Talk with his family. Call the police. The police can pick him up and force him to go to a treatment facility for up to 72 hours. You will then have to go along and relay the information to the therapists, saying whether or not you think he is a threat to himself or to others. Of course, he will be mad at you.
This is if you can not get him to go for himself.
Otherwise, you may just have to walk out of his life. Do not speak with him. Close all contact with him. You can not save him from himself. You are not responsible for his actions.
Good Luck!
2006-07-21 06:48:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some states automatically put you in a treatment facility when you try to commit suicide, but they only can hold you for so many days or hours. As his gf, the best thing you can do it to let him know how you feel. If he doesn't want to do anything about it, then you're not responsible for what happens to him. Acutally, you're not responsible for what he does anyway, even if you end up leaving him. People who commit suicide are very selfish. They want everyone's attention, and this usually works for them. There's nothing so horrible that suicide is the answer. Everything is workable, though not always to our own satisfaction. Your bf does need help, but there's nothing you can do to or for him. If he's tried using suicide to get something, especially regarding your relationship with him, then you need to let him go and get yourself out of his life. You can't let this control you or your feelings. How is it right to be always fearful that something that's said or done will set him off? Living in fear over what he might do isn't a life. What you do about your relationship is up to you. But, I sure wouldn't live like this. Of course, that's my opinion. <*)))><
2006-07-21 06:52:23
answer #2
answered by Sandylynn 6
The laws vary by state, but I would definitely tell his family about the incident. As his girlfriend you probably don't have any legal say in what happens to him, but a family member might. He may not need to be "commited", but simply be in need of therapy and meds for depression. Suicide attempts are usually a cry for help, not a genuine death wish...but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take this seriously. Convince him to get help. In the meantime, be there for him.
2006-07-21 06:38:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well here in Florida there is something called a Baker Act..
You can call the police to your house when he is there and has made threats and they will evaluate him. If he meets the criteria set, he would be involuntarily Commited for 72 hours to diagnosis and treat him.
You can also have his primary care physician do it.
You can also call the covenant house 9 line for suggestions at 1-800-999-9999 They are a great anonymous resource.. Also.. check your local numbers.. we have something called 211 when you dial it it sends you to the local crisis hotline and you can get referrals there..
Also, please I beg you if he says that he is going to hurt himself, take action.. don't be afraid that he will get mad at you.. Saying that you are going to hurt yourself is a cry for help.. and shouldnt be ignored.
Worse case.. you can also take him to any Emergency room and they can evaluate him there too...
See if he will seek joint counseling.. tell him that you will go with him.. sometimes that helps..
The best of luck to you.. email me if you need anything or just to vent..
2006-07-21 06:35:47
answer #4
answered by Heather 4
You didn't say your age. You need to get with his parents if he is under 18 and request that he be Baker Acted. A judge will sign an order to do so. You can call your local courthouse to see how to go about doing this. It is called a Baker Act in Florida (could be called something else where you are). If you are over 18, you may be able to do it - depends on laws in your area.
2006-07-21 06:32:31
answer #5
answered by butterfliesRfree 7
If you can get him to an emergency room they have to put him in if you tell them what he has said and done,also call your local police department they may be able to force him into an ambulance because of his threats,if none of this works you might have to wait until he threatens or tries it again then act fast calling ambulance right away.
2006-07-21 06:34:37
answer #6
answered by pycosal 5
Go to your county courthouse ask for the Magistrate and tell them he is a danger to his self and maybe others, call a suicide hot line. Tell people who love him, get all the inside and outside support you can. Be careful not to scare him off. Let him talk it out, work it out, and throw out the idea of it.
2006-07-21 06:34:23
answer #7
answered by mygreensilhouette 3
actually the best time is when he makes the attempt; call 911 and have him taken to the ER. There's a limit as to what you can do. MAke sure hes not making these threats and attempts to control your actions.
2006-07-21 06:37:42
answer #8
answered by aprilx4u 3
DONT! committing someone is the worst thing you can do for someone that is depressed, they are already unhappy, so dont have them stripped naked, lectured, and locked up in a place of screaming people
pray for him and talk to him... if all else fails... let him die
if he's wants to kill himself now, he's gonna wanna do it 10x more when he gets out
2006-07-21 06:33:11
answer #9
answered by BeerFace McPoopenStein 2
Before you have him committed, try getting him some help first. Maybe he just needs someone to talk to. Committing him is just going to be harder on him. Try talking to your family or his family first. Help him, don't hurt him. Good luck.
2006-07-21 06:42:31
answer #10
answered by AngelLuv 3