There is a feminist group who tries to stir up hate against Americans. PI has great news organizations. TV radio and press. Like America did 30 years ago. They report everything. So you may see some comments that are harsh towards America but that is not the feeling of the majority of people. BUT if the us keeps up with this gunboat diplomacy more resentment will be apparent like in Europe.

2006-07-23 05:03:27 · answer #4 · answered by SEOplanNOW.com 7 · 2 1

On the news thing, we don't get much attention in the US since we are considered there lower class citizen (talking about discrimination). But we had a share of press exposure like when a crazy guy who just happen to be half-Filipino but grew up in the US shot Versace. We Filipinos won't let crimes committed against us such as these recent news, just pass.

The bases you're talking about, to be honest, are not really for our own benefit. We don't have any enemies to begin with. It's for the US' own selfish purpose. US is just using our country because of our strategic location. Did you know that there are a lot of radio active materials / poison left on those bases that's making our people sick? US are supposed to clean it but until now, they haven't done anything about it. And what do you mean "give". That was our land to begin with.

Just for the sake of arguement, you're there "to protect us". Does that give you the right to abuse our women?

Did you also know that before the Japanese, there was a US invasion (1899-1913)? US were trying to take over our country. They did damaged just like the Japanese. Actually, we didn't need your help with the Japanese. Your Gen. McArthur actually fled to the US defeated by the Japanese. He went back to the Philippines acting as our "savior" taking the credit, but in reality, we were the ones who defeated the Japanese.

Those jeepneys you we're talking about were junks left by your country after they have devastated ours. We just happen to be creative people and make use/improve of what was left to us. Whatever "help" you're giving us are just war payment.

This space won't be enough to tell you what the US did to our country. But I assure you, MOST of it are bad.

2006-07-22 08:44:21 · answer #5 · answered by spongeboob 2 · 4 0

i think media just feed on anything different. if they show filipino people commit crimes that's old news. people already know most of them but a different nationality commit a crime in the philippines, then that's news. and they put it in the news so filipinos should be careful and not trust everyone. filipinas tend to trust americans, so if they knew some are bad too, they would be careful.

and i watch the news here, i did not see any filipino commit any crimes if they did i know it was shown in the philippines too.

and i don't think filipinos hate americans, if some are, most of them are extremist and even those people if you gave them a US visa. they would gladly accept it and i think they are hypocrites.

2006-07-23 04:01:07 · answer #6 · answered by belle♥ 5 · 0 1

It's the freedom of the press. I mean, the Philippine media covers everything that is happening inside the country. They hide nothing. And as per your statement that Filipinos hate Americans, that's not true. Filipinos are not racist. You know for sure that we are the friendliest individual, regardles of who you are. There's no need for you to cite about the things that your country has done for us because your country also has gained advantage from us. Don't tell me that your country has helped us out of nothing.

2006-07-22 22:51:33 · answer #7 · answered by *Jumeirah* 3 · 1 0

well for one thing you are out of your box and in someones elses box so you need to be wise to there customs and laws and behave yourself
so is my fiancee...she is filipina

2006-07-22 15:00:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'll anser ur question bit by bit, plus you can check up with ur Pinay wife about all of this

(1) You say "Why is it when Americans do crimes there all the press gets it there and on your tv news, but when Filipinos do crimes here nothing is mentioned about it?", well first of all. america is the world super power, if it does something wrong it is usually a scandal or something bad. Secondly, hardly anyone in america other than filipinos and people who know filipinos would care about the Philippines, also if most americans treat us as second class citizens because of our skin colour like Afircan Americans, in New Orleans! But you must've had look at the news in the past year how about Gloria Macapagal Arroyo? She was in the news during EDSA 20th anniversary.

(2) "We closed out bases there,gave them to you apparently as now some rent houses inside", where did you hear about the bases being used as apartments? What tenant would wanna own an apartment block in the middle of nowhere? Plus isn't the gorund which the American based were on Filipino soil?

(3)"We ruled you for over 3 years to help you re-establish." sure you helped us reestablish, but did we want you to rules us? plus it was more than 30 years, of racism, plus my mum tells me and Lola tells me that the American donations of food and medical supplies were being SOLD to us instead of being given to us for FREE which was suppose to be done in the first place. Plus we weren't allowed to sing our national anthem! Plus were weren't allowed to speak Filipino in govrnemtn, butbin english, but also we all had to learn english. even though it did help us (learning english), maybe we didn't want to learn english.

(4)"60,000 americans died freeing your people from the Japanese." yes let us not mention the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos killed trying to defend themsleves and stay indpendent from America. Also let us not forget the Filipinos who actually tryed do defend themselves instead of fleeing in defeat (General McAuthur) and taking the credit of saving us.

(5) "Your jeepneys came from where we just left them to you and you expanded on them." Yes u LEFT them there! You couldn't be bothered to put your trash in the bin! So we used them.

(6)"The mud slid this year our ship and aide was there for you, so when some young sailors get drunk and meet a pinay outside a bar, why must it look like there that America is to blame?" Well if he raped her, (i don't know, coz i am australian filipino) it is his fault what gives a man the right to rape her (as i said i don't know), plus they should know better than to get too drunk.And are you saying because tey are americans they should be forgiven?

(7) "it's not right what happened and no excuse for that, but it was like your press feeds on anything they can blame us for." Well what about the Australian Wheat Board scandal early this year? Americans farmers said that Australia should be punished in the International Court of Justice. But you don't realise how many times the Americans have given bribes to othr countries, but america isn't to "blame"

So does this answer your question, but there is heaps more it can tell, the Philippine American War, President Mc Kinley and his racist comments... Marcos taking him away from us, so he couldn't face Philippine justice, making the Philippines a Military base of America, so that you could maybe WATCH over your European enemies (back then), Plus in the Spanish american war when spain declared war, you BACKDATED ur declaration to look like you were the heroic ones. Plus i agree with spongeboob, what the USA did to us, wouldn't fit on here, it would take up more than the space of the whole of the USA, even if you made the writing smaller than one 1mm a word.

Also in return about you stating that americans like dark skinned people, why did you call ur wife a morena? rather than tanned or brown? Coz brown in Filipino isn't morena, that's spanish. Also what about the Civil rights movement and all the laws that were, plus the fact thatblack people are x3 likely to recieve the death penalty than white people, is that racist?

If you still don't know where the hostility comes from read what President Mckinley said about us

"The truth is I didn't want the Philippines, and when they came to us as a gift from the gods, I did not know what to do with them.... I sought counsel from all sides - Democrats as well as Republicans - but got little help. I thought first we would take only Manila; then Luzon; then other islands, perhaps, also. I walked the floor of the White House night after night until midnight; and I am not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, that I went down on my knees and prayed Almighty God for light and guidance more than one night." "And one night late it came to me this way - I don't know how it was, but it came: (1) That we could not give them back to Spain - that would be cowardly and dishonorable; (2) that we could not turn them over to France or Germany - our commercial rivals in the Orient - that would be bad business and discreditable; (3) that we could not leave them to themselves - they were unfit for self-government - and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain's was; and (4) that there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them, and by God's grace do the very best we could by them, as our fellow men for whom Christ also died. And then I went to bed and went to sleep and slept soundly."

2006-07-22 14:45:07 · answer #9 · answered by JepJep92 3 · 3 0

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