How is being gay nasty? Gay guys are better yo hang out with than straight guys, because they understand women, and dont treat us like we dont matter for anything more than sex. Why do people judge people for being themselves? I actually prefer the company of gay guys to straight guys, most straight guys are ignorant, self centered, and dumb.
2006-07-20 13:53:03
answer #1
answered by Princess Gemini 4
There are SO many ways I could answer this question. First, some gay people are ashamed of being gay and wish they weren't. I think that proves that people don't "choose" to be gay. Second, I am gay and unless you are too you don't have the authority to declare that it's a choice. I'm the authority and It's NOT a choice. Third, as others have said, a lot of straight people are ignorant, and for that reason among others, I'm proud to be gay, and wouldn't change it even if I could. Fourth, nothing in the world is black-and-white. There is no defnite right or wrong answer for almost any question you could ask. So open your mind and stop bashing something you obviously know nothing about.
2006-07-20 17:29:01
answer #2
answered by jordan_31483 1
It acutally is becuz they have a mental disorder...even though you dont think they do they do!
Who wants something that they already have!(if you know what i mean) I will give you only 4 anaology's
What painter looks at a wall that is white and says i want to leave it that way! When they are supposed to be painting it!
Who buys a movie they already own...normaly you would go out and buy the 2nd version.
Who loooks at one painting and then stops and thinks to go back and look again!
There most be something wrong with 1st thing! Now they go back and loook again and try to find what it is missing! There bodies arent good anough so they look for some ones that is.
This is realy what a gay is and when people start to see this they will stop giving them rights and start giving them pills!
We were made so two colors could mix and you would get a new one (Chlid) we were not made so you can mix the same colors, all you'll get is nothing from them. Children are the world no more children no more human race. Imagen if we were all gay! We need to stop it before its to late. (well thats sorta extreme but whatever!)
Peace to you!
2006-07-20 14:11:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
u shouldn't judge people by the way they look, act, talk, their color, shape or size. its wrong. people chose to be the way there are because that is how they feel most comfortable. my brother has some gay friends and i don't make fun of them. everyone should be created equal. it just makes me mad when someone makes fun of people. yeah i may do it sometimes but i don't think befor i speak. some people just don't think at all. so next time you call someone nasty or ugly or scumbag, think, and you'll be the person everyone likes.
i hope that answers ur question. and i hope u pick me for the best answer.
2006-07-20 14:02:16
answer #4
answered by toribelleh 2
My g-d! People are insane on this board. Immoral??! What ISN'T immoral these days? This coming from someone who had a picture of a naked woman hanging from a tree as their icon? Something about glass houses and stones...
As a gay man, I think it is both genetic and a learned behavior.
2006-07-20 13:54:21
answer #5
answered by Craig P 1
The fact is that people are not born gay. You make your own choices and for some weird reason, these people choose that path. You choose whether your straight or gay.
2006-07-20 13:54:25
answer #6
answered by hi :) 2
If you look at 'most' gay people, you can tell that they were BORN that way! My sister is gay, and I knew she was from the time she was 5 or 6! It is NOT a perversion!
2006-07-20 13:54:02
answer #7
answered by Stephanie P 1
Why do you care? That is a really mean thing to say and obviously you don't know anyone who is gay. They are the best people
2006-07-20 13:55:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you obviously are offended by it. my husband doesnt like it either but has not problem with the people we have as friends. we know a few gay and les ppl, but it doesnt bother us as long as they dont go hitting on us. what's wrong with people that hate people with the same sex orientation? if gay is wrong, then what is bi?? it's almost the same thing
2006-07-20 13:55:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nasty and immoral
2006-07-20 13:52:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous