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This is outrageous. First its Bush (senior) Now its bush, and finally now its isreal. The Christians and the jews are ganging up on muslims.

U wanna noe what i think...I think the jews destroyed the twin towers and framed the muslims. They did this because one, muslims are the second most dominant religion right after christianity. so in order for the jews to become dominant religion in the world they have to get rid of the muslims first. Two, they are using the Christians to help eliminate Islam from the world. This could have never happened if the US had a smarter president. and one that is not a daddy's boy. But don't be fooled they are gonna eliminate the christians next.

2006-07-19 18:04:28 · 26 answers · asked by WiseGuyRobin 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

26 answers

yeah, it could be possible, i kinda agree with you.

2006-07-19 18:09:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You are a certified nut case

The Jews did not attack the twin towers the Muslim Extremists did
The Hijackers were Saudis and other Muslims

there are 146 wars going on in the world
and 128 of them involve Muslim extremists who started those wars

Honestly if the 911 hijackers had just attacked the Pentagon and
maybe hit the Capitol building and the White House
They would have found support and sympathy here
right or wrong - it is the way things are

Attacking the twin towers was wrong and was inexcusable
It was a threat to every American

Blame the Jews is an old game
The Jews sunk the Titanic
The Jews caused the Hurricanes

Grow up and face reality
Bin Laden really planned 911
The Pakistani extremists set off the train bombs in India
Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel

Israel does it's share of wrongs
But you should at least look at reality before you tell lies

2006-07-19 18:08:10 · answer #2 · answered by Dan W 5 · 0 0

This is why some people hate Islam. Some terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center. I'm sorry, they were muslim. That's part of life. The Nazi's were/are white catholics, the KKK is prostant whites, Al-qaeda is muslim. This is fact.

Right now, there are problems with the middle east and the west, and racist epithets are going to be taken. I can only say people i know don't hate Islam or muslims, they hate the terrorists they see and over generalise. But, blaming an opposing religion for acts made by the group you are asking questions about? That just makes more people feel "correct" in overgeneralisations.

And sorry, as a Jew, we don't expect to be the main dominate religion in the world. We are 1% of the population.

2006-07-19 18:16:33 · answer #3 · answered by AprilRocksIt 3 · 0 0

No religion is going against Islam, and especially not Buddhists. Buddhism is the only peaceful world religion, which have never caused or engaged in a war. You need to be a better student of world religions if you're going to make false accusations. Judaism is certainly not the 3rd most dominant religion!
33% Christian
21% Islam
14% HINDU (3rd Place)
6% Buddhism
6% Chinese traditional religions
6% Other religions
16% Non-Believers
0.36% Sikhism
0.22% Judaism (lowest number of believers)

If your RIDICULOUS theory is true, the Jews had better have more babies, and they'd have to get rid of all the Sikhs, buddhists and Hindis so that they can be in 3rd place...before they kill off muslims for the 2nd position.

2006-07-19 18:27:05 · answer #4 · answered by chance 3 · 0 0

Change your diapers. Maybe if they quit blowing up everyone they could make a friend somewhere. Muslims are prisoners held hostage by the fanatics that have stolen your religion in an attempt to control the world. You are sheep and and will not rise up to challenge the fanatics. That makes you complicit at the very least and conspirators more likely. Your inaction and failure to control the fanatics leads the whole world to believe you support their violence and tyranny. Every time a western is tortured or killed your newspapers glorify the death of the infidels and hold up the murderers as hero's. Evertime they feel insulted they riot and kill each other and threaten violence on the west. In the minds of the world you are absolutely crazy. That is why they hate you.

2006-07-19 18:36:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, learn how to spell. People would be more apt to take you seriously. Second, No one is ganging up on Muslims. We are not trying to fight Muslims, but Muslim extremists who are very active in their aggressions toward the US, not to mention Jews and Christians. Third, whatever this nonsense about Jews and the Trade Center is, I have never heard that before, and I can't believe anyone would buy into that. I suppose you also believe that the lunar landing in 1969 was a staged event also. You are creative, but not fully informed.

2006-07-19 18:18:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wake up and smell the coffee! People don't care about whether
or not someone is Islam, jew, or christian. It's the person
blowing themself and innocent people in the name of their god
so they can go to heaven and have many wives! If your religon
supports that well than you fall into that category! However, from
what I know Islam doesn't support that . These are supposed to
be Radical Islam facists. Not the Majority. I don't know where they
get that from because I do not know the backround of all religons.
From what I've heard is that they are misinterpreting Islam and
turning it around,adding and deleting , and makeing it their own
Islam. As far as the Twin Towers. We caught the guys responsible so we know who they are. ( not Jews) Also, I'am
a christian and I don't want to eliminate anyone from this world.
We are all Gods children. We are brothers and sisters. I want
Peace. Unfortunately these Terrorist Regimes Islamic radicals
or whoever they are, want us all dead. They do not want peace .
They attack everyone. They don't care what religion or from
what country. They don't even care if your muslim! They just
want to kill us all. So in self-defense. I want to blow them up so
that the rest of us can have peace in this world!

2006-07-19 18:27:27 · answer #7 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

You are totally acting ridiculous. Why are you all hot-headed about this? Of COURSE religions are going to try to prove that all others are false, including Islam. The people that destroyed the Twin Towers were just insane, no matter what religion they were. We know the group that is suspected has claimed responsibility my friend. Wether they were the ones who carried out the act is speculation. And in my opinion, Christianity is absolutely crumbling in this world. The betrayals brought upon us by the Catholic Church are taking it's toll. Though I believe in God, and that Jesus existed, I don't deny the existence and importance of all other Gods that have had power on this planet.
You getting upset at all this is what's wrong with people today. Stop getting crazy about the problem, and start asking where'd it come from. Bush is reacting to the problem (stupidly) instead of THINKING (duh) about the resolution. Hopefully he'll be voted out...

2006-07-19 18:15:38 · answer #8 · answered by Nikki 6 · 0 0

nicely, the controversial historic answer is truly an expertise of how western history has been written. The winners of wars write the history books that are taught. In western history, the winners have typically been the white ecu colonialists, and therefore, the "non-winners" (or losers of the wars) were the non-white 1000's. As white / non-white racism is actual documented for the length of western history, yet another binary (Christian / heathen, pagan, Islamic, different religions, sinners) works to create the simultaneous reason for the hatred antagonistic to Muslims. because the Catholic church prepared governmental roles for the length of a lot of medieval situations and before in western history, this 2d binary of Christian/Muslim changed into compelled interior the historic mind-set to co-exist with whiteness/non-whiteness (a.ok.a. organic/impure, righteous/unrighteous, blessed/sinful, or perhaps God's people/devil's people). establishments, knowledgeable attitudes, and inspite of the actuality that-talked about as communities "promotion" equality between races all were counseled by using those binaries and therefore were given skill to execute their variations of racist ideology. those are countless the the reason why people hate Muslims in western cultures. even as classism enters this talk, the racism receives even extra hurtful, because the better class people were typically (prosperous) white and knowledgeable, even as the decrease class people were (undesirable) non-white and a lot less knowledgeable. again, establishments (academic establishments) also promoted the consumer-pleasant-to-stay-with binary complacently: white / non-white and Christian / Muslim.

2016-10-14 23:49:18 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No one against Islam except those people like osama and Hezbollah!
About what happened in 11 ,osama isn't Muslim he's extremist like any extremist from other religions , and if I will say all Muslims is terrorists because one or two of them, then I will say all white people are racial and all the Germans are bad !

2006-07-19 18:28:01 · answer #10 · answered by Eternity 1 · 0 0

Well i don't know bout this theory of yrs but i think it's not bout Islam. It's about those radical extremist that r in Islam( rather who think they r following Islam) & they want to dump there ideologies on rest of the world. US + allies r in middle of it for Oil.But I can never understand one think were'nt the Jews were there in World War II & what a coincident they r again here in middle for this war.

2006-07-19 18:17:17 · answer #11 · answered by mandeep g 2 · 0 0

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