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whats so special about earth? whats so special about earth?
i asked the same question yesterday.and got a lot of answers.but i thinbk noone understood my question.i was asking,why it happend that water is only here on earth,y is that life exist only on earth,y is that living conditions exixt only on earth?whats so special about earth.when someone goes out to space and sees earth,
if life exists only on earth i expect earth to become centre of universe,or the biggest planet or something special.rite?why a medium sized,(not big,not small) in a medium sized galaxy,in between a number of planets,with a medium sized star giving light.i think everything in universe needs this balance between small and big ,good and evil to exist.so life.

2006-07-19 19:50:50 · 17 answers · asked by tinku x 1 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

17 answers

What is special about earth is essentially a lot of luck.

Firstly it happens to have had sufficient heat for water and carbon dioxide levels to be at sufficient levels and in an appropriate form (as opposed to e.g. ice in other places, or solid CO2 elsewhere) for reactions between these compounds to produce very complex organic chemistry. That is essentially due to how far from the sun we happen to be, and how our atmosphere happened to develop as a consquence (for example, Venus had too much CO2 in the atmosphere and developed such a severe greenhouse effect that it became far too hot for life).

Organic compounds (carbon-based compounds) are capable of very complex and varied chemical reactions, and some of these gave rise, by chance, to the self-replicating molecules RNA and DNA. I would imagine this is the key event. Our existence is again due to a series of chance evolutionary events.

So, earth is special due to a series of astronomical, geological, climatological and biological coincidences. Special within the solar system that is. We have no way of knowing at present how frequently such coincidences occur on other extrasolar planets at present. It is possible that we are not as special as we think we are.

2006-07-19 20:02:22 · answer #1 · answered by the last ninja 6 · 1 0

What makes earth special?
1) The distance from the Sun
2) The fact that it is rocky
3) Its size

All the above allow the existance of Atmosphere and Liquid water which are the essential building blocks of life.

Other important aspects is the iron core and thus the existance of a magnetosphere protects the earth from the solar wind.

The size of the moon acts as a shield to the earth from meteros.

The composition of the Atmosphere which has layers that filter out UV radiation.

2006-07-20 05:13:24 · answer #2 · answered by Sporadic 3 · 0 0

i think you don't understand your own question...

what's special about earth is that we're on it... if earth wasn't earth, you wouldn't exist and would ask yourself what's so special about earth... that's why earth's special only because we're on it

Why is that the only special thing about earth? That's because ALL planets have water (almost), probabilisticaly, a lot of planets have life on it (probably venus, but we're not sure yet. There might be an amoniac based life form (bacteria) there)
some scientists even think life exists on comets!!!
also, you think living conditions exists only on earth because you only know earth and human life forms (carbon-water life forms)
Life is NOT limited to carbon life forms, you know. It's not because you see through your eyes that you have to think that only what you see can exist (or believe in utter nonsense like "goode or "evil" applied to a non-sentient universe).

Well, what i had to say was that :
earth is not special. Chances are there are lots of planets like it in the universe. And the truth is if we find another planet like earth, we probably won't be able to colonize it without destroying the existing ecosystem and putting ours in instead.
Earth is only special because it has humans on it (and humans are not "special". We're just a bunch of lifeforms who have the ability to use tools and destroy the world for no reason at all). So if earth was special, it wouldn't be "a balance between good and evil", it would be simply evil. Animal life is a balance between good and evil, not human life.
and also, stop thinking that only human or large animals are "life". There are other things out there

one last thing : "God" has nothing to do with it. Science tries to bring answers and explain the way thing are the simplest way possible, "God" only brings complications : in the end of the middle age, church had to stop trying to explain everything through "god's will" because it always brought complications : they had to make up stories more and more complex, as the time passed and new experiments arrived, contradicting everything told by the church so far (earth being flat, earth being the center of the galaxy, everything rotating in circles around earth since circles are the form of divine halos... even thunder, which was supposed to be the wrath of god... With all that, you should know by now not to try and explain something through "god's will" : it will eventually be proven false since NO HUMAN BEING, not even the pope, knows god's will (if he exists, that is))

2006-07-20 03:06:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

May be bcoz God wants to show that there is always a middle path between two extremes and we should follow the middle path. That's why Earth Middle sized - not too big , not too small. In a medium sized Galaxy not too Big , not too small. Medium distance from Sun not too close , not too far. n rightly there should be a balance between good n evil , positive n negative , small n big ...all in Balance ..that's the law of nature ....Other Planets n Galaxy are simply out of balance.

2006-07-20 02:58:08 · answer #4 · answered by Priyabrat 3 · 0 0

earth is at a suitable distance 4rm the sun means at a distance where it gets the just rt amount of solar energy so that at the poles where it gets a slanting sunlight the water tends to freeze due to very low temperature and at the equator where it gets the direct sunlight the temperature is high so that ice melts here n that's why the oceans 4rmed on earth.n it has a protective ozone layer enveloping it with the atmosphere where we live n breath like other flora n fauna on earth. u see its all becoz earth has a suitable distance 4rm sun n gets just the rt amount of energy 4rm sun.that's why here living conditions r suitable 4r us.n its medium sized planet bcoz as we take an example of Jupiter its very big n consequently its gravitational pull is very high 1 even cant stand on its surface everything will be very heavy 4r us.n even if life exists there.there will be an all time threat to it 4rm meteorites n comets.due to very high gravitational pull the probability of these collision will be very high.n at last it cant be centre the centre should be a source of energy like sun or other light giving star.

2006-07-20 03:37:43 · answer #5 · answered by Lucky 2 · 0 0

Water is found other places as well. Some comets can be mostly water, in truth. One of Uranus' moons is almost completely water and ice.
Life may not only exist on earth, the conditions were just suitable for a certain "soup" to begin a type of life. There may be other life forms out there, on planets the size of golfballs, who are made completely of iron for all we know.
I would suggest watching "Cosmos", you little big thinker, you!

2006-07-20 02:58:12 · answer #6 · answered by eddeshun 2 · 0 0

Yea i've been asking that same question.
Why only earth? Why, among of numerous planets in all galaxies exist, only earth that have the "quality" for us to live in? It takes TOO many coinsidences, if it is just because of luck. Well i'm a muslim and i certainly do not have doubt in God, but why this earth in this time and place? I want to find out the scientific explanation this

2006-07-20 06:37:00 · answer #7 · answered by Mia 2 · 0 0


I see your point. You mean earth in the Universe seems like a King and all the rest are peasonts.

Well I think there are other Earth like planets, but so far away although in our own galaxy too I think...


2006-07-20 10:53:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh My god...what a sarcastic question! What is so special about earth? Oye ve! I am shocked that anyone would even have ask such a question. Well I will tell you what is so special about earth. First of all, well, its HOME! Now, I ask you, is there a better place than home? Huh! NO? Well then, I do not need to go any further then, do I?

2006-07-20 03:46:47 · answer #9 · answered by Chandru M 6 · 0 0

Unlike other planets, earth has living beings more than other planets, where others have consist of nature life. It's a gift of blessing, earth has air, water, fire, earth's biosphere and it's our precious planet that many living beings can live. That's why earth is special.

2006-07-20 03:23:39 · answer #10 · answered by Eve W 3 · 0 0

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