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why do black people always say that the government,law,white man,etc..are against them??

2006-07-19 19:49:45 · 8 answers · asked by texas boy 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

8 answers

i am black. i have never experienced an amount of racism that has kept me from anything i truly wanted. the most i have seen in my lifetime are a few people harboring ignorant ideas and stereotypes that are neither threatening or an obstacle to me.
when i say this some black people think i am either not paying attention or i am "different" enough not to encounter things like this.
such opinions are an easy way out and don't reflect much intellectual originality or bravery.
i believe that because of the experience of racism in our shared past we grow up with a mild racial paranoia that almost anything can seemingly confirm and justify. because of this, i believe, the specter of racism is blown out of proportion. it is not to say it doesn't exist. it's threat is just overemphasized.
and it is because of this that we find refuge in the insanity of asking for help from the very entities we hold responsible for many of our problems- society at large, the government, etc.
ghettos, poor education, lack of opportunity- these problems were a hundred times worse for our grandparents. the difference was that as a people, they were better at maneuvering through these problems than we seem to be today.
they did not have the social programs or the laws or the money and resources available to us today and they made enourmous progress.
it's this racial paranoia born from years of racism and discrimination that makes us see enemies where there is only indifference. yes, the past is the reason for this distorted view. but a victim of a crime cannot expect the victimizer to help him through that experience. the victim has to do it for himself or he's done for- he'll never be able to get past that one event. once we see things more clearly we can make more progress.

2006-07-19 23:38:13 · answer #1 · answered by agrissom1 2 · 0 0

you know what if the subject where about restitution for the Holocaust victims you wouldn't have placed your hands on the keyboard to ask that question. Why don't you take a look at a picture of emmitt till and ask the question again! We are the only race that cannot accurately trace our true family tree because our people were sold all over the place. You assume because we all have dark skin that we are African American. You are sadly mistaken!
If i was sitting here complaining and i was of another race that suffered just as badly this would be a non issue. Find a better topic and leave us out of it!

Crystal wake up and get some sense!

2006-07-19 20:14:08 · answer #2 · answered by K SHINE 4 · 0 0

Most of the time it seems (SEEMS, I just wanted to emphacize that) that the man is out to keep us down.
Now by "the man" I mean the people with all the money and power, who would rather not share it with anyone (not just blacks, but hispanics, indians, asians, and poor white people)

I think the government doesn't want the people listed above to aquire any of this money/power. So by creating obstictles/traps(ghettos, under-funded schools, crack) to keep these people from gainning money/power the gov't/man stays in control.

I know there are programs to help these people overcome these obstictles/traps, but it is not because the gov't/man wanted to. Since we are a democracy enough of these people spoke out and demand that the government do something to help us overcome these obstictles/traps.

Though the programs the government set-up do help, there are many strings attatched that limit what can be done to help. If any of the requirements are not met or any of the rules are broken the gov't/man is quick to terminate the program. (This is an example of the man trying to form us to their mold, I dare even to say control us, if we fall short of what they demand from us they cast us away.) Another thing is not enough people hear about these programs. (Look for program advertising. Little is perposely made to keep many from knowing.)

Not to say the people don't have in responsiblity in what is keeping them down. Many asain people are overcoming many of the same obstictles/traps as black people. This is because the people often try to uplift eachother a whole, and they do their research.
Black people don't have strong community bond such as asian people, more often they bring eachother down and spending more time hanging out than doing their research on what they need to do leave the circumstances we're in.
Never realizing this, we find it easier to blame the man.

2006-07-19 20:37:26 · answer #3 · answered by Johnathan S-C 2 · 0 0

sorry, not black, but by son's are 1/2 black and that half of the family has exposed me to many kinds of friends and so forth.

anyways, i think it's because they think everything is still owed to them. we're not talking about the hard working intelligent black, because they've gotten things like all other successful people. but on the average of what i've been around it's all about attitude and rudeness because somehow we owe them money, respect and so forth. i say earn it baby!

by the way...government, law and etc. have gone out of their way to avoid looking racist, but it seems blacks still complain about how many of their bros are in the judicial system, uneducated and so forth. gee, could it be because they're violent and and don't want to take advantage of school opportunities?! hey, don't get up in arms...doesn't all of this sound familiar??

2006-07-19 20:19:38 · answer #4 · answered by irie b 2 · 0 0

I don't know why we do that...the race card is getting kinda old...or maybe it is implanted in our minds when we were young and it's hard to let go of how we (some of us) were raised...that's what I think...and sometimes it's true

2006-07-19 19:56:23 · answer #5 · answered by Crystal 2 · 0 0

Because it is. (I'm not an African American, but truth should be said).

2006-07-19 19:55:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because they think we owe them something! our ancestors may owe their ancestors something, but WE don't owe them anything! our generation didn't enslave them. black people get treated better than white people or any other race!

2006-07-19 20:24:41 · answer #7 · answered by i ♥ music 2 · 0 0

history has proven that they are--that's why

2006-07-19 19:59:30 · answer #8 · answered by ScorpioBeauty09 4 · 0 0

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