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I've got nothing to do today but check out Yahoo! Answers and try to cool off (so I have no life, gimme a break!), and I find myself getting extremely frustrated when people ask serious questions, sometimes when English isn't their first language, and other answer with "Learn English" or are extremely rude, or when they use inappropriate language. It got me wondering how many of you report abuse, and how often, and in what cases? No stupid answers (because I WILL report you then, lol) and best answer gets 10 points.

I personally have been a little report-happy, because I've only gotten 16 hours of sleep in the last four days. So as soon as I get some answers for this, I'm getting off to try and cure my insomnia and leave those horrible haters on Answers alone!

2006-07-22 01:43:28 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

31 answers

I only report if on one of my questions and I don't get a answer. (lol or huh is not a answer) But if I'm just looking around and I don't like someones question....I don't answer it or report it. Some people just come on here to have fun and I get that...do what you want to do, but you should also think about others feelings. I just get mad when you can tell that a question is a joke and people answer it and are MAD. COME ONE....if you don't have a sense of humor...then you should just stay at home and not talk to anyone. I also don't like it when people answer a question just to correct someones spelling...if you understand the question even if there is bad spelling....leave the person alone.

2006-07-22 01:50:39 · answer #1 · answered by CoffeeChick 3 · 4 1

I have not reported anyone,as yet; but it is very tempting at times; when I see some of the silly, dirty and obnoxious things that are written here. I do realize that there is the great gift of free speech in this country...but maturity should play a role. There are a few participants which come to mind, who include some slang term about a human body part in every question, or swears and have no respect for themselves or others. I may inwardly cringe when I see these types of things, but unless I see someone really being abusive to someone else because of race or religion or personal beliefs...I think I force myself to skim over the rediculous. I am sorry to hear that you are operating on very little sleep, my "buttons" get pushed a lot more easily when I am sleep deprived also. Aren't we all sleep deprived and overstressed to a certain extent???? I generally spend more time on here because I find it interesting- its a very diverse cross-section of humanity- and since I am studying for a Masters degree, I have to spend a good portion of my time on serious work, this is a bit of an outlet for me and I do occationally get to help someone out with whatever difficulty they are having in their life. Don't cut yourself down and say you have no life, if you are on here you are connecting with people, just not face-to-face; but you are still connecting. If nothing else I can go back to my "real" life....which is nothing like reality tv thank the Blessed Lord....and be thankful I am not living in some situations people are struggling with on here. Relax try to get some down time and think about the fact that you are not spreading the hate, but you are trying to lessen it and thus make a better world! Best of luck to you!

2006-07-22 09:08:26 · answer #2 · answered by Sue F 7 · 1 0

I've only reported someone once and it was under my other screen name. I don't ususally report people, I'll just leave their question and normally never read their other questions from then on. It's easier just to ignore rude people and their stupidity than try and chase down all the bad guys out there.

The one question that I reported was so extremely racist that it was almost like a hate crime itself. I felt so sorry for the group targeted that I reported the asker. It made me sad that people could be so mean to others. I know we don't live in a perfect world, but things would be so much easier on all of us if we would JUST BE NICE!!! It's just a simple thing that I'm sure, will never catch on....

2006-07-22 09:57:55 · answer #3 · answered by PennyLane 4 · 0 0

I report pretty often & that's only because people are so rude & unpleasant so often. If someone says something along the lines of, "thanks for 2 points," I report them. If they say something very obscene or disrespectful towards the person, or something mean about their question, I report them. If they don't even answer the question but just jibber jabber, then I report. Basically, I report every time that there could be a reason to. I see so much of it, I guess not many people report!

2006-07-22 09:08:10 · answer #4 · answered by ~*Lady Beth*~ 4 · 0 0

Funny you should ask this now when I am fuming for being reported for the first time!! My question: When is your birthday?
Do you believe that was reported??
Anyway - I have reported many people on here, mostly for vulgarity or obscene content. I have reported people for animal abuse, pedophilia and just plain old nastiness.
Maybe if we keep doing it these losers will leave and we can have a fun, educational site to ask and answer questions!!

2006-07-22 09:09:01 · answer #5 · answered by cyndi71mom 5 · 0 0

I've only done it once - some poor woman had a question about having some painful Braxton Hicks contractions, and some nasty man said that he hoped her fetus strangled on the umbilical cord. How horrible for a pregnant woman to have to read something hateful like that about her precious little baby! Especially when she must already be worried about the painful contractions she was having. His questions - get this - were about both his wife AND his girlfriend. And not very nice ones, either.

2006-07-22 09:01:06 · answer #6 · answered by Jeannie 7 · 0 0

I've only reported abuse once & that was because the person had ticked me of really bad saying stuff about certain types of people. I don't think predjudice should have any place on the internet or in the world. Unfortuneatly it does on both. I just don't tolerate it.

2006-07-22 09:47:40 · answer #7 · answered by Goddess Princess Minky 5 · 0 0

Some experiences shouldn't be profitable.

Like wasting other people's time.

Why is this important enough to ask?

Need a list of Narcs? lol

Looking for potential stool-pigeons?

Did you know you do not have to answer the question to Report it?

This is so safe that NOT reporting abusers makes a person seem weak.

2006-07-22 09:01:42 · answer #8 · answered by KnowSean 3 · 0 0

I report abuse all the time. I am proud of you for trying to clean up yahoo answer, cos there are mean people on here, take a look at this fool.


The questions he asks and the answers are hate filled. Do a favor for me, report this idiot.

2006-07-22 08:54:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I haven't yet but some of the questions I answered, which seemed quite alright to me have been removed. I have no idea why. One of the questions was "How many branches are there on an average tree?" Quite innocent I thought, but it was removed!!!!

2006-07-22 08:49:51 · answer #10 · answered by peter r 2 · 0 0

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