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i go against gay marriage

2006-07-22 06:37:18 · 29 answers · asked by da barbie 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

being gay is just nasty its diferent and god mad a ,man for a women and a women a man to the same sex for each other who eva goes for it is nasty but thats yall and i'm not going to get marid to my same sex so stop saying dont marry them than duh i wont why do people do that its horrible and who eva goes that will i dont even know but yall nrrrd to gt yall life right cuz god is going to get yall*************************

2006-07-22 06:54:01 · update #1

being gay is just nasty its diferent and god mad a ,man for a women and a women a man to the same sex for each other who eva goes for it is nasty but thats yall and i'm not going to get marid to my same sex so stop saying dont marry them than duh i wont why do people do that its horrible and who eva goes that will i dont even know but yall need to get yall life right cuz god is going to get yall*************************

2006-07-22 06:55:54 · update #2


2006-07-22 06:59:00 · update #3

29 answers

Why? If you don't want a gay marriage, don't have one!

I'm very much for it. I am in love with another woman. I trust her with my life, and she does with mine, but the law treats us like two single strangers.

What makes gays and bis any different from other people whose marriages you don't approve of? I mean, nobody's proposing an anti-celebrity marriage amendment, even if we're groaning over Britney Spears' choices!

2006-07-22 06:42:23 · answer #1 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 1 0

Yes, if a gay couple wants it. I have yet to see a logical explanation why there should not be legal marriage for gays. Gay people pay the same taxes so in no way would be taking anything away from others which they have not earned. Nor does a gay couple marrying affect the marriage of anyone else. The "sanctity" of any marriage depends on the actions of the couple in the marriage - not to what the couple across the street, or across the country does.

2006-07-24 13:28:49 · answer #2 · answered by Drewe 3 · 0 0

I think there should be equality, and if equality means giving gay people the same things straight people get, then by all means.

What someone feels, and what someone is, should never be used to put down.

People have said that gay people can't have children and therefore, don't need marriage; straight married couples are sometimes childfree.

People say that gay couples don't contribute to society; they have regular jobs like everyone else.

People say that gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage; straight people destroy its sanctity by getting divorced, cheating, or committing adultery.

People say gays are unnatural; there are just more straight people around.

In the end, it's all the same. People are different, flawed, and human, and none of us are better or worse than the other; just different. Everyone deserves equal rights and equal privileges because we all want the same things: love, recognition, and acceptance. Being different should never take away one's humanity.

2006-07-22 06:47:31 · answer #3 · answered by Al 1 · 0 0

It's not like they are marrying you. I'm straight, but as long as they don't make me marry anyone gay, I don't see any problem with two people that love each other coming together to be in a committed relationship. It really gets me when people say that gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. It's not like the gay man is married to the straight people. Besides, straight people get divorced all the time, they cheat, they abuse, and THAT doesn't destroy the sanctity of marriage? A marriage is what you make it, it's what you put into it, it's not your color or your gender or your social status, it's love. One day we will look back and say "in what world was it ever ok to deny people, any people of their rights?" I also belive that we will look back and say "in what world was it ever ok for us to murder unborn children just because we didn't want them?" Those are just my opinions.

2006-07-22 06:48:04 · answer #4 · answered by chickpea 3 · 0 0

People fear that which they do not understand. A lot of straight people just cannot understand or relate to how a person can be attracted to someone of the same sex... it feels unnatural to them. For that reason, it threatens them. Condemnation comes from this collective fear and lack of understanding.

There was a time in this nation's history when people of color were condemned, and they had to deal with prejudice and bigotry. (Not to say that they don't still have to deal with it, mind you.) But now we can look back in history and realize how wrongly society treated these people, and we can learn and grow from that wisdom. Now, we are at a time in history when gays and lesbians are dealing with the same kind of prejudice and bigotry. Hopefully we as a society, will grow to realize that this is the case, and that, as the Declaration of Independence says, "All men are created equal". (I don't believe it says anything about all STRAIGHT men are created equal.)

2006-07-24 06:46:09 · answer #5 · answered by pceej 4 · 0 0

I'm against it for the fact that I think marriage should only be allowed for a man and woman. Not that I have anything against homosexuals, I just think marriage is sacred and only meant between a "normal" couple, to say in a matter of speaking. And not saying their marriage isn't sacred either, it's just not the same... finally, I think homosexuals should be way more discreet. They want to show off to the world, but I'd say they should keep it more for themselves- not everyone is a-okay with homosexuality after all. And they should respect that!

2006-07-22 06:54:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a difference between a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality and something that happens in utero (in the womb) that makes one person gay and another straight. Being gay is like being left handed. Neither is evident at birth. You don't know your child is left handed until they start reaching for things. You don't know you're gay until the sexual urge starts arising.

Assuming that gay people exist (and boy, is that a safe assumption), how would you like them to exist in society? In secret? (Why would you prefer just to remain ignorant of them? What does that say about your willingness to accept reality? Wouldn't that encourage more gay men who want to hide to marry straight women and mess up their lives?) Or would you prefer that gay people have the community support to live stable lives? Marriage has fostered stability for adults for centuries. Gay people deserve the same manner of support, and the rest of the country/world deserves to have individuals who have stable lives abounding in the population.

As you probably have guessed, I support gay marriage.

2006-07-22 10:19:53 · answer #7 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 0 0

Listen how would you feel if you were told who you could or could not marry, loving someone is a very personal and private affair. How would you feel not being able to Love the one you do because they were the same-sex. You wouldn't be able to live as one. No one has the right to interfer with a relationship based only on gender. God made us in His image, He is aware of how we are and given His past record accepts us as we are.

2006-07-23 14:25:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wrote a letter to Senator Sununu FOR gay marriages. Over 25 people signed; including gay, bi, lesbian people some teachers and others students. That says something.

Oh, yeah. Over 80% of Catholics and Christians stated that a marriage 'was about love and commitment NOT about gender' I'm one of those 80% of people.

2006-07-22 18:40:17 · answer #9 · answered by alika613 4 · 0 0

This question has been asked and answered tons of times, look it up in the discover area or search box. Try to do a search before reposting answered questions.

Link to the Human Rights Campaign:

2006-07-22 06:48:09 · answer #10 · answered by MindStorm 6 · 0 0

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