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2006-07-20 16:42:38 · 25 answers · asked by latoya G 1 in Entertainment & Music Other - Entertainment

yes i believe in God, But

2006-07-20 16:45:37 · update #1

yes i believe in God,

2006-07-20 16:45:42 · update #2

Because as i look on reading these question and answer many people don't believe in god. And i think that they are crazy.

2006-07-20 16:46:55 · update #3

Can't someone of you People Read I DO BELIEV E IN GOD!!

2006-07-20 16:48:42 · update #4

25 answers

Yes, indeed, who believes in God?

The real question is not so much if you "believe" in God, but if you attempt to manifest Divine ideas in action. To believe is just to reaffirm you support a certain idea. It does not imply action or integrity. Consider the following two examples...

George W. Bush "believes" God is speaking, and working through, him. This man (along with his Administration and other leaders who call themselves Christians) has unleashed death, destruction, torture, spying, lying, and unprecedented corruption during his presidency so far...and we're not even done yet! But, he "believes" in God, right?

Jeffrey Sachs - a special advisor to the United Nations Secretary General, professor at the Columbia Institute and one of the most respected economists in the world - has devoted much of his energy and life to actively trying to end global poverty, disease, and hunger. He gives lectures, travels, advises governments, and writes books on how humanity must change its ways of living to end needless suffering around the world. He never so much as touches the idea of God in his writing and talks. But, isn't this what all the great religious leaders would endorse? Most of what Jesus of Nazareth talked about was feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, providing shelter for the homeless, right?

My point is, does it really matter if you spend your life telling everyone how much you believe and never do anything based on those beliefs? Beliefs on their own are totally useless.

2006-07-20 17:22:30 · answer #1 · answered by Andy 2 · 6 2

I must honestly say that I do not. If you're asking this question because you're a border-atheist, step out of your shell once and for all and just say it. It's not hard, and I guarantee it will make you feel better. =D

Its ok to say that YOU are in control of your life.

Say it with me... "There is no sky-god!"

*Edit* -- Why are you people so sure there is a "god"? There's been like... 50,000 + different "divine beings" created across human history, and most of them have faded into the history books. What makes you so sure that this recently created one is the real one?

*Edit #2* Most ancient civilizations created their gods because they didn't know how to explain certian things. (For example, the egyptions created Apollo to explain why the sun rose in the morning and set at night.) As we've explained things like this, gods like this no longer exist. Lets look at another example:

--> "God" says that everything revolves around the earth
(+) Galileo is punished for SCIENTIFICALLY PROVING god wrong
(+) Church later admits that god was wrong, and that science was right
(+) Nobody checks the bible anymore about this topic

So, if "God" is all knowing, whats up with all these mistakes?

Status quo, not many people rely on the bible to figure out why things fall and huricanes form. Why? Physics... Climatology... Math... etc.... have proved all this wrong

What people do rely on god about is their belief about the afterlife, and what happens after death. Why? Because we don't know what happens. Because we havn't created a science to explain this, and disprove anything that God has said.

Needless to say, "God" is a kind of putty that fills in the gaps that science can't explain. Before there was science, it explained everything. Now that we know so much scientific information, it now only explains post-death stuff. Its only a matter of time before science completely whittles away the foundation of religion, people. It's the true. Believe it.

*Edit #3* Am I alone here?

*Edit #4* -- (To Andy)
In a perfect society, yes. But it's hard to say that labeling yourself under a certain religion without acting on it entails the same respect from society as just outright saying you don't belive in that religion. People look at you differently. It's the honest truth. (Not saying that its a good thing to lie your way through life. =P... I'm just saying that there are some benifits to saying your a religion without doing anything.)

2006-07-20 23:50:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes I believe In GOD

2006-07-20 23:47:13 · answer #3 · answered by someone 4 · 0 0

I believe in God without doubt or reservation. I also believe that people are entitled to have and voice their opinions regarding their beliefs in God without the fear of being ridiculed.

2006-07-21 00:05:50 · answer #4 · answered by eccentriclady 3 · 0 0

We all do! If people didn't believe in God, why do so many (non Christians especially) fear death? They fear giving an account.

2006-07-20 23:48:01 · answer #5 · answered by Stratobratster 6 · 0 0

Yes, very much so. He's the creator of everything in the world.

2006-07-20 23:47:45 · answer #6 · answered by kimmy209 3 · 0 0

I believe trust and have faith in God whole heartily

2006-07-20 23:48:36 · answer #7 · answered by unhappyinin 4 · 0 0

I do. If there were no God, then how did we get here and how did the universe get here?

2006-07-20 23:47:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How could you not?! He's blessing me everytime I turn around! God Bless! :-)

2006-07-20 23:46:50 · answer #9 · answered by LaLa 3 · 0 0

Yes I do. He made us, and this world. How else could we exist?

2006-07-20 23:47:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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