He can't even hold the book up the right way when he was reading with the kids in Florida on 9-11. He had it upside down. What a disgrace
2006-07-20 16:57:53
answer #1
answered by ₦âħí»€G 6
I'll agree that being the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world is not easy. But in my opinion Mr. Bush should have stayed in crawford. He is so wrapped up in waging wars he has forgotten about the blue collar workers who are the backbone of this country. And he has sat carelessly as our thousands and thousands of blue and white collar jobs go to third world countries. Although the more I learn of politics the less I like the whole lot of them. Dems. and Repubs. anymore there all just *** holes, none of which care about me or anyone else who makes an honest living. I don't have anything against Mr. Bush as a person, but I think this country would have been a lot better of without unnessessary conflicts overseas, which my grand kids will be paying for. Thats sad considering i'm only 20.
2006-07-20 17:08:07
answer #2
answered by nightfoxx 2
He's doing as best he can. I'm not a Bush supporter but what President has done his job? There are too many things on your plate by the time you take office, you'll never get anything done.
2006-07-20 16:59:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I do not support all the things the President has done, but I do support what he is doing in world affairs, he knows his job and does it correctly in this matter. When we went into war with Iraq so many papers and even past Presidents, congressmen and senator's said there were weapons of mass destruction. In the briefing to the united nations Colin Powell made the case to go to war WMD's was only 1 of 13 reasons to go to war and when the UN council voted they agreed, the Senate not wanting to look bad held a vote and they voted for going to war. In the Presidents speech the president said that Iraq was "trying to purchase yellow-cake", this was a report from the British M6 division. he did not say they had nuclear weapons, he said they were trying to buy yellow-cake. Bush said that after 9/11 we could not wait till we have a smoking gun (nuclear explosion) to find out they have nuclear weapons and that regime change needed to take place in Iraq. Bush Is smart about the war also. He has let the Military commanders who are running the war, make the decisions. The US military has never lost a war in it's history. The US government has lost one war, the Vietnam war and that war was lost on American soil not on Vietnam's soil. Ho chi Minh in his Biography stated that he could not win a war against the American Military, for every one American he killed he lost 10-20 VietCong Soldiers. He was about to surrender But seen a turn in the Support of the American public and knew he would only need to win in the press and he did. On D-day one year Reagan made a speech to the veterans in Germany. Knowing what Ho Chi Minh said President Reagan said we learned from the Vietnam war that we should not commit forces to a war unless we are willing to let them win...Some members of congress and the Senate did commit to having troops sent into battle but now they want to leave the war...the only way our troops will lose is if we the people are not willing to let them win...The president knows this and supports the Generals running this war. He is committed to letting them win this war. because he knows our military can not lose if we are willing to let them win. Part of Bush's brilliants is that he tells it as he sees it, he does not beat around the bush or try to lie about everything and people think he is stupid because he is not always trying to hide everything, and because he slips up a little when he speaks. But he is doing a good job in the war on terror, and that is the most important part of being the Commander and Chief of the United States of America. As to people not liking us. People are trying every day from countries all over the world to come to America. People envy us here in the US. As for Military Islam they will never like us unless we are Muslim or dead. So who cares that they do not like us. The rest of the world wants to be us.
2006-07-20 17:52:21
answer #4
answered by DS_ORCHID 2
Yes, Bush is doing his job correctly, because his job is to protect the interests of the very richest people on earth--that one percent who owns 90 percent of the wealth. They always have "dummy puppets" who will stand up and pretend to "run" things.
Dubya is one real dummy, though------------I can't believe that anyone can listen to him try to make sense and not lol. I think all that coke he did a few years back really ate his brain cells.
P.S. How can anyone have a "war on terror"? Terror is a feeling--one of great and intense fear. How does one wage war on that? And if you are talking about "terrorists", each country has their own idea of what that may be.
2006-07-20 17:05:18
answer #5
answered by Joey's Back 6
We haven't been attacked again on American soil, so I think he's done a fine job.
Nahimana isn't very smart. The photograph was Photoshopped, and any idiot could figure that out. What does that say about her?
2006-07-20 16:58:16
answer #6
answered by Chris 4
He's doing a fine job, I really have no problems with him.
2006-07-20 20:06:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
He cannot do it effectively when he leaves the details to others and just fronts as some figurehead.
2006-07-20 16:57:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Um, yes. I wouldn't impose my religion upon our entire country and I WOULDN'T BAN STEM-CELL RESEARCH!!
2006-07-20 16:57:20
answer #9
answered by doubled254 3
he's the stupidist piece of **** i have ever seen
2006-07-20 16:58:08
answer #10
answered by ninja-turtles 1