I'm rolling on the floor with my large mouth open right now
2006-07-20 07:20:07
answer #1
answered by Zippy 7
hahaha. thats a good one. LMAO stands for Laugh My A$$ Off.
2006-07-20 14:20:24
answer #2
answered by Clairebear. 6
LMAO.....my large mouth is always open, but not for foooooodd!!!!!!!! :)
2006-07-20 14:18:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Is Laughing My As* Off
2006-07-20 14:18:20
answer #4
answered by BigK1118 4
LMAO means Laughing my a$$ off.
heres a couple more for you:
AF Aunt Flo — menstruation/period
AP attachment parenting
BB or BBS Internet bulletin board
BBC BabyCenter
BBL be back later
BBT basal body temperature
BC because, or birth control, or before children
BCPS birth control pills
BD baby dance (sex)
BF breastfeed, or boyfriend
BFN big fat negative (pregnancy test)
BFP big fat positive (pregnancy test)
BIL brother-in-law
BM breast milk, or bowel movement
BRB be right back
BTDT been there, done that
BTW by the way
CD cycle day
CF cervical fluid
CIO cry it out
Circ. circumcise
CM cervical mucus
CWIM see what I mean
CS or C/S cesarean section
DC daycare, dear child
DD dear daughter
DF dear fiancee
DH dear husband
DPO days past ovulation
DS dear son
DSD dear stepdaughter
DSS dear stepson
DW dear wife
EBF extended breastfeeding, exclusively breastfeeding
EBM expressed breast milk
EDD estimated due date, or expected date of delivery
EWCM egg white cervical mucus
FF formula feeding
FIL father-in-law
FT full time
FTR for the record
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
HPT home pregnancy test
HTH hope this helps
IC incompetent cervix
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IRL in real life
IUI intrauterine insemination
IVF in vitro fertilization
JJ or J/J just joking
JK or J/K just kidding
JMHO just my humble opinion, or just my honest opinion
KWIM know what I mean
L&D labor and delivery
LOL laughing out loud
LP luteal phase
MC or M/C miscarriage
MIL mother-in-law
ML maternity leave
MM mother's milk
MYOB mind your own business
NMS not my style
NMSAA not my style at all
NP no problem
O ovulation
O'd ovulated
OMG oh my gosh, or oh my god
OP original poster
OPK ovulation predictor kit
OT off topic
PG pregnant, or pregnancy
PP previous poster
PPD postpartum depression
RE reproductive endocrinologist
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
SAHD stay-at-home dad
SAHM stay-at-home mom
SAHP stay-at-home parent
SD sperm donor
SIL sister-in-law
TCOYF Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler
TIA thanks in advance
TTC trying to conceive
US or U/S ultrasound
VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean section
WAH work at home
WOH work out of the home
2006-07-20 14:19:30
answer #5
answered by mrshunter_2002 5
Whoa, Mr. Shunter just made my ADD kick in hardcore trying to read that long list! (What does ADD stand for, by the way?)
2006-07-20 15:23:45
answer #6
answered by NA 6
Oh, I finally knew LMAO means.
I always thought it was "Laughing My *** Off"
Ha ha...
2006-07-20 14:37:23
answer #7
answered by Lucky♣Girl 4
no you goon, it stands for Large Men Are Ornery
2006-07-20 15:32:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2006-07-20 14:19:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Here, try this one on:
Now STFU Newb!
2006-07-20 14:26:47
answer #10
answered by JennaJennaBoBenna 4