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Do you guys really think that we went to war for control of oil and if so, where is that control? Also all of you remember your thoughts the morning of Sept 11th? I did not run across one person that did not think we should go to war. Soon as the war took over a month people started to complain. Guess what America, War takes time and money ( Alot of both) and yes bloodshed of people good and bad. Saddam was a problem that would have been dealt with regardless. Stop Blaming Bush. Be proud your American. Do not belive the media , its way more crooked than any president ever was....

2006-07-19 17:55:41 · 19 answers · asked by meastt 1 in Politics & Government Government

19 answers

Clinton was insisting on invading Iraq when they kicked out the inspectors when enough anthrax was found to kill the world 12 times over.His advisors wouldnt allow it due to him losing his popularity so he left it up to the next administration.

As noted by 60 minutes, in the 90s warehouses were built throughout the USA with anthrax vaccines ect and Clinton even stated terrorist attacks were inevitable. Most politicans, included Kerry knew these facts and is why they supported the war.

We are put into an inevitable, undesired situation by the "crazy people" of the world, and it's getting more serious than you realize.

People don't see the whole picture and are looking for excuses any chance they get to bash Bush. If you knew what our government leaders know it would blow your mind. Kerry and Hillary know, and thats why they voted to go to war.

2006-07-19 18:01:10 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

I'm not really big on the conspiracies you listed, but in my experience it's the right wing that's always whining about some "left wing media conspiracy" or some trash about how the weapons in Iraq were moved to Syria by Russian intelligence, and that's why we never found them. The reason why a lot of people in America tend to believe in government conspiracies is because if you knew any history, you would realize that the government has been involved in many conspiracies and it is our right as citizens of America to speak out if our government is doing something wrong. Oh and the reason why people are so pissed off about the Iraq war and how long it's taking and how much it's costing is because we were all told that it would cost a fraction of what it is and the whole mission would be completed in a few years, but people like you seem to have a very selective memory.My thoughts on the morning of September 11th were to get those that did this and make sure something like this never hapenned again, I was not however thinking anything of Iraq, even our military and intelligence people were not thinking of immediately attacking Iraq, this was an idea that was pushed on the American people by this administration, there are and were far more dangerous threats in the region and in the world than Iraq, and this administration's treating of Iraq like it was a priority in the war on terrorism was hurting and is going to hurt us very much in this war on terrorism, if you actually did some research on the subject and knew something about it you might agree but I guess that's kind of hard when all media is corrupt except for the ones that agree with you. I am very proud of being an American but I tend to call incompetence when I see it and don't really like to ignore facts and evidence and chalk it up to some kooky conspiracy like some folks like to do.

2006-07-20 02:05:14 · answer #2 · answered by JoeThatUKnow 3 · 0 0

Stop using 9/11 to guilt trip people. We wanted war and we got it against the Taliban. And guess what? that was understandable and reasonable to take out the towel heads.

And trying to guilt trip people who blame Bush is old. I love how nutcase conservatives mention we should "be proud to be an American" coincidentally right after they mention people blaming Bush. Gee I wonder if they are somehow implying that if you don't agree with Bush your UN-American?

And it's tough to take a conservative seriously when they can't even spell believe the correct way.

And we just didn't go to war for oil. We went because Saddam tried killing Bush's Daddy. And the fact that Halliburton got a no-bid contract for Iraq. And that Dick Cheney has made over $8 million in Halliburton investments since the Iraq war. Or that a firm connected to Bush just happened to get a no-bid fire fighting contract in Iraq.

But I'm sure it's all a coincidence.

If any of you want to see conspiracy theory's from a republican click on this link

2006-07-20 01:11:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Make no mistake 9/11 and Saddam are not related.
Saddam was just another Dictator we used when we had problems with Iran. We are the ones that build that army and supported him. But as it is with spoiled children, that overindulgence came back and bit us in the butt.
As for the control of oil, we need to rebuild the infrastructure we destroyed.Your Tax dollar was spend on the destruction and now again on the rebuilding. You don't think Haliburton and the likes are being paid for their overinflated Bills by the Iraqis.
I am a registered Republican, but being lucky enough to be an American, gives me the right not to support a war I think was unnecessary.

2006-07-20 01:35:17 · answer #4 · answered by barbara w 2 · 0 0

Ok. I am not a liberal. I am a moderate but to the fundamentalists in this country, they see black and white so we know where they put everyone that is not on their side.

On 9/11 we wanted war on Bin Laden. IRAQ has NOTHING to do with 9/11. NOTHING.

The amazing thing about you fundamentalists is that you actually believe that this entire plot took place without ANYONE in the government knowing about it. In this day and age?!? I don't know if Bush knew or was involved and I will probably never know if he was or not. I do know, that SOMEONE HAD TO KNOW! Go look up ignorance in the dictionary. It's right next to blind fundamentalists.

Sadaam is no worse than African dicatatorships but Bush is OK with African atrocities. What makes Sadaam more of a target, worthy of his attention? Haboring terrorists? Nope. Pakistan harbors terrorists but we don't even attempt to cross that border. Answer: OIL. REFERENCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halliburton

Bush has killed more innocent Iraqi's in the last 12 months than Sadaam has in his entire career. Reference: http://www.democraticwings.com/democraticwings/archives/foreign_policy/002243.php

Bush is out of control, he does not reflect American values. Security without freedom is the definition of a prison. Changing the constitution so to contradict the self evident truth that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL? Enforcing religious beliefs through the legal system (abortion, homosexuality) is no better than Sadaam. That is exactly what Sadaam did: enforced his personal religious beliefs on the people through the legal system.

You tell us not to believe what the media says. And we don't! The media is nothing more than a controlled arm of the Bush Administration. Reference: http://kristonia-ink.com/Blog/

So who are we supposed to believe? YOU???

2006-07-20 01:22:14 · answer #5 · answered by Kristonia 3 · 0 0

You are an idiot. I was against the war in Iraq from the beginning because as much of a jerk as Saddam was he was our jerk. He asked for permission to invade Saudi Arabia, unfortunately Bush Sr. had an idiot for ambassador. And he did kill his own people who were rebelling with weapons we gave him. Oh and by the way before we threatened to invade Iraq Al Queda considered Saddam as an infidel.
911 was a tragedy but stop using it as an excuse for Iraq and get the people responsible.
While I do think that FOX news is evil, the founding fathers saw that the only way to stop tyranny was to have a free press.

2006-07-20 01:08:15 · answer #6 · answered by steveed 3 · 0 0

You will notice after a year or so and the conclusion that no serious weapons of mass destruction we're found they dumped the "war for oil" claim and instead adopted the "Bush lied" campaign.

The sad thing is the liberals are so caught up in trying to get power back in the house and senate they sell their soles. Myrtha claiming the soldiers were rapist and murderers when in fact some he claimed were bad weren't even charged recently. Kerry labeling them terrorist for conducting night raids in populated areas. And look at the DNC leadership harping on the death of a soldier (because he was the 2500th to die) just to take power back for themselves.

2006-07-20 01:00:56 · answer #7 · answered by netjr 6 · 0 0

Because liberals have built up so many socialist government programs and have come to rely heavily on these programs that the thought of the government being corupt frightens them.

Liberals love to blame the government because they refuse to take responsibility themselves.

Take crime as an example. Liberals are notoriously weak on crime as they feel criminals were "let down by the system." Do they blame the criminal who made the decision to commit a crime? No. They blame the government.

2006-07-20 00:58:59 · answer #8 · answered by Plasmapuppy 7 · 0 0

Because they want to get attention and try to make the Republicans look bad, but instead it gets thrown back into their face. Democrats believe in being a Democrat first and an American second. Well only the Extreme Liberals, but so do Extreme Conservatives.

2006-07-20 00:58:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

are you retarded?

Saddam didn't do 9-11...

why don't loud mouth conservatives have enough respect for the dead to at least learn who killed them?

I had a better answer to your question... but I doubt you would understand it...

People like you make me sad to be an American...

oh... and I love how you guys "don't believe the liberal media"... talk about a conspiracy... do you really believe everything the government says?

2006-07-20 00:59:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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