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that we owe them for slavery but if you look back in history the tribe leaders sold there own people and that was half of the messed up part and the other half is that we bought them. ill admit it was bad that we bought them but way worse that they sold there own people

2006-07-19 20:45:09 · 25 answers · asked by texas boy 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

25 answers

Ignorance of history I would say.

2006-07-19 20:46:56 · answer #1 · answered by Big Daddy 4 · 0 0

The following may sound racist, but it's meant only to be informative:

Black people usually don't say things like that anymore, but those that do are usually poorly educated and in some way, shape, or form dependant on welfare. It has gotten so bad that these people don't know of any other way to live except to demand money from other, hard working people. In all reality, white society doesn't owe the black society anything. Other black tribes were the ones who captured the slaves in africa, and the Portugese were the ones who transported them to america. The americans simply bought what was already on the market and used it.

Another theme that people will point out is the cruel mistreatment of blacks during the slavery period. This information is greatly exaggerated and misinformed. A black person at the time would have sold for around a thousand dollars. That's about $50,000 in modern currency. Such a large investment would undoubedly be a factor in not mistreating a slave. Think about it. If you just paid $50,000 for a horse, you're not going to mistreat it, because it cost a lot of money. mistreating it would only lower its usefullness and in the end...its resale value. Beating slaves was bad management of property, and only a very few slave-owners practiced such barbarism.

All in all, many people fail to realize that in frequent cases, the slaves were treated to better conditions than they would have faced had they stayed in africa. They were given food, water, shelter, and medical treatment, all for manual labor (which they would have to do anyways, working to make a living in Africa). The major differences are that the water was clean and free of desease, the food was not great, but adequate to survive, the shelter was of better quality than any african hut, and the medical care was completely better than anything they could have gotten in Africa.

Just be wary of people screaming about reparations, because many people are misinformed and closed minded to the reality of the actual way of life.

2006-07-20 03:58:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone wasn't bought. Some where just snatched. The whole thing is rotten from start to finish. Many people say that the Native American tribes often fought amoung themselves. That doesn't make what the Europeans did any less wrong. This country owes a great debt to many that will never be repaid. Especially if people try to downplay how terrible the crimes were.

I'm African American. I don't want the government to give me money (Although I would appreciate some help with this master's degree), I just want a fair chance when it is time for the interview, and in my level of pay.

2006-07-20 03:54:53 · answer #3 · answered by Vonnie Dee 3 · 0 0

People say let the past be the past and move on. I agree with you why do you we owe them. What happened took place long ago before we were even born. ( In most cases) Because of this is a black does not get a job they applied for, then sue for discrimination because of their color. Why do the indians get to have casisnos and get rich and americans can not. Some family friends had land and they farmed it for years. The indians said it was there land and took the family to court. The family had to give their land to the indians. Why can indians hunt and spear whenever they want. This is america everyone needs to be treated equally. The gov support these indians and builds them new homes and they are not taken care of, they are destroyed. I have been to indian villages or whatever they are called and they home are a total mess. They have there own grocery store in which they get their food free and their cigerets because we americans stole their land. I have a friend he was out shining dear with an indian. Which is illegal. Well they got caught. The white person was fined and did jail time and the indian got off without even a fine. They were drinking also and the american got underage drinking and the indian did not get an under age drinking ticket. This is america and we should all be treated the same. I think white americans should be allowed to have casinos. Maybe if the black people would shut up about the past of slavory and move on with their lives they would not be discriminated against. These black people who claim to have families in slavory, they are more then likely all dead. So now they would be distant relatives. I am a single mom and was working one full time job and one partime and got no child support. My furnice went out in the winter. I did not have the five gran to pay for a new one. It could not be fixed. Every place now wants money up front. So I called places that help those who are in need. One place told me they had to take care of the minorities first ( meaning, black, indians, and those from other countries) and they would put me on a waiting list. I told them this was bullshit. And they said if they do not help the minorities first that the minorities will file a discrimination law suit. I was told it was not fair but nothing they could do about itl. I called six places and was told the same thing. So I had to brave it up and go ask my mom for five gran for a new furnice. A month later I get a call saying they can help me. I told them I borrowed the money from my mother but I would send them the receit. They said we will not pay even though you were on the list. They would not pay because I did not have three estements done. I am not one who looks out for handouts. I had just bought the house that summer. Was a struggling mom working two jobs. I did not even qualify for one of those low income housing programs for low income families for first time home buyers with little or no interest rate. The housing went to the minoroties first.
I do not mean to diss the minororities. But they have come over here and taken away from americans who actually need the help. There are many who do work and support themselves. But inow it is beginning to feel like the americans are not important enough and that we have to take care of everyone else from all the other countries who wont give them help so they come here.
It is not our fault about the slavorey. It was generations before us, so why are we the ones that are taking the crap because of it. THey need to let it go and get on with their lives. And I still think it is unfair that indians can have casinos and white people cant. I would call that discrimination. Pretty soon this country willl be taken over by people coming here from other countries. We as americans are loosing our country and rights to these minorites. You said it is bad we bought them. We did not buy them our ancestors years ago did, so why are we still being blamed? This world is messed up. Then you have a president who thinks that us troops belong fighting in IRAG and Agansestan. But do you see any of these minorities fighting. Meaning the indians, the mexicans or all the other people who have migrated here. Why are they not fighting. I will say there are black in the militarty. The us buying soldiers is not worse then bush sending soldiers over seas to kill people in Iraq and Affganeston, and he is letting our american soldiers be killed. I believe bush is more for the minorites and the other countries. I am sorry for going on and on. But I am fed up with this whole system...........

2006-07-20 04:12:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look back and read a little more. Read about civil rights and how African Americans were treated up until the late 60s. Read about how many people were hung, beaten or burned because they had black skin. Yeah, tribe leaders sold slaves. But it's how they were treated once they were here that is the issue.

2006-07-20 03:51:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have never heard a black person say that "we" owe them money, I am guessing by "we" you mean white people, which I am white. By the way, my boyfriend is black, as is his family, and church, both of which I see a lot of, so it is not for a lack of being around black people that I have not heard this said. There are always people of every race looking for a quick buck though, so I cannot say it is impossible that someone has said that. My best guess is that the few who do say they are owed money for slavery just want some easy money since no one from that horrific era of our past is still alive.

2006-07-20 03:53:13 · answer #6 · answered by jillkmilk 3 · 0 0

No matter what the group, it makes me so angry that anyone would say YOU owe ME over something that happened 200 years ago,

You already have AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.

So, as a white male in my 40s, I am pretty much unemployable if I lost my current job and at the same time do not qualify for any of the programs my taxes have been contributing to, since I started working at age 16.

It really pisses me off.

2006-07-20 03:54:35 · answer #7 · answered by Chris C 5 · 0 0

There are angry people in all groups of humanity.Unable to forgive the indignity that they suffered at the hands of evil people. I'm sure that there are Irish immigrants who are still bitter over their ancestors being indentured servants. The fact is that all black people do not say this. As far as history is concerned there have been many people enslaved to others, and in some countries history continues to repeat itself.
For those people who remain bitter, allow them to see that all white people aren't evil either.

2006-07-20 03:57:08 · answer #8 · answered by para 3 · 0 0

I haven't met any black people that say that. I have only heard of it on T.V. We all benefit from forgiving the past, but I do not deny that prejudice of many types still exist, as much as I hate to admit it. I wish the world was more accepting overall. Black people have had much to overcome and I respect that. The Civil Rights movements have accomplished lots!

2006-07-20 03:51:35 · answer #9 · answered by Cub6265 6 · 0 0

What you speak of is called reparations.. kind of an apology with money, as the American Indians have historically received. I don't think all black people have asked for reparations, nor is it up to a vote for Congress at this time. I would think that all sides of it would have to be examined if this kind of thing were brought up for a serious consideration. Until, then... chill out, perhaps.

2006-07-20 03:51:27 · answer #10 · answered by crazymomma 4 · 0 0

The tribe leaders sold captured Africans from other tribes, not from their own tribes.

2006-07-20 03:50:17 · answer #11 · answered by Walter 5 · 0 0

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