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17 answers

any one can be a threat if it wants to.... US is a threat because it gave itself the right to attack any country under the name of terrorism claiming that it has nukes and is going to attack the US..

Israel is a threat because it is backed by the US, it imposed itself on a land that is not even theirs and now the whole world really believes that this is its own land and the the palastenians are trying to take it away from them while the real truth is that this is palastenian lands that have been occupied by israel. it is not threat to the whole world, only the arab world as the israeli dream is to extend its borders from degla in iraq to the nile in egypt.

iran is a threat because it harbors some extremists and has beliefs that are not truly muslim. but the fact remians, that they have attacked no one until now while the US and Israel did.. what proof do we have that they have nukes and that they are going to use it against US?? same as it was with Iraq.. did they find any nukes in Iraq?? no.. were they a threat to the US??? no.. why were they attaked and innocent people murdered and still being murdered each day???

2006-07-19 21:21:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

United States, Israel or Iran are not the threats to the world. The threat for the world is always coming through the Terrorism. First we have to cut the roots of Terrorism, which is the major threat for peace process.

2006-07-20 05:13:19 · answer #2 · answered by cuckoo747 4 · 0 0

The US has a history of ignoring the outside world, only responding when attacked. Israel has been under constant attack for decades, yet somehow resists the temptation to extend its borders, despite military superiority.

Iran, however, has a mandate from God to wipe the US off the face of the earth. Now you might want to try negotiations, but what right do we have to tell them that their religion is wrong? Like the crusaders in the middle ages, they are wrong, and much more dangerous.

If war is declared on us (and it already has, dear readers), we should simply fight back, and recognize their beliefs.

As an aside, the evangelical idea that Islam should be wiped away is similarly evil, but few evangelicals form armies to accomplish that goal. Therefore, right-wing Christian types simply aren't as big a threat.

2006-07-20 04:02:46 · answer #3 · answered by Polymath 5 · 0 0

Well, this question should bait the America haters very well. It'd be nice if the dumb sods would learn some history, but I suppose it isn't required.

To answer the question, I tend to think Iran represents the greatest threat to the stability of the entire world....though I don't think we're talking anything Hilter-esque quite yet. North Korea could lob a nuke or two and do some damage, but I think would get their asses handed to them in fairly short order....China likes to see us squirm but if push comes to shove, they will not side with North Korea.

Israel a threat to the world? Oh, please. They're only a threat to the countries and militant groups that oppose them in the Middle East. And on that note, I dare Iran to really piss them off.

2006-07-20 04:04:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I want to provide u with some history , when USA was first established , some people ( in the senate ) suggested a law ( in the constitution ) that prevents jews from intering USA and their excuse was that if jews entered they will dominate the whole country . The majority voted against that law because they were shortsighted because now we can see that this really happened . Also , look back at the history of USA , u can see that it made lots of wars to expand its lands and to control the whole world ( recently its war on Iraq to take hold of its oil ) .
I'm not against Americans or Jews , I'm against the governments that gives itself the right to do anything, and If u think that Iran is the most dangerous one , that could be right , but look carefully because Iran is only trying to act like USA

2006-07-20 04:53:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Iran is threat because it is an Islamic State that supports terrorism against the US and its allies,
Israel can also be a threat considering that it can violate its right by intruding into other states just like Lebanon, and
US because as a superpower it can negligently fire its arsenal on miscalculations. All of them are practically threats to world peace.

2006-07-20 04:03:38 · answer #6 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

Israel, for sure, and if the world powers do not realise that something dangerous is going to rock this world and starve it of peace. Iran is a major player in world affairs but due to its religious government it will never use weopons of mass destrruction on any counstry as Islam solely speaks against any kind of war where u attack first. America is the biggest faction, but its ignorancy and lack of realisation of real "threats to world peace" will only lead to hatred of them by the Islamic world. Any possible outbreak of war will be started solely by Israelis.

2006-07-20 04:07:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Iran without a doubt. Iran wants the infidels dead. Their wannabe Hitler leader is a fascist who needs to be stopped. He is drastically underestimating the western world. Israel gave back the Gaza Strip and has shown its willing to coexist with the Palestinians. To appease Iran would be just like Churchill appeasing Hitler in World War 2. They need to be neutralized before they can build up an arsenal that will destroy the planet.

-Peace Through Superior Firepower-

2006-07-20 03:59:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Iran Even though you really want people to answer the US. Iran is run by fanatical Islamo fascists who have more than once have threatened to wipe Israel off the map. And if you think Israel would not retaliate if attacked then you are in deep denial. Iran and Syria are just using Hezbollah to fight Israel by proxy. WHO has the US threatened to wipe off the map lately besides the Taliban who really deserve it. And hell we didn't even do that we went to remove them from power and to prvent them from using Afganistan as a terrorist training area and haven.

2006-07-20 04:09:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

None of the above. World wide stupidity is the biggest threat.

And anyone who says the United States fits into that category.

Morons are the threat, lets wipe them all out!!!!

2006-07-20 04:05:21 · answer #10 · answered by Jon H 5 · 0 0

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