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Hi all. I am from Iran and I would like you to know Iran: As you know Iran is a vast country and is mostly surrounded by Arab nations. Some people think Iranians are Arabs! But they are Persian in fact. Iran used to be governed with kings. Our last king sold out our country. When Iran had a king she could not develop because our betrayer king gave our oil to U.S for free! That is why U.S was good towards Iran before. So people abolished monarchy. Later Iraq invaded Iran and a severe war started that took 8 solid years. Of course U.S gave Iraq bio weapons so there are still people here suffering from horrible effects of bio weapons. Ayatollah Khomeyni made our country a democratic one. So people could choose their own president freely. At that time everywhere were ruins because of the war. Iranians are hard working people and they soon started to repair damaged cities. And now here is Iran. A great country for living. Iran became independent since she did not depend on U.S anymore. We developed in a very short time. And Iran began to produce productions that she needed. You see today even we export cars and many other high Tec electronic devices that are being designed and produced inside Iran. Iranian students are so intelligent as you see our greatest scientists are all young people under 25! Do you know why U.S is against Iran having nuclear technology? It is not because Iran is going to attack somewhere! These are all excuses to stop Iran’s unstoppable development. Because at that time Iran will be completely independent and this is exactly what U.S is afraid of. U.S wants all countries to bow her and be dependant on her. U.S uses every single word of our nice president to prove that Iran wants to attack U.S and Israel! If you study Iran’s long history you will see that she have never attacked other countries but she have defeated herself. In fact according to our religious teachings Moslems do not have the right to attack anyone. (So it is so ridiculous that some people call Moslems terrorists!!!) U.S says Iranians specially women are not free! Interesting! You would not believe me that Iranians are free much more than other nations! Thousands of strict rules in other nations even do not exist in Iran. Women? You say they are not free because they have to wear scarves! But you forget that it is a part of our culture and religion. In other nations Moslems do not have the right to wear scarves. In fact they are not free. Iran is a westernized country and western cultures conflict with ours that causes some problems: if you visit Iran you will notice that most of people wear beautiful formal cloths of every color. Because they think people in U.S do the same. But as far as I know usually people in U.S wear cloths (similar to underwear or jeans) and are very casual not formal. Iran is a very beautiful country with lots of historic places to visit. People are so warm and kind to each other. They are very hospitable. I advise you to visit Iran and get to know it yourselves not to believe what Bush says about it. If you have any other questions ask me. I will add it to details.

2006-07-19 19:25:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

1:no all of religions are respectful. But women must wear scarves. There are not any other limitations even for Iranian women themselves.2: Women are cleverer than men. So each year the number of girls getting into universities increases.they get high university degrees such as PHD while boys have difficulties in competing girls. Recently all good jobs, all clubs; all good universities and so on and on are being just filled by women.Most of the young girls do not even wear scarves fully.And they wear beautiful fashionable cloths of every color.our country is westernized.freedom is in its top level.3: most of the policemen dont know English. So you may have difficulties asking the location of hotels!prepare some Farsi sentences. Or at least have a map.All people including police are so kind especially to foreigners.4: no one is against Jews when we say down with Israel we simply mean Sharon and Israeli government.Well we are not responsible for finding a place for Jews!which prisoners?

2006-07-20 07:08:45 · update #1

1:no all of religions are respectful. But women must wear scarves. There are not any other limitations even for Iranian women themselves.2: Women are cleverer than men. So each year the number of girls getting into universities increases.they get high university degrees such as PHD while boys have difficulties in competing girls. Recently all good jobs, all clubs; all good universities and so on and on are being just filled by women.Most of the young girls do not even wear scarves fully.And they wear beautiful fashionable cloths of every color.our country is westernized.freedom is in its top level.3: most of the policemen dont know English. So you may have difficulties asking the location of hotels!prepare some Farsi sentences. Or at least have a map.All people including police are so kind especially to foreigners.4: no one is against Jews when we say down with Israel we simply mean Sharon and Israeli government.Well we are not responsible for finding a place for Jews!

2006-07-20 07:08:59 · update #2

16 answers

Very well put...
Ive been to Iran and i can testify to the above being true.

Those who want to bomb Iran..are blinded by the media of the US into believing what bush wants them to believe..
SO i can feel sorry for all those who say so.

Irans president did say that Isreal should not exist...Many people take it to to mean that Jews shoudl not exists.
Which is wrong!

It is the creation of Isreal which was formed forcefully amidst Muslims to cause conflict..
Iran ..Has no problem with Jews..It is the Zionists who are the wrong ones...

As for the concern that Iran supports Hezbollah..
People again are oblivious of Hezbollah..they take them in the same light as Al-Qaida and Hamas..
(Al-qaida is plain wrong and the suicide attacks by Hamas are also not suported)
While Hezbollah is in effect unique to its operations. It was formed to evict Isreal out of lebanon...
Who wants to counter that..?
It is a legitimate movement founded on perfectly suitable grounds..and it has never faltered from its stand...
It has focused on Isreal..and has resisted Isreals powerplay to good effect.

Unlike Al-Qaida..Hezbollah does not beleive in imposing Islam Worldwide!
It states clearly that it is happy to co-exist with other faiths and believes in harmonious neighbourhood.
It enjoys wide support from the christinas and other muslim factions in lebanon...and that is a big certificate from its government.

I would advise people to read on the other side of the story as well..before making judgements.
Iran has never attacked any other country... It is a ridiculous notion to say that Iran will bomb around at will if it gains nuclear capability.

I perosnally believe Iran ...even if it develps Nukes..will use it to imprve its bargaining position and use it for self-defense...
Isreal has always played dirty..it is evident how they killed innocent lebanese in the north on the pretext of attacking hezbollah ..who are based in the south.

Hezbollah started the fight as the westerners say..by abducting two isreali soliders...
But once you read Hezbollahs demands of releasing thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians soldiers and civillians...you will know who started what!

It is time for the world to wake up and start seeing things for themselves rather than beleiving on the biased Fox News!

2006-07-19 23:01:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Certainly American foreign policy has been less than perfect in the past decades. We've supported bad guys for our own interests (because they were against other enemies).
I know some people from Iran that now live in the United States. They don't paint the same rosy picture of the government. I've heard a story of a 14 girl being arrested, raped, thrown in prison by the government for showing her face in public. Her parents couldn't even find out where she is being held for a long time.
I hear the people are good people like you say, but the people want to have more freedom. They say the people are ready for real freedom (including full religious freedom). They say we should have removed the Iranian government instead of the Iraqi government because the people are more socially evolved than the Iraqi people. What do you say? Do you live in Iran or only from there?

2006-07-20 02:50:57 · answer #2 · answered by Chapin 3 · 0 0

Hello again there. I see that now you are taking upon yourself the role of a tour-guide for your country. Nice descriptions (regards life and culture)...though while I will agree your Shah was a fool...that wont mean that I would support your Ayatollahs or your president with the hard-to-pronounce name anytime soon...you'll understand. Maybe I will consider seeing Iran myself to learn more about your people.

I do have a few questions regarding your nation and any future visit...please take the time to answer them as honestly as you can.
Regards religious freedom...will my bringing my Christian rosary and Bible bring the Religious Police and/or the Republican Guard on my hotel door?
Regarding women's freedom...Is education, social status and job opportunities equal or biased like the other MidEast Arab nations (scarves dont really concern me...but education does)?
And regarding laws...how is the police treatment regards foreigners? Will they give us equal and effective attention like with your people or will they give us no attention at all (related to the above question)?

Hopefully you could at least enlighten me as to Iran's culture and civilian life.

To Ponka Pooch: Ok...assuming that the Iranian president with the hard to say name is not a Jewish-hater like Hitler...are you saying then that the Jews do not deserve a state to call their own? (and no dont give me a Palestinian-dominated state...thats a recipe for another Yugoslavia) And yes another thing about the thousands of prisoners...did you consider that the reason they are there in the first place is because they tried to kill Israelis in the past and would have continued to do so had they not been locked up?

2006-07-20 08:37:05 · answer #3 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 0 0

Well I think you bring up great points about its people and the culture but that is not what is in power there. Just like all country's it is ran by a government. And that fact that they want to destroy Israel the chosen people Of God. Your just not gonna win that kind of a war. My suggestion to you is get out of your country as soon as possible. Why you ask well because in time are guns and army is heading in that direction. Unfortuntley your country houses terrorsim and that is a no no now or days. Sorry but that country will be occupied eventully just like you see in Lebanon. If you go to war with the US. You will LOSE! Example IRAQ...PLease do not take my answer offensive it is only my opioion.

2006-07-20 02:44:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not sure you're the real deal but I tell you what. I resent the fact your country buys missiles from China, then sends them off via Turkey to the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon where they're later used to bomb Northern Israel. Our country loves and is allied with Israel to the end. Your leader , on the other hand, states she has no right to exist. Many Americans disagree with our president's policies in the Middle East ,but most of us support his decision to stand firmly behind Israel.

2006-07-20 02:43:23 · answer #5 · answered by cindy c 3 · 0 0

this propaganda would make nazi war machine envious...such pure b.s......they are free like a bird in a cage is free. spew your hatred for usa elsewhere, we are not perfect, but not under religious tyrant or wacko president...your so-called "good" president wants to totally destroy another nation-Israel.
this filth you spew turns my stomach. there are many in Iran who are decent people, oppressed and unable to do anything about it. Your nation is moving toward being nuked and hundreds of thousands of innocent, good people will be destroyed needlessly...you think Israel with sit back and let you arm others to destroy them...the Israeli of today is not your father's Jew who went willingly to the ovens.
Anton's comments reveal he is as rabid or worse than you....

2006-07-20 02:35:18 · answer #6 · answered by Slewpy D 2 · 0 0

Thank you very much, this is rather informative. How about their claims of Iran collaborating with the fundamentalists like Hezbollah or Hamas, or any other faction? Is their any truth to that? Do you manufacture and sell your nuclear arms to other foreign governments?

2006-07-20 02:31:51 · answer #7 · answered by Joy RP 4 · 0 0

You know, that is great. I bet Iran is a great place. Seriously; Color is good for the soul. Keep up the development. Watch out for our presidents friends though, they are sneaky, slithering varmints; you may find your wonderfull country invaded by U.S. terrorists very soon. I hear that Iraq is boring them.
Love of man and peace of mind.
These guys are un-informed, mean, war-loving psychopaths. You take it easy.

2006-07-20 02:34:39 · answer #8 · answered by anton t 7 · 1 1

The only closer look I want at Iran is through the nose camera of an inbound missle.

2006-07-20 02:29:34 · answer #9 · answered by claymore 3 · 0 0

YOUR KING THE SHAH DID NOT BETRAY YOU IT WAS THE MAJORITY OF PERSIANS WHO DID.THE ayatollah khomeyni was a terrorist and no women in iran is free to choose what they like or want.why are there so many former Persians living outside of iran because of the former ayatollah.

2006-07-20 02:38:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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