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Okay, I am 15.5 years old. And my menustration cycles are insanely heavy, I bleed as much as my mom (47 years old). I could wear both a tampon and a pad and bleed throught them both within 2 hrs. Recently I have been to the hospital, because I had an ovarian cyst rupture. Cause I live basically alive of pain in my lower half. I have talked to my doctor and she told me to go see a gynecologist real soon, to talk about my problems. She said that the gynecologist may prescribe me soom form of birth control. My mom, is too afraid to take me, she thinks of some weird "internal thingy". Well I was wondering, how soon should I see a gynecologist and what would the gynecologist do. And how should I talk to my mom about getting this checked.

Okay thanks!

2006-07-19 18:36:20 · 5 answers · asked by smexibiotch3 2 in Health Women's Health

5 answers

I've been trying to figure out how to answer your question because it encompasses various issues. Here goes. Your general medical doctor has made the legitimate recommendation that you see a gynocologist - who's specialty it is to know the workings of a woman's body because that's what they deal with on a daily basis. I would talk to you mom and explain to her that it was recommended that you see a gyno because you need the expertise of this type of specialist to best treat your medical issues. Your mom may be afraid to take you for her own various personal reasons but ultimately it's in your best health interest to get this type of follow-up. You're reaching the age where you can approach your mom and say something like, "Our medical doctor has recommended this follow-up yet I'm sensing you are uncomfortable with it. I really need your support and guidance to help me find a gynocologist who can help me." Often mothers (I know mine did) have preconceived notions of what going to the gyno means because of what it meant to them - hence the apprehension. If your mom cannot help you talk to your medical doctor for guidance. Assuming your mom overcomes her phobia, you should try and get an appointment as soon as possbile (especially since many gynocologists book up well in advance, especially if they also still are delivering babies). Once at your appointment the gynocologist will get a detailed history from you. They will then (more than likely) do a internal exam and pap smear. Based on your history and exam the doctor will then determine what the best course of treatment is.

2006-07-19 19:43:17 · answer #1 · answered by sweet/jennie/leigh 2 · 2 0

Okay, first things first. Not to try to scare you but just so your mom knows, in some states if a parent does not take a minor for medical treatment and something happens later your mother can be charged with neglect.

You need to see a gyno as soon as possible. Why should you have to live in pain when there are treatments and medications out there that can help? Don't be too afraid of the doctor, they ask questions and maybe schedule a few tests. The important thing is this is something that needs to be taken care of. It most likely won't go away on it's own.

I guess the best thing to do is explain to your mom that (I assume) you are tired of living with the pain and heavy bleeding. Help is available so why not use it? Explain to her that there could be other reasons for your symptoms as well. Better to have it checked out.

Best of luck to you.

2006-07-20 01:51:18 · answer #2 · answered by JMidd 2 · 0 0

First of all, yes you should talk to your mother and express your concern, because if you really have something it`s best you know soon so you can treat it.Only the common cold goes away by itself and even illnesses like a cold that go untreated can lead to complications later on. The cause of your excessive bleeding might be the fact that you had the ruptured cyst. My mom is a doctor and she tells me that cyst aren`t uncommon among young women, but if detected in time and treated they don`t cause problems later on. Cysts usually manifest in two ways either your period is completely absent or the bleeding is in excess, in either case pain is present. It`s risky not to treat them since if they rupture the can cause bleeding...too much of it...much worse than you experienced. It can also be just the fact that you are still young and your hormones are not yet balanced properly, in which case you will be prescribed birth control pills. Calcium deficiency can cause excess bleeding during your period. If this is the case you will be prescribed calcium pills in appropriate quantity and encouraged to drink milk, eat cheese and so on. You don`t have to worry, the gynecologist won`t do anything to cause you pain, maybe just a little discomfort since it will be your first time, so I recommend you see a woman doctor. If the pain persists try lying down on your back and put a pillow under you to support your lower back and place a warm bottle of water on your lower half. This should relax you and the pain might fade away. God luck.

2006-07-20 02:49:26 · answer #3 · answered by Scooby 6 · 0 1

ask your mom which she would enjoy more: taking you to a doctor for a check up or rushing you to the emergency room when you are bleeding uncontrollably. unless your mother is an experienced gynecologist and has already examined you herself, she should not be diagnosing you, much less avoiding a trip to someone who has the proper credentials to do so. if she's hesitating because of what a dr. visit or the possible prescriptions might cost, i assure you they will be less, combined, than a trip to the ER especially if you are taken on an ambulance. there are low or no cost health insurance and services out there. go to a clinic, THEY HAVE DOCTORS TOO. there is absolutely no reason for you to be suffering under your mother's care. come on, now....ya no vivimos en la epoca de la piedra.

if you are sexually active already, you should be seeing a gynecologist for a pap smear, birth control, and other important information about your health.

2006-07-20 01:53:58 · answer #4 · answered by perspicacious_progressive 1 · 0 0

I think your saying your mom is worried they will use an IUD I don't think that is likely. more then likely they will try something like the pill first. good luck

2006-07-20 01:53:13 · answer #5 · answered by Mrs Magoo 4 · 0 0

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