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2006-07-19 22:37:52 · 10 answers · asked by superpan 1 in News & Events Current Events

10 answers

Hezbollah went in to Israel and killed a couple of soldiers and took two soldiers. Hezbollah wants to do a prisoner trade.

2006-07-19 22:43:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 16 5

isreal is killing the children and destroying lebanon , there are so many lebanese people in the Israel prisons and the UN and no body in the f***in world saying any word about them , but no the 2 soldiers they r Israeli people so the whole world will speak now for the sake of the f***in Israel.

2006-07-20 06:15:44 · answer #2 · answered by Grr rrrrrreat 1 · 0 0

Because, Hezbolla kidnapped an Israeli soldier, the Arabs want the Jew's to leave, the Jews are never going to leave, so this nonsense goes on, my fear is that it will get bigger, and somehow the U.S will get dragged in to something again, the world is now a very scarey place, my prediction is that a terrorist group is going to let go a dirty nuke here in the U.S., the U.S will then launch on the middle east, and it's "Bye Bye middle east".

2006-07-20 05:48:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For attacking Israel and kipnapping soldiers.

2006-07-20 05:40:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

An interesting answer by gcaisle. While I don't agree with all of his premises and conclusions, and it is overly pro Arab, It is one of the better descriptions of what is goin on in that area.

2006-07-20 07:10:34 · answer #5 · answered by Randy 7 · 0 0

israel could not bomb hizbulla, israel is bombing civilians and killing hundred of children

2006-07-20 05:58:45 · answer #6 · answered by hunga bunga 4 · 0 0

Cos they kidnapped two Isralie soldiers and they wont release them,

2006-07-20 05:41:57 · answer #7 · answered by yahwhoon 4 · 0 0

Hey gcaisle, you make me feel like singing, "What a wonderful world."

2006-07-20 05:58:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

super man you are just great and bold boy

2006-07-20 06:32:24 · answer #9 · answered by imran n 3 · 0 0

The Problem stems from the creation of the State of Israel in the midst of Arab nations and tribes, who had previously suffered colonial oppression from the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, then the British Empire, then the American Empire (it exists). It is no coincidence that the largest portion of the worlds oil exists in Iraq and neighbouring Kuwait (which was originally part of the Iraqi territory until partitioned by Britain and the US with Kuwait given to a local businessman. Israel was created by Britain and the USA at the UN, in conjunction with Zionist bankers. Iran was interfered with by the US in the 1950s. Its democracy was overthrown and the Shah installed by the US because it was a socialist country and unacceptable to Fascist America (if you don't think America was and is a fascist country, think about the treatment of African Americans).

In AD70 there was a Jewish revolt against the Roman occupation of Judeah and Israel, two related countries in which the Jews/Hebrews lived, including Jerusalem their capital city. The revolt was suppressed, the Romans massacred many and expelled all survivors from their homeland, beginning a dispersement or diaspora across the world. It was not the first time this had happened as the entire nation of Jews had been captive in Babylon before this and then been allowed to return to Jerusalem.

The Palestinians are the Philistines of the Old Testament and actually arrived in the area 70 years before the Jews arrived from Egypt after the Jewish emancipation from slavery and 40 years wandering in the desert. They are Arabs. The Arabic word for Palestinian is Filistina.

Both ethnicities are known as Semitic, meaning they are "cousins". But 2000 years of Jewish wandering has completely diluted their Arabness, the most common Jewish ethnicity is Eastern European, especially Russian.

The original inhabitants were known as Canaanites and have been also named Phoenecians and other races. Their bloodlines are infused in Palestinians, Sephardic Jews and Lebanese, so all three groups can claim to be indigenous.

Right, cut to 1948. The UN partitions Palestine into 6 regions, three of them Arab and 3 Jewish areas. Then Britain was made to withdraw after losing the UN mandate. Immediately war broke out, depending on who you believe both sides were at fault, but the "Israelis" were the first to organise into terrorist groups from the 1920s, bombing Arab and British targets. The declaration of the State of Israel was followed by a concerted push by the Jewish fighting units to connect their 3 portions into a contiguous defensible homeland. All the neighbouring Arab countries invaded at this dawn of modern Israel. Israel was already heavily armed and won. In the process they forced most Palestinians out of the new state of Israel.

The United States official policy since has been unwavering support of Israel. Two reasons are evident for this, almost half of the world's Jews live in the US and they are a powerful political lobby and 2, the guilt at having failed to prevent the Jewish Holocaust in Europe during WW2.

Remembering that Israel was founded by only three years after the end of WW2, it was only partly established because of the events in Nazi occupied Europe, a plan to establish Israel had been in place since the Balfour Declaration of 1917 when the British Government officially decided to support the establishment of modern Israel exactly where it is now. Empire was the norm in those days. A Zionist movement had arisen in Europe in the 19th Century with the stated aim of returning all Jews to their "ancestral" homeland, and it has always been the aim of Jewish concsciousness to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple destroyed by the Romans. So this has now happened.

The problem is, they dispossesed the Arabs who had been living there all the way through, there are even Jews (a few) who lived there all along, and therein lies the problem. Two groups claiming the same piece of real estate. One group is a client of the USA and is the most heavily armed nation on earth (incl nukes). The other is marginalised and impoverished and has only limited access to weapons through clandestine channels, leading to desparate measures such as suicide attacks and kidnappings. This side only recieves assistance from nations and groups who are enemies of the US and Israel. Both sides are wrong to commit violence, but that doesn't stop them. And it's a never ending cycle that goes round and round, and sometimes spills over into neighbouring countries, as has happened in the last few days. The Lebanon has never attacked Israel, but has been attacked by Israel a number of times. Israel occupied Southern Lebanon for 18 years and only left 6 years ago. Syria has tried to annex Lebanon also, and the "civil" war 1975-1986 in Lebanon was almost a proxy war between Syria and USA/Israel using opposing Christian and Muslim groups as the focus. Over 40% of Lebanese are Christians. Most displaced Palestinians live either in Jordan or in Southern Lebanon. The Hizbollah was formed to fight the Israelis when they invaded in 1982. They are the dominant party in Southern Lebanon and hold 14 seats in the Lebanese Parliament. They have a military wing and a civilian wing who provide social services and infrastructure. In Southern Lebanon they operate much as a Provincial or State government would. So their "militia" is a legitimate force, much in the way that National Guard in the US is legitimate. The biggest problem is that they are intensely hostile to Israel (unsuprisingly given the history of the area) and they also are said (by Western Media) to receive funding from Iran. Given that most of the funding is used for social programmes and that Israel is the most heavily armed country in the world, you can decide for yourself who has the most to fear as Southern Lebanon looks destined to become a battlefield once more.

The West Bank was only annexed by Jordan after the peace settlement which concluded the 1948 war. Not only was Palestine invaded and overrun by Israel, the remnant was annexed by neighbouring Arab countries Jordan and Egypt (Gaza). So these two countries have made peace with Israel. It suits them to do so to further their interests with America and the West. Israel at least has returned Gaza to the Palestinians, which is something Egypt never managed to do. If Independent Palestine consists of Gaza only, it is a tiny remnant of its former self.

I need to add that it wasn't just European nations that dominated Palestine/Israel. It was at times part of the Persian Empire (Iran) and the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). British control only came about as a result of the defeat of Turkey in WW1 and the break up of its Empire by the Allies. The Lebanon and Syria became French. Persia was partitoned between Britain and Russia initially and then became all British after the Communist Revolution in Russia 1917. Seen in this context the Balfour Declaration of 1917 was a declaration of British intention for Palestine if it managed to defeat Turkey, which it only did by default when Germany and her allies surrendered.

They would not need to be radicals, militants or terrorists if they had decent jobs, adequate pay and enough to feed, clothe and house their families properly. The current problems in the Middle East may be clearly laid at the feet of colonial powers (incl the USA) who have interfered in local affairs and stolen the oil resources to fuel their overly excessive consumption, leaving the local population in squalor and misery. Then the robbers have the cheek to say it is the victims fault as an excuse to invade again and embitter them some more. Israel is just another colonial power.

2006-07-20 05:49:52 · answer #10 · answered by gcaisle 2 · 0 0

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