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We loved the matrix trilogy ---- But is the matrix for real...what if we wake up one day and we are on the underground city??..Do you have any such thoughts and reasons to believe that it can be real....lets ponder and share our thoughts...

2006-07-22 04:51:49 · 6 answers · asked by enterthematrix 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

6 answers

You're missing the point. It's not necessarily about actual machines and an entire fabricated universe. Did you notice the book that Neo pulled the data out of to give to Choi? It was "Simulations and Similacrae", which, combined with the theory of Descartes, is the foundation for Matrix philosophy. What am I talking about? What is the Matrix?

The Matrix is a literal interpretation of some of Descartes's points. In the Matrix, humans all live out their lives in a computer generated dreamworld that the machines we created created for us to trick us - "I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies. Does it now follow that I too do not exist? No: if I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed. But there is a deceiver of supreme power and cunning who is deliberately and constantly deceiving me. In that case I too undoubtedly exist, if he is deceiving me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing so long as I think that I am something. So after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that this proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind." (Med. 2, AT 7:25)

Descartes builds on this idea through questioning the nature of reality, "[E]very sensory experience I have ever thought I was having while awake I can also think of myself as sometimes having while asleep; and since I do not believe that what I seem to perceive in sleep comes from things located outside me, I did not see why I should be any more inclined to believe this of what I think I perceive while awake." (Med. 6, AT 7:77)

Delving further into the movie, the question as I see it is not about many things people believe they see in the film (or reality). Their writings prove only that they have missed the point, and are still ensnared in "the Matrix" - "so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it"(Morpheus, of course). So what is everyone missing (well, most anyway)? The red pill. The story boils down to one cold hard fact. We follow Neo through his growth process and witness his "rebirth" at the end of the movie. Neo comes to a realization. What was it? It was a realization set before us at every point of the film, yet just out of reach (mentally). Why can he suddenly stop bullets and destroy agents? Because he realized, just as Morpheus did, that there is "a difference between knowing the path and walking the path". Meaning? Make your own path. You don't believe in this fate crap anyway, remember?

Morpheus spends the entire movie trying to "free" Neo's mind. He explains how Neo is trapped in a prison for his mind that he "cannot taste or touch or feel". Yet it is all around us. You can "feel it when you go to Church, when you pay your taxes. You can see it when you look out your window". We have all built a world around us in this "society" of ours. The movie hit home with all of us because we CAN relate on some level that many of us can't put our "finger" on it. "It's there, like a splinter in your mind." So what is this thing we can't put a finger on?

One way to point it out is to examine those we deem troubled or 'disturbed'. What is it that makes one person in a padded room extremely unhappy and another in the next room sit in a blissfull stupor, utterly alone in their euphoria? THEIR PERCEPTIONS. Their beleifs. Our thoughts stem from our perception of things. They rule our outlook and our actions on a day to day basis. One man's conviction that the aliens are coming to destroy us is no less valid than the other's that they have come to save us. To these people they are very real situations. These are the worlds they live in. When you and I look at them we can see in their eyes that they don't live in the same world we do. And what world do we live in? Those we paint for ourselves? Yes, but always according to a "social blueprint" of our mass culture. Can we or could we exist as individuals without each other? Descartes claims that he thinks, therefore he exists. But would he have come to that conclusion on his own without other people to interact with? How do you define thinking? When we think, typically we think in one language or another. Language is a socially imposed tool. We REQUIRE a means of measuring ourselves against something at all points in our lives (and in everything we do). We cannot define ourselves without a socialized tool, and therefore cannot define an individual without society. It becomes impossible to seperate ourselves from our socialization.

Thinking could also be looked at as a result of programming from all the stimulus of a lifetime of experiences. You could think of them as a "DNA strand" of experiences. So, as a human body is composed of cells that we currently believe may DICTATE our fate in certain areas (modern science leads us to believe that), is it impossible that all our experiences leave us no options other than to think what we do, given our "programming"? We see it in ourselves in sociology, history, and our own lifetimes. We are creatures of HABIT, of PATTERNS, much like the proverbial pavlovian dog. How much of our life do we attribute to pattern? Taking the red pill is an awakening of the mind to the fact that we are trapped by our OWN PERCEPTIONS. Realizing that we can change these perceptions is the elusive key to "ZION". ZION stands as the last bastion of hope for humanity in the film. "Live long enough and you might even see it", Tank says to Neo. Taking the red pill is the start of a process which can help you find your "path" and "remake the Matrix as you see fit". You have the power to change things. Freeing your mind is the goal. "Fear, doubt, and disbelief....you've got to let it all go, Neo". This is, perhaps, the most simplified message in the film. It can be as simple as that. Letting go of our fears, our hatreds, and our self doubt. It is not about drugs, or alternate dimensions other than those we create ourselves. The Matrix is what our woven fabric of society and interaction tells us is possible or impossible. It's the blue pill. It's the tapestry of influences society weaves into the "real world" that controls us. This is the point of "Simulations and Similacrae". The question is - how much control does it really have over us, or how much control do we actually GIVE it??

2006-07-24 17:48:26 · answer #1 · answered by c_mtnboy 2 · 0 0

Totally. Between the Matrix and Fight Club, I think we can get a pretty accurate view of humanity right now. As far as the Matrix, I think it is an important analogy of our world. It's about those who have power keeping those they need in helpless submission to attain their end goals. How is that different from our world. Those in power oppress the lower classes and enslave them to gain more power and wealth. It is only when we choose to live outside of the box, so to speak, that we can rise above that which has been laid before us and make new paths, which can lead to the freeing of people everywhere. Example: Just because you were born in the ghetto doesn't mean you have to believe the lie that you will never leave there or that you don't deserve to leave there. It is up to us all, individually, to strive to overcome the glass cielings. And why does everything taste like chicken?lol

2006-07-22 08:18:15 · answer #2 · answered by lighthouse444 2 · 0 0

I hate large govt., and that i do not realize the position you get that; it is my expertise that the left-wing liberals are the major team that love large govt, for the reason that they're the individuals pushing for socialism, and that i do not see businesses as having any style of human characteristics- they're only self-conserving entities, that is why we've rules and regs for them. i think in conspiracy theories cuz i comprehend that each little thing that takes position interior the international is brought about by using and strengthened by using non secular skill--both good or undesirable non secular powers, reckoning on who you're following and obeying (even if you comprehend it or no longer). So, the individuals being led by using evil powers are being compelled to do issues that help deliver about a inhabitants it is inattentive, unaware, unvigilant, ignorant, susceptible, too busy, and in the different case incapable of struggling with the "powers that be" even as they attempt to rigidity their genuine agenda on the inhabitants, quite, that the individuals will serve and worship devil. on the different hand, the individuals who serve God are operating to help ward off this "taking on" of the international by using the satanists, and attempt to coach people and get them to awaken and comprehend how they have been stealthily "programmed" into accepting outrageous lies, realities and criteria. I keep in mind that countless the individuals attempting to wrestle antagonistic to those conspiracies aren't to any extent further inevitably those that keep on with God, yet i think that they comprehend that the different area is evil and is depending in evil. those interior the middle are the hapless victims of those conspiracies. certain, there are countless aspects of this conspiracy, notwithstanding that is distilled down right into a consumer-friendly conflict for the hearts and minds of the individuals between God and His enemy.

2016-10-15 02:02:46 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I might, but only because thats probably the coolest theory i know, and it makes it easy to say eh , not in my hands - let the matrix handle it! and Neo is just cool

2006-07-22 04:55:18 · answer #4 · answered by cmcb666 2 · 0 0

matrix is just a movie. it's fiction

2006-07-22 04:55:07 · answer #5 · answered by Glam Girl 2 · 0 0

I don't think I believe it it just to surreal

2006-07-22 04:54:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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