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If you know your not ready for a child and condom broke,its not your fault.I know in my heart if i have a baby right now i can ruin my career plus i am not sure if i really want to be with my bf down the road.I am just making a very practical decision here.

2006-07-22 03:58:02 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

32 answers

There is nothing wrong with it. It's a fetus, a parasite, and getting rid of it is a simple procedure. You should be congratulated on having the maturity to understand it would be wrong to producs a baby in these circumstances.

2006-07-22 04:03:26 · answer #1 · answered by ceprn 6 · 0 0

Don't just take your life into consideration. Believe it or not there is a reason that people say they are expecting a BABY not I'm expecting a fetus. You could change the world for someone that has tried for years to have a child by putting the baby up for adoption. You are very smart to realize that right now is not a good time for you to have a baby,but a baby is growing inside of you. At only a few weeks your baby is fully formed and LOOKS just like a very tiny newborn baby because essentially that's what it is. Google ABORTION under their Images section. You will see that it's not just a bunch of cells, but a living human being. You have the great opportunity to become some hopeful adoptive parents' hero. You have been given a gift to be able to get pregnant and bring another life into this world. Don't waste it.

2006-07-22 05:22:29 · answer #2 · answered by JL's Mom 3 · 0 0

You will find that you're child is the best thing to ever happen in you're life.....for somone who truely doesn't want a child and not just because it could "ruin you're career", then you shouldnt even be allowed to reproduce let alone have the joy of a child in you're home. Atleast have it and give it up for adoption, there a lot of people out there who can't have children and would love you're baby.And take care of yourself while pregnant..in case you decide not to be a murderer. Youre baby had a heartbeat before you even knew you were pregnant, you're killing another human being just because you're selfish,i can tell you're not the motherly type...thats sad, because when you have children they ALWAYS come first. A job also cannot discriminate against you just because you're pregnant..you could sue big time if they do.
I am a single mom of a very bright,too smart for his own damn good 3 yr old boy who will be 4 in 2 wks.I got pregnant at 19 and had him 2wks after I turned 20 yrs old. I decided not to go to college, I had to work to make sure I had money to support him, 1 week after my baby was born I told his dad to get lost...you don't need a man to help you take care of a baby, I just finished my schooling online,make pretty good money for a single mom,my son has things that I didn't/couldn't have when I was a kid,he's damn smart,and we live in our own house.
I didn't want a child at the time either,i was going to school and that was the last thing i wanted..but I don't believe in abortion,people who do may as well go out and kill someone because that's what you're doing and you'll be haunted by it the rest of you're life,maybe it will totally ruin you're chances of ever having children...that would probably be a good thing,I would feel sorry for those children. You did this, take responsibility of you're own actions,and take care of whats you'res

2006-07-22 04:24:46 · answer #3 · answered by hotmama 3 · 0 0

Abortion is wrong because it kills an innocent human being. If you're pregnant, you have a child, whether you are ready or not. This may sound harsh, but believe me when I say I just want to help you. Please keep in mind that it's not the baby's fault that the condom broke, either. Why should she be punished by death? Your career is not nearly as important as the life of your child. Would you kill a one-year-old to advance your career? If not, why is the child in your womb fair game? You really need to have all the facts to make sure you don't do something you will regret the rest of your life. I recommend:

Photos of Abortions:

A Four-Minute, Must-See Video on Abortion:

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

Abortion Stories:

Abortion Risks:

Abortion Deaths:

Free, Confidential Pregnancy Help (including referrals for financial, medical, legal, and housing assistance; free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; free maternity and baby supplies; pregnancy, parenting, and adoption information; counseling and emotional support):

Support for Pregnant College and Career Women:

2006-07-25 07:49:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


I have had an abortion (against my will when I was 17) and I can say FIRST HAND that the things you go through arent even worth it. Abortion is murder. Just because they baby hasnt been born yet it's ok to kill it? I don't think so. There are so many wonderful people out there that want kids so badly but are unable to concieve, adoption is there only choice. The only reason i can come up with as to why a woman would rather abort than put the child up for adoption, is SELFISHNESS. In that case, they should rot in hell.

2006-07-22 04:09:59 · answer #5 · answered by lost_carolina 3 · 0 0

Do you want to justify your decision or get an opposing answer? Any time, every time, you have sex you and your partner are saying, "We are willing to risk pregnancy". It is that simple. If you are not willing to take the risk, then do not take it. You must live with the consequences of your actions, all of them.
There are other options. Your heart is not always correct. A baby might change your direction without ruining your career. There is adoption. Your life is precious. All life is precious. You can really love your child and be willing to make many sacrifices whether adoption is chosen or not. Wishing you well.

2006-07-22 04:10:03 · answer #6 · answered by Jack 7 · 0 0

There is a life growing inside of you it is your baby whether you kill it or let it grow into a child. THAT is what is wrong. You've already created a life along with God and your man. Now you are saying a job is more important than a life. If you can honestly say that then, okay. But haven't you heard of daycare and maternity leave? I murdered (aborted, same thing) a baby before and it is the most heartbreaking thing! Biggest mistake of my life! When you go for your abortion, ask to see the ultrasound and have a copy. If you can proceed then ... I pray you don't but KNOW WHAT you are doing. You don't have to stay with your boyfriend down the road and uh hello, why are you with him now if not for good? Please don't kill your unborn innocent precious baby. You'll be heartbroken. Job security is $#!t compared to a life. Please think this through.

2006-07-22 04:03:41 · answer #7 · answered by Sleek 7 · 0 0

no, your not being practical. Yes, the condom broke, which happens. You used protection, which was smart, but there is still that chance that it won't work and it didn't, there fore it is your fault. There is a living being inside of you and you were responsible enough to put it their you can at least be responsible enough to let it live! You don't have to keep it, lots of women can't have babies, I bet their is one out there now waiting to adopt an infant. what is so wrong with having an abortion? You will murder your own child? how very cruel!

2006-07-22 04:05:01 · answer #8 · answered by tricksy 4 · 0 0

Abortions always going to be a topic that not everyone can quit agree on. It's always going to be going on and theres nothing anyone can do about it. I dont support it anyway shape or form i was 15 when i found out i was pregnant it was on fathers day and my family really freaked out. but i kept her it was all my choice and i knew that i wanted her as soon as i found out im not with her dad nor will i ever be but thats all okay because everyday i wake up and see her smiling and shes just everything i could of ever wanted in more no i wasnt ready and im still not ready but i love her and would do anything for her can you really wake up everyday and realize that you killed a lil peice of you? are you okay with the fact that your selfish enough to help yourself out but kill your own flesh in blood? sure you might not be with your bf down the road big deal theres so much you can do by yourself so much more and everyone will be there to help you if you do it your never going to forget it my mom had an abortion with twins and she still lays awake at night and cries about it and shes almost 40! its just not right

2006-07-22 05:03:23 · answer #9 · answered by cutenwild1769 5 · 0 0

Abortion is wrong if it is used as a birth control method. I believe there are times when a woman can not see another alternative. But this is a life changing decision that she needs to seriously think about because once it's done that's it. Only you can answer this question and it shouldn't be put to a vote from strangers.

2006-07-22 04:04:09 · answer #10 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 0 0

If you are not ready for children you need to either stay away from sex or use more than a condom as a form of birth control.

I do not support abortions because that is killing a child that did not ask to be conceived because the parents failed to either keep it in their pants or did not use all methods of birth control to prevent a pregnancy.

So if you know that you do not want kids in your life then there are 2 ways to prevent them


If you are dating someone and do not intend on being with them for the rest of your life, then DO NOT HAVE SEX with that person.

2006-07-22 05:42:19 · answer #11 · answered by Coast2CoastChat.com 5 · 0 0

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