zip it ya twerp
2006-07-20 13:21:23
answer #1
answered by el.tuco 5
I think that what you anti-semites call "palestine" doesn't even belong to Arabs! It is called PHALESTINE because of the philistines thousands of years ago. The Israelites were at war with the Phlistines during the occupation of the Roman Empire of the land Canann. The Jews did not listen to the Roman ways of abandoning their religion, so on purpose the Romans called it Phalestine against the Jews. Also Israel is destryoing the airport, the road to Damascus and a blockade so Iran and Syria wont supply Hezbullah with more weapons. Then the world claims that Israel is killing civilians. Well because Hezbollah hides behind civilians. For proof, IDF troops in Southern Lebanon found rockets, weapons, ammo in a Mosque. Also for more proof that Hamas and Hezbollah hide behind civlians, is that when the UN did a reaserch during the Intifadas, they found out that Hamas and Hezbollah actually uses human shields and hide in schools and mosques and hospitals. so do your reserch. and sorry for the bad typing, im typing fast.
2006-07-20 13:48:25
answer #2
answered by hanh 2
Buddy, someone needs an update on current events. Listen, Israel's goal is definitely not to destroy Beirut. It wants Hezbollah out and that alone. The reason for bombing Beirut, etc. is that the logical place for Hezbollah to hide out is there. What you have wrong is that Israel is not a brutal nation out to take innocent lives. That would be the Hezbollah. Israel is simply trying to keep peace, and organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranians are the main things in the way to peace.
2006-07-20 13:22:41
answer #3
answered by Eli W 2
Israel is as dirty as any other country who won't even try to get along with anybody. All they want is to take and kill and the more they can kill the happier they are too.
I have yet to learn of any country who really wants peace and not war. I'm afraid to even listen to the news any more in fear of hearing that another country has gone off the deep end again and is starting another war or just murdering more innocent people. I'm ashamed to admit where I live in this world because of all the sh*t that's going on all over the world now and it doesn't seem to be any end in sight for any of the wars and hared towards others either.
Is every country to power hungry that peace is never a thought at all but to murder, bomb and terrorize is all that's on the menu any more?
HELLO out there, is anybody listening to the cries of the innocent who are begging for peace??????
HELLO out there, does anybody give a damn any more???????
2006-07-20 13:30:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
what would be a proportionate response??
kidnapping some of them??
where does it end.
The only thing people in that region react to is force.
Israel was told to give up the west bank and Gaza strip for a chance at Peace and it actually did that and look at what they get for it. This is further proof that certain people in the region want nothing less than for Israel to be wiped off the map.
Your Ideas of appeasement have brought us to this mess. Hezbullah used the very peice of land given to them by the Isralies to stage their attacks/kidnappings.
If A person came to you and hit you would you only sorta hit him??? and if that didn't work and he got up and kept comming at you what would you do?? Run?? what if you had no where to run?? I think you would hit them hard enough to make sure they will not have it in their minds ever again to come at you. That is exactly what they are doing.
2006-07-20 13:28:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I thought that initially. Then, after much discussion, I realized the abduction of those soldiers was just the icing on the cake. Israel has endured countless acts of terrorism against their citizens over the years. And they've finally had enough. What would the US do if hundreds of our citizens were killed by homicide bombers? We wouldn't have waited this long to pound the everliving s**t out of the perpetrators!! My heart breaks for the innocents on both sides. Hezbollah has purposely put their rocket and missile launchers in residential neighborhoods leaving Israel with no choice but to bomb them there. They would rather fight Hezbollah directly. But the coward hide behind the skirts of women and the bodies of little children. The question you should be asking is, "Who does Hezbollah think it is?"
2006-07-20 14:42:57
answer #6
answered by celticwoman777 6
Israel is doing what it feels is necessary to guaranteed its citizens safety, if not now, but for the future. Lebanon is responsible for the safety of its citizens, which is where Beirut falls under. If the Lebanonese care about its citizens they should 1. have figure out a way to get rid of Hezbollah so this would have never happened 2. if they couldn't do it, get someone to help them (another Arab country perhaps). Each country has their own interest, you gotta do what you gotta do.
2006-07-20 13:22:41
answer #7
answered by trafficer21 4
Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot, who do you think the U.S. would help. There so many partial elements of the U.S.'s participation and politics in favor of Israel that this could never be a fair conflict...honestly.
FYI (for one of the answerers before): Lebanon did ask for hep, e.g.the United Arab Emirates, but guess what? The help convoy was blown read up before you type...
Civilians getting blown-up, being that in Israel or Lebanon(or Iraq for that matter) is just WRONG!!!!
2006-07-20 13:35:01
answer #8
answered by cleo715 4
it was not Lebanon who kidnapped the two soldiers, it was a group in Lebanon called "Hezbollah", and they kidnapped them because they want some prisoners to be released in Israel and Israel doesn't want to do Israel decided to take things into their hands and then decided to start destroying a poor country and the worst part is that they are killing the innocent ones especially little children...DATS SO WICKED AND BRUTAL...but i believe that there is a deep reason why Israel is doing what they are doing...cuz why will the mere fact that two of their soldiers being kidnapped make them want to wipe Lebanon off the world map and also they know that its not the whole of Lebanon who is behind it...
2006-07-20 13:43:20
answer #9
answered by forgive and forget 2
It believes in the Old testament view that its people are God's own special people. It is still waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue it but just as 2000 years ago would never recognise one anyway.
As always, it has an over developed persecution complex arising from a difficult upbringing and has great difficulties with words and phases such as love thy neigbour , compassion, conciliation, peace. It treats Palestinians and Palestinian annexed territory abominably and feigns surprise that this is resented.
2006-07-20 13:36:04
answer #10
answered by Tony H 2
Israel can do/think whatever it wants as long as the US, the world's superpower supports it 100%. Of course this situation is unfair, but until the rest of the world realizes what is going on in the middle-east nothing can happen. Asking Lebanon to handle Hezbullah is like telling Mexico to handle corruption, or the US to handle illegal drugs, its not gonna happen. And now innocent civilians are paying the price.
2006-07-20 13:27:43
answer #11
answered by suga189 2