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11 answers

have you DONE it. Just helping with the grammar.

2006-07-19 19:11:07 · answer #1 · answered by wd20x2 3 · 0 2

Marriage is a social institution, a very powerful one at that. Through marriage children are enculturated into society's norms and persons are to have found their life partner. In that context this question is better asked does today's society provide a conducive environment for pre-marital sex to exist and be socially accepted. The short answer is no, not today at least. That's because the institution of marriage is such a powerful social motivator and sustainer. Our society encourages marriage as the only means through which procreation can occur. And although the media might have you believe otherwise this is in fact the truth that research has proven. So marriage, playing such a key role in our society's self perpetuation, is still a predominant social force that makes it a taboo to have premarital sex. Yes, it's true we are living in a changing world where this isn't so readily the truth, but by and large data shows that most people will pass judgment and dissociate themselves from those engaging in pre-marital sex sole on the bases of non-social compliance. Oh, and I haven't done it.

2006-07-19 20:46:53 · answer #2 · answered by joe h 2 · 0 0

I takes more than love to have a long lasting or successful marriage. (I am not saying that great sex will ensure that you have a successful marriage either.) I believe that once you have sex with your partner you will know them better. You will know a different side of the other. However, I don't think you should have sex with anyone and everyone to try to get to know them better. You should be very selective and use your heart in the selection.

I also believe that you should live together for at least a year before marriage. Unless you and your partner are willing to make scarifices if necessary in the name of religion. I would rather have a partner that I accept and that my partnert accepts me. Marriage is hard enough with all the external problems i.e. money so I think you need to know that both of you are strong internally.

2006-07-20 05:34:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe premarital sex is okay if we are selective about partners and practice safe sex.
Yes. But not often.

2006-07-19 19:13:06 · answer #4 · answered by rebekkah hot as the sun 7 · 0 0

No. In India, we don't think of it, even though some of the present generation has no qualm about it.
As said, I had no premarital experience & I am married now.

To: Bekkie.. Once you experience, it is not too often, but, will be often.

2006-07-19 20:52:57 · answer #5 · answered by Electric 7 · 0 0

This answer applies to a lot of questions, so I copied it from another thread (I wrote it):

That is a loaded question. There are negative effects for anyone having more than one sexual partner.

The prevailing myth is that if a man has had many sexual partners, then he is a "stud" and the label "whore" is applied to a woman who has had the same experiences.

However, this is false. The reason being that advertising along with cultural and social pressures have stamped into today's youth that sex is good, it feels good, it carries along with it no consequences and that if you are not getting any, then you are a "loser" (watch any major sitcom and count how many times that people who don't have sex on a regular basis are viewed in a negative light).

This is mostly residual societal bias leftover from the sexual revolution of the 60s and the feminist movement. Of course, we are much less inclined to be so outspoken about it today (STD's being a primary reason), but the fact of the matter is we are indoctrinated from day one to be sexual creatures.

However, this doesn't mean it's healthy. Just because Hollywood bombards you with something doesn't mean that it's good for you. They can glamorize anything, hell, even Tarantino made heroin look cool.

The thing is, the only real source of opposition to this movement are the religious groups, who are usually written off as ignorant zealous cretins living their life based on an archaic text. Unfortunately, this is the worst example of ad hominem in our society and a really good message is being lost as a result.

To examine why it is bad, it is first necessary to see why women think they should be able to bed whoever they want to begin with.

The modern feminist movement is to blame for the concept of the "disposable sex object." Along with advances in women's careers and legal status, feminists believed that women did not need to be tied down in the "oppression" of marriage. They also believed that women were entitled to whatever self-gratification that they wanted to go along with their newfound legal status. Of course, this meant that men no longer had to sustain long term relationships because sex was readily available. This led to a huge decrease in marriage, rise in divorce, and a plethora of single moms.

Having no fathers around meant that men were not raised with the notion that a woman was meant to be respected and adored, but rather she was a commodity to be used and consumed. Hell, if a man's own father left his mother, than why couldn't he just use and lose any girl off the street?

This is where the notion of the "sexual conqueror" comes into play. Now that men are not raised into believing in relationships, their only gratification comes from sleeping with many women, and not with settling down and raising children.

Now, combine that with women being in the workforce, an incredibly high divorce rate, and a very bad social outlook on marriage, and you have the most desirable institution in the world becoming very undesirable almost overnight.

Again, we've examined why men are this way, so we must look at the women.

There are a significant amount of families without fathers. A lot of families with fathers still aren't quite desirable; the father works late, has emotionally abandoned the family, or is too interested in obtaining material gain to properly raise the child. Teenagers attitudes are seen as "adolescent" or "juvenile" and they are left to themselves, even though they obtain these feelings well into adulthood, becoming very dysfunctional in every aspect of life, especially relationships.

Women without this strong father prescence have difficult relationships with men. Feminists have brainwashed them into thinking men are oppressive, abusive, and neglectful, which is often the case. But what they fail to mention is that this is their own doing.

So with no father around, the girl grows up feeling empty and insecure. This often plays out in the "asshole" relationships. Any guy who shows geniune interest in a woman is often labeled as a "loser" and women often go for the "confident" type because that's what they grew up with. The geniune guys get left behind because women think that if their fathers didn't show them any interest then they must be worthless, and if a guy takes interest in a worthless thing then he must also be worthless. "Assholes" score lots of points here because they most resemble the type of relationships many teenage girls have with their fathers: distant, abusive, and empty.

So why sleep with so many men, then? Well, it all comes down to one thing; desire for love. A healthy relationship is impossible because of the above listed reasons, so what's the next big thing? Sex. If a woman gives herself to a man willingly, then that man automatically gives her attention. And sex in our society happens to be very profitable, so we are bombarded with it on a daily basis, and as a result, is a socially accepted norm.

You don't want to sleep around with a lot of men because it really truly shows that you are carrying around a lot of emotional baggage and that you are "damaged goods." The healthiest and happiest people are those who find a fulfilling relationship with another person who cares about them for them and that the feeling is reciprocated.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from sexual situations until you are married or are with someone you truly love. Until then, it is never a good idea, no matter how many people say it is. It comes down to that old cliche: "If they all jumped off a bridge, would you?"

Monogamy is a beautiful thing. I guess beauty is just in the eye of the beholder.

2006-07-19 19:59:42 · answer #6 · answered by silverlinkx2 2 · 0 0

i beleive in pre-marital sex.. but i wont do it.. as my religion is strictly against pre-marital sex.. so this means according to second question`s answer i havent done it.. and i am 21 so not thinking of marriage right now:)

2006-07-19 19:13:14 · answer #7 · answered by BoB-SeriouS 2 · 0 0


My husband and I were both virgins when we got married...and our 13th anniversary is next month.

2006-07-20 07:33:39 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

look up the question...goes something like..".have you had sex before marriage and regretted it ?" very interesting

2006-07-19 19:14:45 · answer #9 · answered by Happy Summer 6 · 0 0

I believe you should do it if you would allow your daughter to do it.

2006-07-19 19:11:12 · answer #10 · answered by GoateeBoy 3 · 0 0

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