They feel like a tightening of your whole abdomen (at least mine did). When you are having a contraction you can actually put your hand on your abdomen and feel it tighten, then release. And yes, they do hurt!
2006-07-21 17:14:57
answer #1
answered by mylittletribe 3
Contractions hurt a LOT. Early labor contractions are weak and feel like moderate menstrual cramps combined with occasional sharp shooting pains radiating across your stomach. As labor progresses, contractions become more and more intense. My stomach felt like it was being rolled into a very tight ball as the muscles contracted Then as the muscles relaxed, the pain momentarily subsided. I can't really describe the pain in the last stage of labor other than it was the worst pain I've ever experienced. The pain consumes your whole body and it's hard to focus on anything. I took Lamaze and the breathing techniques did not help me.
The epidural made my labor a breeze. I highly recommend considering an epidural as an option for pain relief. I told my nurse to call the anesthesiologist when I was 5 centimeters dilated. I don't recommending waiting that long. Don't suffer unless you have to!
There's a bright side; the moment you see your baby, you forget about it all. It's suddenly all becomes worth it. Labor is pain with a purpose.
2006-07-22 00:59:49
answer #2
answered by Happy for once in my life. 4
It was like severe me you will know when it happens. It hurts, but it must not have been too bad because I did it 4 times.
I highly recommend a good strong dose of Stadol. It is a terrifc drug. It didn't really take the pain away, it just took a bit of the edge off and totally relaxed me...I felt as if I'd been smoking pot...that light headed, whoa feeling. Very nice. Once you are relaxed, it will be easier for the baby to be born. Good Luck!
2006-07-22 02:03:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A contraction is the muscle tightening (contracting) just like when you flex the muscle in your arm. It tightens & hardens then releases. Because the uterus is just a big muscle it reacts the same way, there can be some tension in you back during a contraction because the uterus is connected in two place to your back.
2006-07-22 00:17:11
answer #4
answered by corel 3
Like Menstual cramps times 1000. Generally your tummy will also be very very hard to the touch during contractions. If you this is your first child and you are unsure do not listen to us call the LD at your local hospital. They will talk you through.
Congrats and good luck
2006-07-22 00:17:00
answer #5
answered by ebonybutterfly4u 3
They feel like someone is shoving a hot metal trident and twisting up your nether regions 50 times worse than menstral cramps you will wish that you had a gallon of morphene.
2006-07-22 00:15:18
answer #6
answered by hatingmsn 6
Mine weren't so bad - just a tightening (pretty severely) of the belly. Until the water broke (or at least until it was broken for me). Then it got more painful. But it was a severe belly cramp.
2006-07-22 00:17:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
for me they began mildly, like period cramps. over time they progressed but were manageable. i walked aorund alot and used deep breathing. when they became stronger my husband helped me stay calm with visualization/meditation. during transition when they were strongest, i can only describe it as all-consuming. you really go someplace else. i used absolutely no drugs and now a year and a half later I really cant remember the pain. I'm sure my next one will remind me :)
2006-07-22 00:24:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Its hard to tell someone how it feels, I can say you'll know when you have them.My Mother always told me its the hardest pain to go through, but when you see that baby for the first time, its the easiest to forget.
2006-07-22 00:18:11
answer #9
answered by Granny 1 7
Mild ones feel like stomach cramps. They progressively get stronger.
2006-07-22 00:16:08
answer #10
answered by Drill Sergeant J 4