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That's it....just WTF, man.

2006-07-22 05:58:57 · 31 answers · asked by kubrickian 2 in Politics & Government Politics

31 answers

The biggest thing is, they have no souls. Have you ever seen either version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," where, when people sleep, they're replaced with inhuman, unfeeling Pods who are all part of the same mindless organism?

They say, "All you do is gripe. You have no solutions of your own."
Yes, we did and we do. You're just not willing to listen to them, let alone implement them. While I'm no democrat, either, things were certainly light-years better under Bill Clinton and even the braindead have to admit that. But never a Pod.

When Bush was first thrust into the national limelight in the debates of 2000, he said he'd spend more on virtually everything under the sun, yet he claimed he could do it while slashing taxes. When confronted with reality, he chose to hide in Never-Never Land. And, like all Pods, he hasn't come out since, not in almost six years now. Apparently, ostriches can even be Pods.

Whenever Pods don't want to hear reality, which is never, it's always, "You're not listening to me," "Things are great, it's just the liberal media," "We're safer/more prosperous/more employed/happier, etc., etc., etc., than we've ever been before," "You're all liars and we never lie," and "Everybody loves America now because we'll kick their @$$es if they don't."

Pods even believe you can quell terrorism by terrorizing. Our bombs plus their bombs plus a whole lot more of our bombs equal no bombs. Psychotics will back down if you murder their families. Even just third cousins who weren't really bothering anybody.

Pods know that ever since "election" day, Nov.7, 2000, they enjoyed an extremely friendly media. Now the turds are coming home to roost and you have to scrape them off of everything before you can eat, sleep, or sit down, and it's suddenly a "liberal media."

If no one but Pods had been on the Titanic, as long as George Bush said the ship wasn't sinking, not a single vest or life-boat would have been squandered. Or used. But we'd be buying lifeboats for the Titanic after it had already sunk. And we'd be spending five-billion dollars apiece on them, as we have each and every single day since our favorite buffoon took office.

I don't know about you, but Bubba's half-trillion dollar "surplus" sure seems like it could be a few more dollars than Bush's eight-trillion dollar deficit. But maybe mathematics is a liberal science. I'm probably counting the numbers on a calculator made by liberals, infused with fuzzy-math liberal numbers. But then, I didn't get my math classes at Yale like Bush. It must be that modern theoretical math. Negative eight trillion dollars is sixteen times more money than a half-trillion positive dollars.

Maybe my bank will buy me a new house if I can manage to get two-hundred thousand in debt. It seems to be run by Pods, so my chances are excellent.

Pods also believe Jesus was a warmongering white supremacist protestant who always seems to need more money. A guy who decided the moneychangers ARE the temple. Starve the poor and feed the rich. That's our jesus.

It would be interesting to plant a flag in a large turd next to a porn shop just to see if the pods walking by would salute it.

2006-07-22 06:37:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Conservatives, Liberals...ect
Look up the History of where Man went against each other in deciding what was right or wrong and what should be coshure. Women were once not allowed to gather in public places to chat. They were not to reveal their nakedness in anyway and wore dresses. They were scorned and punshied to comit adultry.
Times have changed, but the main ingredient of Liberal and Conservative remains the biggest issue today.

2006-07-22 13:03:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There's nothing WRONG with conservatives. That's like asking what's wrong with ice cream eaters. They just have a different value system. It's a silly value system, I'll admit, but it's theirs. My sister, for example, is a member of the right-wing religious group. I love her, don't get me wrong, but she's not very bright. I listen to her ramblings about how God is on her side and nod sagely. Let her be happy. It gets her through the long nights. I just go about my business of voting Democrat, contributing to ecology-minded causes and treating everyone like a human being. I know it probably makes her crazy, but hey -- I'm happy.

2006-07-22 13:04:30 · answer #3 · answered by CarolO 7 · 0 0

nothing is wrong with being either conservative or republican, but at the same time everything is wrong. let me explain. sometimes in order to solve an issue it isnt time for progress or innovation or change (arguably, the war on terrorism. america is doing the right--no pun intended--thing in the middle east with iraq in spite of wat the liberal media may lead you to believe. they HAVE FOUND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. huge bunkers full. also, this is the first time i can ever recall humanitarianism being a crime) likewise, there are many issues that require a more progressive standpoint to find a solution. ie gay marriage, religious freedom, and immigration (again, just opinion).

please dont get aggressive to me, just acknowledge that sometimes both liberals and conservatives have terrible ideas and can be stubborn; but also each can contribute positively to not only our nation but the world

2006-07-22 13:14:52 · answer #4 · answered by groovemastermike 1 · 0 0

I think "Matrix" hit the nail on the head. All the conservatives seem to care about is their own greedy selves. They can't be bothered with compassion for others less fortunate, because they aren't about to let anyone else have a piece of their affluent pie without putting up a fight! Conservatives tend to judge others harshly, and if you are not in their economic "league", they will automatically label you a "loser". Their so-called "values" SUCK!!!!!!!

2006-07-23 02:32:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That little tin suit is just SO tight [LOL] Libs cry, Democrats promise [never really follow] through ,spend, and Republicans lie spend scam and are blatant about it -it's no More than a drinking club .They are all the same but under different banners.

2006-07-22 13:05:33 · answer #6 · answered by KaptainSurf 3 · 0 0

they have no ability to think for themselves .I support a ban on abortion but want the death penalty off the table too .I am at odds with both liberals and conservatives .
AT least with a liberal the chance of having them change there mind exsists .
WITH a conservative i get a morality lecture and GOD tossed around as the reason for everything .

2006-07-22 13:03:35 · answer #7 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 0 0

I am so sorry. Are we talking over your head.
We walked off the play ground years ago.
What I would love to see is a liberal that could back up a point with out calling names.

2006-07-22 13:03:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The same thing that's wrong with Liberals . It's just that one goes right and one goes left . They might meet in the middle and kill each other . One can hope .

2006-07-22 13:07:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What is wrong with us is that we are tired of people who condemn us but have no alternitives, answers or solutions. You know people like you.

Now go play the grown ups are trying to talk.

2006-07-22 13:01:02 · answer #10 · answered by Ethan M 5 · 0 0

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