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Everyone I know is like "Oh my god, she's so awful! She's so dumb! If she becomes President, I'm moving to Canada!"
Yeah, I can respect an opposing opinion-- but when I ask them WHY they dislike her, they end up saying something like "Ugh, yeah, well she's married to Bill Clinton! He sucks! He had an affair! Oh my god, she's so terrible!"
Sorry, but that makes absolutley no sense-- it's not a valid statement, it's not backed up or justified, and it just makes the person expressing such feelings look like a complete moron.
So, the question I pose to you is: If you dislike Hillary Clinton, WHY? What has she done wrong? I'd prefer an answer that doesn't mention Monica Lewinsky or focuses entirely on Bill Clinton.
I'm not looking for someone to agree with me or say "Yeah, she rules!", but rather someone who may dislike her but has enough brains and common sense to not make stupid, unfounded claims.
If you do happen to like her, feel free to express your opinions as well.

2006-07-22 06:24:46 · 22 answers · asked by doubled254 3 in Politics & Government Politics

22 answers

I didn't read the whole Q (too long) but I don't like her because she's self-aggrandizing and phony. She's a figurehead looking for a ship to attach herself to, not a thoughtful public-spirited leader. She doesn't seem nearly as interested in guarding and improving the lives of her constituents, as she is in making HER very own mark in Washington/feminist/political history.
As to Bill, do you really think she could have been married to the guy and not been a partner to his greed, selfishness, irresponsibility, and dishonesty?

2006-07-22 06:52:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do not dislike Hillary but I can take a stab at it. Besides that knee-jerk reaction from people on the right to anything Clinton--and that's 99% of it--there is a perception that Hillary is a political animal who will do almost anything in the interest advancing her career in public office. Even if that is the case--and I'm not entirely convinced it is--that isn't unusual for many politicians. However I think that perception combined with the fact that she's a woman punches buttons on lots of people. I think that says more about the people than it does about Hillary.

I do not know that this is a reason that people dislike her but she is sorely lacking in the charisma and warmth in her public appearances that served her husband (and GW) so well. Much of the time she comes off a bit cool and wonkish. That just doesn't appeal to good old folks who need a good stump performance from a candidate.

Moreover I do not think a likable 'identity' for American women politicians on a national stage has been established yet but because of these perceptions I do not think Hillary is going to do much to define it.

2006-07-22 13:55:17 · answer #2 · answered by Song M 2 · 0 0

This could take a while. First thing is because she is very Liberal. I disagree with the Liberal philosophy as it is today. She, and the Liberals believe that more government is better government. She believes that the public sector can do a better job for Americans than the private sector. I believe that premise is wrong. Nor do I believe that the government (local, state or federal) has any right or responsibility to interfere with the American people other than what mandated by the Constitution. Liberalism used to mean freedom from government. Now it has come to mean government freedom.
You could look into the information available on the Internet regarding the Libertarian Party. Their platform is pretty much opposite of the beliefs the Liberals support today.
It was difficult, but I think I kept my emotions in check.
Well written question, by the way

2006-07-22 13:44:14 · answer #3 · answered by Dave B 4 · 0 0

Many conservatives fear her, because she's smart, tough and skillful as a politician. Many men fear her for those same reasons. Ever since Sen. Clinton attempted to create a national health care system when she was First Lady, many on the right have hated and feared her as an agent of change that would disrupt our capitalistic society and turn us into more of a European style brand of social democracy. As a Democrat, I would support her if she wins the party nomination, however, I feel she does not hold a chance of winning the general election. Karl Rove would have a field day throwing mud at her all through the election year.

2006-07-22 13:36:08 · answer #4 · answered by Feathery 6 · 0 0

I'm just now starting to dislike her. I've been a big supporter of her for a long time.....awaiting the day that she runs for President.

I've always admired her for doing and saying what needs to be said and done regardless of whether or not it's popular. i.e. Slamming the Chinese government over the treatment of women - in a speech she was giving in China. She has ba**s, and I admire that (plus I tend to agree with her opinion on many things).

Lately I've become more and more disillusioned with her. She's not standing up for what is right anymore - instead she seems to be going along with the status quo in Washington for fear of upsetting someone. I haven't decided if she's doing this because it's what politicians have to do in order to secure support for an office such as the Presidency, or if she truly agrees with the Bush administration on some things. Either way, I've lost respect for her....and I no longer see hope for the future in her. Now I see her as one of "them", and she's proven, to me, that all politicians are the same - regardless of their rhetoric. Their differences are trivial when you realize that they are all power hungry war-mongers.

Anyway....that's the reason I no longer like her. The people you are referring to do not like her because she is a woman, and like I said earlier, she has ba**s. Whereas this (strength and conviction) would be something to admire in a man....it is something to fear in a woman. People are intimidated by this behavior in a woman....and instead of seeing her as a strong leader - they see her as a mean bi*ch.

If they had more legitimate reasons for disliking her.....trust me....they would voice them. Since they give only trivial reasons - common sense tells you that their reasons are not PC. They can't very well admit that they are intimidated by a woman in power.

2006-07-22 14:32:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

She is a radical lilberal that will pretend to be a moderate to get elected.

She felt being first lady was more important then being a wife. Most wives would leave their husbands for the indiscretion Bill put her through.

She may not have been convicted but her scandals in finance for personal gain are well known. (how did her finger prints get on the hidden files)?

She has her own interest at heart not the nations - its crystal clear if you take off the rose colored glasses in looking at her.

She is an opportunist running for US Senate in a state she never lived in simply because the rose colored glasses insured her an easy victory.

2006-07-22 13:31:41 · answer #6 · answered by netjr 6 · 1 0

hilliary will force america to elect the gop instead .AS much as america say's its ready for a women to lead this nation not for 20 more years .SO if you want to beleive the gop and pin your hopes on hillary they support you all the way .DEMOCRATS WILL lose the white house again in2008 if hillary is the nominee.
A sure win and what the GOP wants you to do
try getting a list out that has 20 names on it and the guy they poke the least fun at is the one to run or the gop wins again .
YOU are playing right into there hands with hillary and anyone who is smart enough to see this will not support a losing democrat again causing yet another split to divide the party which is what the gop wants .THEy are pretending to push rice out front but we all know in america a black women is never going to be elected yet .GET real and stand behind one good man for president and guit jumping horses .

2006-07-22 13:34:46 · answer #7 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 0 0

I dislike her because she is a classic example of people with what is known as "the will to power". She will do whatever it takes to gain that power. She will stand by a lying, cheating husband rather than leave the halls of power. She will say anything to appeal to anybody. She voted to give Bush the authority to invade Iraq. She will support Joe Lieberman. She screwed up the plan to institute a better health care system with her need for secrecy and control. She pushed for welfare "deform".

2006-07-22 14:42:39 · answer #8 · answered by Edward K 3 · 0 0

I suppose I tend to think of her as the exact opposite of Dubya: Dubya is way to far to the right on most issues, and Hillary is just as far to the left (or at least she was until she began reinventing herself about a year ago, trying to look more acceptable to moderates).
The problem with the presidential primary system is that it tends to be dominated by the extremes of both parties and a moderate can't get the nomination.

2006-07-22 13:36:06 · answer #9 · answered by F. Frederick Skitty 7 · 0 0

I LOVE Hillary! She's strong and tough and absolutely brilliant. She's an ideal role model for young women to aspire to - just LOOK at her accomplishments! They speak for themselves....

I think people who dislike her are just plain IGNORANT. They feel threatened by her, and that is why they put her down. A lot of people simply don't have the mentality to fathom a woman of her remarkable capabilities. These are the same morons who think she oughtta just stay home & bake cookies!

Also, I believe that a lot of the very same people who condemn her for her ambitiousness, are also the same people who would APPLAUD a MAN for possessing the very same qualities. They still cling to the old "double standard" - they want her to be SUBMISSIVE, like a "good little wife" SHOULD be!!!

2006-07-23 01:57:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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