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GWB talks about bringing democracy to the Middle East and the world, and speaks proudly about the US being the most free and democratic nation in the world. Yet he has used his personal power of veto to overturn a bill, passed by the (elected!) Senate by due democratic process, and supported by a majority of the electorate. His decision to do so is based on his own (subjective) moral values.

Is this an act worthy of the leader of "the greatest democracy in the world"? Or is it an act more typical of a dictator, who ignores the will of the people and the advice of experts in favour of his own (arguably extreme) values?

Bush vetoes stem cell funding

2006-07-19 23:38:14 · 24 answers · asked by owd_bob 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Hey, GeorgeBush. Spookily accurate description of me, have we met before?

2006-07-19 23:54:09 · update #1

Thanks, Bad Girl!

magpie: I don't remember saying how I would have voted (I'm not 100% decided on this issue). I'm talking about democratic process, and how the view of one man is allowed to overrule the will of the majority. I'm not trying to get into a moral argument about stem cell research.

2006-07-20 00:04:58 · update #2

Whoa! There's a lot of ranty people out there! If this question's making you too hot under the collar, please feel free to click on my profile and answer my question on scabby pigeons instead. I'd appreciate it

2006-07-20 00:32:19 · update #3

Hey, oph_chad. I only "assert" that the majority support increased funding for research. This information has been widely reported in the press. I'm not saying that your view is "wrong", but it is a minority view. Should a vocal (religious?) Right have power of veto over decisions that can affect any citizen?

2006-07-20 01:55:16 · update #4

24 answers

Yes. I am pro-life. I am also pro-stem cell research. It's called "compassion", something this administration knows little about.

Four and a half years ago, my father his battle with Lou Gehrig's Disease. One of the many things this administration fails to understand is stem cells were his (and millions of others) last hope. Never mind that the cells that would be used are discarded by fertility clinics every day. Never mind that every day the federal government withholds the funding that could lead to a cure for the disease that destroyed my fathers life. No one can take away our hope for a cure that, although too late for my father, may save countless other lives.

"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others," Bush said. How about the "innocent life" that is destroyed daily as a result of his war? How about the "innocent lives" that are destroyed daily as a result of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Lou Gehrig's disease? Why do his "innocent lives", which would be destroyed anyway, take precedence over the millions of "innocent lives" he is choosing to destroy?

The hypocrisy would be laughable if only it didn't hurt so damn much.

2006-07-20 00:41:17 · answer #1 · answered by john_stolworthy 6 · 0 2

Veto power is given to the President, it's not personal. And it's the first time he's used it. If you knew how a bill becomes a law, you'd know it can go back to Congress, be voted on again, get the required number of votes then the Pres has to sign it.

Do you even know the details of this bill, other than it would fund Stem Cell research? Do you know what SCresearch is? What good can it accomplish, what bad can it accomplish?

Why have you decided to support anything legislation that promotes it? Maybe Stem Cell research is good, maybe this bill sucked, just like the one passed in CA, that sent 20million in taxpayer $ to fund Stem Cell research in Ohio, with no future $$ repayment-benefit, no patent rights and Not even a Credit if successful, for CA taxpayers. Either way, we'll never see that 20 million again. That money could've benefited a school program for kids, rather it will go towards harvesting fetuses for their tissue. Next we can pass a law allowing mothers to sell their aborted babies. How about human cloning for an alternative food source? I see only benefits, with a slight chance of total chaos, hell let's go for it...?

2006-07-20 00:42:58 · answer #2 · answered by askthetoughquestions 3 · 0 0

My mother died of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) also. I have a nephew with retinitis pigmentosa. Neither believed that stem cell research (involving embryonic stem cells) was moral or right. Use the cells in the umbilical cords if you need.

It amazes me that every time people talk about ABORTION they give dreadful examples of women who were raped, held, beaten, raped some more. Excuse me---how many of those 40,000,000 abortions were rape induced? Where are the 40 million men who perpetrated these crimes? Where are the hundreds or thousands of prison that house these morons?

Abortion is now considered another form of birth control and you know it. I am concerned that you "assert" that the majority of people in this country believe it is okay to destroy a potential life to do stem cell research. Where did you find that information. It kinda got past most of the folks who have already responded.

Personally you think intelligence and bravery have no place in government. Forget the religious aspect of his beliefs---the president is brave to stand before the country and say---THIS IS WRONG! It is nice to hear someone stand up and say he knows right from wrong. Much better than hearing a president stand up and say "I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN!"

2006-07-20 01:17:32 · answer #3 · answered by oph_chad 5 · 0 0

i'm no longer a Bush hater i imagine he has take care of his presidency with what he concept good intentions. clone of the completed Katrina ingredient became blown way out of hand human beings were putting forward that Bush made Katrina hit New Orleans come on human beings I stay on the Gulf even as they tutor a projected route i'm on it waiting to bypass. And as for 9/11 Bush stated this became no longer going to be an out and in ingredient it will be a lengthy procedure. So I actual have supported him by potential of all of it And nevertheless do.

2016-12-01 23:46:42 · answer #4 · answered by Erika 3 · 0 0

Under your test, ANY presidential veto would be "undemocratic." As would any court decision that the majority disliked. Desegregation was unpopular when the Supreme Court ordered it in 1954 - but I'm glad they did what they did.

The veto is part of the Constitution, the document Americans agree to be governed by. If people want to change it, they can.

The Constitution has been described as the underlying expression of the will of the people - and part of that desire is to have a separation of powers and to have checks and balances.

No, a veto in itself is not hypocritical.

2006-07-19 23:44:23 · answer #5 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 0 0

I don't think you should even ask that question. It's very clear that he is hypocryte. That's the point of view we have here, in Europe. This loser lies to everyone, talk behoind people's back.
Let me ask u a question, to all american voters? Why in 2004, did ya vote for bush, although he lied about weapons of mass destruction in Irak? Or is lying part of the culture? When i was a kid, the usa, would make us all dream..."everything is so cool and perfect there"....but now...you can thank your actual president, for tearing that image, and for the bad reputation he has given ya throughout the world.

2006-07-20 00:22:34 · answer #6 · answered by SpaceCowboy 2 · 0 0

GW is the biggest jack *** I've ever seen. He forces his beliefs on us, as if God or religion belongs anywhere in politics. Saying he wont kill* to save others. Wtf do you think a war is. An embryo isn’t life, its the possibility of life. Its a blue print for it. These so called pro-lifers, don’t really care about life. They care about telling you how to live your* life and the lives of others. Right after your born, they could give a ****. A women is rapped beaten, raped again...kept for a few days...raped some more..after they let her go... OOoh don’t let her get an abortion. Make her have the kid, doesn’t make a difference that she cant support it, may have to give it away. So the kid can grow up in our lovely foster care facilities.
Half of them turn out to be criminals, one eight turn out homeless the others sometimes make it.
Now I live in California, and after a certain period of time abortion is illegal. They wont do it. I agree with that. But GW and a lot of others if they had their way, would actually force a girl that was raped to give birth to a bastard* child, I say bastard child cause these concretive *** holes are usually "churchy" people, and let them rot, or fall into poverty.

Pro-lifers don’t care what kind of life you have or even if you have a life after you are born.

Stem cell research just like abortion, it wouldn’t matter if the entire country wanted it, he'd still try and get his way. Thank god his old *** will be out of the white house soon. He cant even freaking speak, he’s a moron.

I would Like everyone to look at the link below. It would be funny if it wasn’t sooooo so so so sad, this stupid old man is our leader.

How did we get to this state...where a man who I believe cant tie his shoes is our president...thanks republicans.

Seriously can any of you who voted for this man defend his stupidity? Im not saying its wrong to be that dumb....but your not allowed to be our president for christ sake. I laugh at him, just like the people in the background of that auditorium.

2006-07-20 00:07:24 · answer #7 · answered by Darkmaven 2 · 0 0

Bush is a hippocrate,urs statement is no doubt %correct.This is because the reason behind this is that,he uses his outmost power(Super Power Strenth) i.e.NATO(A roup of powerful Nations)or"North Atlantic Treaty oranisation" to harm & Attack other small & weak nations and takeover!

2006-07-19 23:51:36 · answer #8 · answered by Saif M 1 · 0 0

Bush is a hypocrite because he has voted in a way which you would not have?

Bush has always held the position that he would veto the bill.

2006-07-19 23:56:29 · answer #9 · answered by Munster 4 · 0 0

I am against stem cell research,i also pro life,and against gay marriage.But we need our own personal values to our self and due want right for the country

2006-07-20 00:00:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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